Merge "base logging: fix errno restoring, severity conditionality, dangling ifs"
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index 6b509c6..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from .device import *  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
diff --git a/ b/
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index 516e880..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-class FindDeviceError(RuntimeError):
-    pass
-class DeviceNotFoundError(FindDeviceError):
-    def __init__(self, serial):
-        self.serial = serial
-        super(DeviceNotFoundError, self).__init__(
-            'No device with serial {}'.format(serial))
-class NoUniqueDeviceError(FindDeviceError):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(NoUniqueDeviceError, self).__init__('No unique device')
-class ShellError(RuntimeError):
-    def __init__(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, exit_code):
-        super(ShellError, self).__init__(
-                '`{0}` exited with code {1}'.format(cmd, exit_code))
-        self.cmd = cmd
-        self.stdout = stdout
-        self.stderr = stderr
-        self.exit_code = exit_code
-def get_devices():
-    with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull:
-        subprocess.check_call(['adb', 'start-server'], stdout=devnull,
-                              stderr=devnull)
-    out = subprocess.check_output(['adb', 'devices']).splitlines()
-    # The first line of `adb devices` just says "List of attached devices", so
-    # skip that.
-    devices = []
-    for line in out[1:]:
-        if not line.strip():
-            continue
-        if 'offline' in line:
-            continue
-        serial, _ = re.split(r'\s+', line, maxsplit=1)
-        devices.append(serial)
-    return devices
-def _get_unique_device(product=None):
-    devices = get_devices()
-    if len(devices) != 1:
-        raise NoUniqueDeviceError()
-    return AndroidDevice(devices[0], product)
-def _get_device_by_serial(serial, product=None):
-    for device in get_devices():
-        if device == serial:
-            return AndroidDevice(serial, product)
-    raise DeviceNotFoundError(serial)
-def get_device(serial=None, product=None):
-    """Get a uniquely identified AndroidDevice if one is available.
-    Raises:
-        DeviceNotFoundError:
-            The serial specified by `serial` or $ANDROID_SERIAL is not
-            connected.
-        NoUniqueDeviceError:
-            Neither `serial` nor $ANDROID_SERIAL was set, and the number of
-            devices connected to the system is not 1. Having 0 connected
-            devices will also result in this error.
-    Returns:
-        An AndroidDevice associated with the first non-None identifier in the
-        following order of preference:
-        1) The `serial` argument.
-        2) The environment variable $ANDROID_SERIAL.
-        3) The single device connnected to the system.
-    """
-    if serial is not None:
-        return _get_device_by_serial(serial, product)
-    android_serial = os.getenv('ANDROID_SERIAL')
-    if android_serial is not None:
-        return _get_device_by_serial(android_serial, product)
-    return _get_unique_device(product)
-# Call this instead of subprocess.check_output() to work-around issue in Python
-# 2's subprocess class on Windows where it doesn't support Unicode. This
-# writes the command line to a UTF-8 batch file that is properly interpreted
-# by cmd.exe.
-def _subprocess_check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
-    # Only do this slow work-around if Unicode is in the cmd line.
-    if ( == 'nt' and
-            any(isinstance(arg, unicode) for arg in popenargs[0])):
-        # cmd.exe requires a suffix to know that it is running a batch file
-        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', suffix='.cmd', delete=False)
-        # @ in batch suppresses echo of the current line.
-        # Change the codepage to 65001, the UTF-8 codepage.
-        tf.write('@chcp 65001 > nul\r\n')
-        tf.write('@')
-        # Properly quote all the arguments and encode in UTF-8.
-        tf.write(subprocess.list2cmdline(popenargs[0]).encode('utf-8'))
-        tf.close()
-        try:
-            result = subprocess.check_output(['cmd.exe', '/c',],
-                                             **kwargs)
-        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-            # Show real command line instead of the cmd.exe command line.
-            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(e.returncode, popenargs[0],
-                                                output=e.output)
-        finally:
-            os.remove(
-        return result
-    else:
-        return subprocess.check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs)
-class AndroidDevice(object):
-    # Delimiter string to indicate the start of the exit code.
-    # Follow any shell command with this string to get the exit
-    # status of a program since this isn't propagated by adb.
-    #
-    # The delimiter is needed because `printf 1; echo $?` would print
-    # "10", and we wouldn't be able to distinguish the exit code.
