Add i18n-bootclasspath-fragment to apex

Adds a bootclasspath_fragment that wraps the core-i18n library to the apex.

Removes the core-icu4j library from the apex as that will be
transitively included via the bootclasspath fragment.

Bug: 177892522
Test: m
      deapexer extract out/target/product/generic_arm64/system/apex/ i18n
      Check i18n directory to make sure that core-icu4j is in there and there are no .art files either.
Change-Id: I893d75c53c2d3c0456d7ab265a0dba98cbf6160c
1 file changed
tree: d5a8c8828a75eabe318148b9eac5fa6af1d94744
  1. apex/