Set version code to 330400000

Go modules ship with phone system image are directly built from source. Thus their version code must be lower than the version code in go train so that go train modules can be properly installed.

Ignore-AOSP-First: changes are needed for tm-qpr-dev only for go wembley build.

BUG: 234812103

Change-Id: I12eac24e2fb2e4aed132d364810167b3c22fc007
Merged-In: I7ab0829306fc346fd7a558dc69da2560a569524f
1 file changed
tree: d3f547e4a86665d1cfc14a4caebc65db67b0ffa8
  1. derive_classpath/
  2. derive_sdk/
  3. gen_sdk/
  4. java/
  5. javatests/
  6. Android.bp
  11. manifest.json
  12. OWNERS
  13. PREUPLOAD.cfg

SdkExtensions module

SdkExtensions module is responsible for:

  • deciding the extension SDK level of the device;
  • providing APIs for applications to query the extension SDK level;
  • determining the values for the BOOTCLASSPATH, DEX2OATBOOTCLASSPATH, and SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH environment variables.

General information


The module is packaged in an apex,, and has several components:

  • bin/derive_classpath: a native binary that runs early in the device boot process. It reads individual classpath configs files from the system and other modules, merges them, and defines the definition of *CLASSPATH environ variables.
  • bin/derive_sdk: native binary that runs early in the device boot process and reads metadata of other modules, to set system properties relating to the extension SDK (for instance build.version.extensions.r).
  • javalib/framework-sdkextension.jar: this is a jar on the bootclasspath that exposes APIs to applications to query the extension SDK level.

Deriving extension SDK level

derive_sdk is a program that reads metadata stored in other apex modules, in the form of binary protobuf files in subpath etc/sdkinfo.pb inside each apex. The structure of this protobuf can be seen here. The exact steps for converting a set of metadata files to actual extension versions is likely to change over time, and should not be depended upon.

Reading extension SDK level

The module exposes a java class SdkExtensions in the package android.os.ext. The method getExtensionVersion(int) can be used to read the version of a particular sdk extension, e.g. getExtensionVersion(Build.VERSION_CODES.R).

Deriving classpaths

derive_classpath service reads and merges individual config files in the /system/etc/classpaths/ and /apex/*/etc/classpaths. Each config stores protobuf message from classpaths.proto in a proto binary format. Exact merging algorithm that determines the order of the classpath entries is described in derive_classpath.cpp and may change over time.

Developer information

Adding a new extension

An extension is a way to group a set of modules so that they are versioned together. We currently define a new extension for every Android SDK level that introduces new modules. Every module shipped in previous versions are also part of the new extension. For example, all the R modules are part of both the R extensions and the S extensions.

The steps to define a new extension are:

  • Add any new modules to the SdkModule enum in sdk.proto.
  • Add the binary "current sdk version" proto to the apexes of the new modules.
  • Update derive_sdk.cpp by:
  • mapping the modules' package names to the new enum values
  • creating a new set with the new enum values of the modules relevant for this extension.
  • set a new sysprop to the value of GetSdkLevel with the new enum set
  • add a unit test to derive_sdk_test.cpp verifying the new extensions work
  • Make the SdkExtensions.getExtensionVersion API support the new extensions.
  • Extend the CTS test to verify the above two behaviors.