-    # Maximum search distance from the output end to find the delimiter.
-    # adb on Windows returns \r\n even if adbd returns \n.
-    _RETURN_CODE_SEARCH_LENGTH = len('{0}255\r\n'.format(_RETURN_CODE_DELIMITER))
-    # Shell protocol feature string.
-    def __init__(self, serial, product=None):
-        self.serial = serial
-        self.product = product
-        self.adb_cmd = ['adb']
-        if self.serial is not None:
-            self.adb_cmd.extend(['-s', serial])
-        if self.product is not None:
-            self.adb_cmd.extend(['-p', product])
-        self._linesep = None
-        self._features = None
-    @property
-    def linesep(self):
-        if self._linesep is None:
-            self._linesep = subprocess.check_output(self.adb_cmd +
-                                                    ['shell', 'echo'])
-        return self._linesep
-    @property
-    def features(self):
-        if self._features is None:
-            try:
-                self._features = self._simple_call(['features']).splitlines()
-            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-                self._features = []
-        return self._features
-    def _make_shell_cmd(self, user_cmd):
-        command = self.adb_cmd + ['shell'] + user_cmd
-        if self.SHELL_PROTOCOL_FEATURE not in self.features:
-            command.append('; ' + self._RETURN_CODE_PROBE_STRING)
-        return command
-    def _parse_shell_output(self, out):
-        """Finds the exit code string from shell output.
-        Args:
-            out: Shell output string.
-        Returns:
-            An (exit_code, output_string) tuple. The output string is
-            cleaned of any additional stuff we appended to find the
-            exit code.
-        Raises:
-            RuntimeError: Could not find the exit code in |out|.
-        """
-        search_text = out
-        if len(search_text) > self._RETURN_CODE_SEARCH_LENGTH:
-            # We don't want to search over massive amounts of data when we know
-            # the part we want is right at the end.
-            search_text = search_text[-self._RETURN_CODE_SEARCH_LENGTH:]
-        partition = search_text.rpartition(self._RETURN_CODE_DELIMITER)
-        if partition[1] == '':
-            raise RuntimeError('Could not find exit status in shell output.')
-        result = int(partition[2])
-        # partition[0] won't contain the full text if search_text was truncated,
-        # pull from the original string instead.
-        out = out[:-len(partition[1]) - len(partition[2])]
-        return result, out
-    def _simple_call(self, cmd):
-' '.join(self.adb_cmd + cmd))
-        return _subprocess_check_output(
-            self.adb_cmd + cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-    def shell(self, cmd):
-        """Calls `adb shell`
-        Args:
-            cmd: string shell command to execute.
-        Returns:
-            A (stdout, stderr) tuple. Stderr may be combined into stdout
-            if the device doesn't support separate streams.
-        Raises:
-            ShellError: the exit code was non-zero.
-        """
-        exit_code, stdout, stderr = self.shell_nocheck(cmd)
-        if exit_code != 0:
-            raise ShellError(cmd, stdout, stderr, exit_code)
-        return stdout, stderr
-    def shell_nocheck(self, cmd):
-        """Calls `adb shell`
-        Args:
-            cmd: string shell command to execute.
-        Returns:
-            An (exit_code, stdout, stderr) tuple. Stderr may be combined
-            into stdout if the device doesn't support separate streams.
-        """
-        cmd = self._make_shell_cmd(cmd)
-' '.join(cmd))
-        p = subprocess.Popen(
-            cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
-        if self.SHELL_PROTOCOL_FEATURE in self.features:
-            exit_code = p.returncode
-        else:
-            exit_code, stdout = self._parse_shell_output(stdout)
-        return exit_code, stdout, stderr
-    def install(self, filename, replace=False):
-        cmd = ['install']
-        if replace:
-            cmd.append('-r')
-        cmd.append(filename)
-        return self._simple_call(cmd)
-    def push(self, local, remote):
-        return self._simple_call(['push', local, remote])
-    def pull(self, remote, local):
-        return self._simple_call(['pull', remote, local])
-    def sync(self, directory=None):
-        cmd = ['sync']
-        if directory is not None:
-            cmd.append(directory)
-        return self._simple_call(cmd)
-    def forward(self, local, remote):
-        return self._simple_call(['forward', local, remote])
-    def tcpip(self, port):
-        return self._simple_call(['tcpip', port])
-    def usb(self):
-        return self._simple_call(['usb'])
-    def reboot(self):
-        return self._simple_call(['reboot'])
-    def root(self):
-        return self._simple_call(['root'])
-    def unroot(self):
-        return self._simple_call(['unroot'])
-    def forward_remove(self, local):
-        return self._simple_call(['forward', '--remove', local])
-    def forward_remove_all(self):
-        return self._simple_call(['forward', '--remove-all'])
-    def connect(self, host):
-        return self._simple_call(['connect', host])
-    def disconnect(self, host):
-        return self._simple_call(['disconnect', host])
-    def reverse(self, remote, local):
-        return self._simple_call(['reverse', remote, local])
-    def reverse_remove_all(self):
-        return self._simple_call(['reverse', '--remove-all'])
-    def reverse_remove(self, remote):
-        return self._simple_call(['reverse', '--remove', remote])
-    def wait(self):
-        return self._simple_call(['wait-for-device'])
-    def get_prop(self, prop_name):
-        output =['getprop', prop_name])[0].splitlines()
-        if len(output) != 1:
-            raise RuntimeError('Too many lines in getprop output:\n' +
-                               '\n'.join(output))
-        value = output[0]
-        if not value.strip():
-            return None
-        return value
-    def set_prop(self, prop_name, value):
-['setprop', prop_name, value])
diff --git a/ b/
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index d033a01..0000000
--- a/
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import hashlib
-import os
-import posixpath
-import random
-import shlex
-import shutil
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import mock
-import adb
-def requires_root(func):
-    def wrapper(self, *args):
-        if self.device.get_prop('ro.debuggable') != '1':
-            raise unittest.SkipTest('requires rootable build')
-        was_root =['id', '-un'])[0].strip() == 'root'
-        if not was_root:
-            self.device.root()
-            self.device.wait()
-        try:
-            func(self, *args)
-        finally:
-            if not was_root:
-                self.device.unroot()
-                self.device.wait()
-    return wrapper
-class GetDeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.android_serial = os.getenv('ANDROID_SERIAL')
-        if 'ANDROID_SERIAL' in os.environ:
-            del os.environ['ANDROID_SERIAL']
-    def tearDown(self):
-        if self.android_serial is not None:
-            os.environ['ANDROID_SERIAL'] = self.android_serial
-        else:
-            if 'ANDROID_SERIAL' in os.environ:
-                del os.environ['ANDROID_SERIAL']
-    @mock.patch('adb.device.get_devices')
-    def test_explicit(self, mock_get_devices):
-        mock_get_devices.return_value = ['foo', 'bar']
-        device = adb.get_device('foo')
-        self.assertEqual(device.serial, 'foo')
-    @mock.patch('adb.device.get_devices')
-    def test_from_env(self, mock_get_devices):
-        mock_get_devices.return_value = ['foo', 'bar']
-        os.environ['ANDROID_SERIAL'] = 'foo'
-        device = adb.get_device()
-        self.assertEqual(device.serial, 'foo')
-    @mock.patch('adb.device.get_devices')
-    def test_arg_beats_env(self, mock_get_devices):
-        mock_get_devices.return_value = ['foo', 'bar']
-        os.environ['ANDROID_SERIAL'] = 'bar'
-        device = adb.get_device('foo')
-        self.assertEqual(device.serial, 'foo')
-    @mock.patch('adb.device.get_devices')
-    def test_no_such_device(self, mock_get_devices):
-        mock_get_devices.return_value = ['foo', 'bar']
-        self.assertRaises(adb.DeviceNotFoundError, adb.get_device, ['baz'])
-        os.environ['ANDROID_SERIAL'] = 'baz'
-        self.assertRaises(adb.DeviceNotFoundError, adb.get_device)
-    @mock.patch('adb.device.get_devices')
-    def test_unique_device(self, mock_get_devices):
-        mock_get_devices.return_value = ['foo']
-        device = adb.get_device()
-        self.assertEqual(device.serial, 'foo')
-    @mock.patch('adb.device.get_devices')
-    def test_no_unique_device(self, mock_get_devices):
-        mock_get_devices.return_value = ['foo', 'bar']
-        self.assertRaises(adb.NoUniqueDeviceError, adb.get_device)
-class DeviceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.device = adb.get_device()
-class ShellTest(DeviceTest):
-    def test_cat(self):
-        """Check that we can at least cat a file."""
-        out =['cat', '/proc/uptime'])[0].strip()
-        elements = out.split()
-        self.assertEqual(len(elements), 2)
-        uptime, idle = elements
-        self.assertGreater(float(uptime), 0.0)
-        self.assertGreater(float(idle), 0.0)
-    def test_throws_on_failure(self):
-        self.assertRaises(adb.ShellError,, ['false'])
-    def test_output_not_stripped(self):
-        out =['echo', 'foo'])[0]
-        self.assertEqual(out, 'foo' + self.device.linesep)
-    def test_shell_nocheck_failure(self):
-        rc, out, _ = self.device.shell_nocheck(['false'])
-        self.assertNotEqual(rc, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(out, '')
-    def test_shell_nocheck_output_not_stripped(self):
-        rc, out, _ = self.device.shell_nocheck(['echo', 'foo'])
-        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(out, 'foo' + self.device.linesep)
-    def test_can_distinguish_tricky_results(self):
-        # If result checking on ADB shell is naively implemented as
-        # `adb shell <cmd>; echo $?`, we would be unable to distinguish the
-        # output from the result for a cmd of `echo -n 1`.
-        rc, out, _ = self.device.shell_nocheck(['echo', '-n', '1'])
-        self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
-        self.assertEqual(out, '1')
-    def test_line_endings(self):
-        """Ensure that line ending translation is not happening in the pty.
-        Bug: http://b/19735063
-        """
-        output =['uname'])[0]
-        self.assertEqual(output, 'Linux' + self.device.linesep)
-    def test_pty_logic(self):
-        """Verify PTY logic for shells.
-        Interactive shells should use a PTY, non-interactive should not.
-        Bug: http://b/21215503
-        """
-        proc = subprocess.Popen(
-                self.device.adb_cmd + ['shell'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        # [ -t 0 ] is used (rather than `tty`) to provide portability. This
-        # gives an exit code of 0 iff stdin is connected to a terminal.
-        #
-        # Closing host-side stdin doesn't currently trigger the interactive
-        # shell to exit so we need to explicitly add an exit command to
-        # close the session from the device side, and append \n to complete
-        # the interactive command.
-        result = proc.communicate('[ -t 0 ]; echo x$?; exit 0\n')[0]
-        partition = result.rpartition('x')
-        self.assertEqual(partition[1], 'x')
-        self.assertEqual(int(partition[2]), 0)
-        exit_code = self.device.shell_nocheck(['[ -t 0 ]'])[0]
-        self.assertEqual(exit_code, 1)
-    def test_shell_protocol(self):
-        """Tests the shell protocol on the device.
-        If the device supports shell protocol, this gives us the ability
-        to separate stdout/stderr and return the exit code directly.
-        Bug: http://b/19734861
-        """
-        if self.device.SHELL_PROTOCOL_FEATURE not in self.device.features:
-            raise unittest.SkipTest('shell protocol unsupported on this device')
-        result = self.device.shell_nocheck(
-                shlex.split('echo foo; echo bar >&2; exit 17'))
-        self.assertEqual(17, result[0])
-        self.assertEqual('foo' + self.device.linesep, result[1])
-        self.assertEqual('bar' + self.device.linesep, result[2])
-    def test_non_interactive_sigint(self):
-        """Tests that SIGINT in a non-interactive shell kills the process.
-        This requires the shell protocol in order to detect the broken
-        pipe; raw data transfer mode will only see the break once the
-        subprocess tries to read or write.
-        Bug: http://b/23825725
-        """
-        if self.device.SHELL_PROTOCOL_FEATURE not in self.device.features:
-            raise unittest.SkipTest('shell protocol unsupported on this device')
-        # Start a long-running process.
-        sleep_proc = subprocess.Popen(
-                self.device.adb_cmd + shlex.split('shell echo $$; sleep 60'),
-                stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        remote_pid = sleep_proc.stdout.readline().strip()
-        self.assertIsNone(sleep_proc.returncode, 'subprocess terminated early')
-        proc_query = shlex.split('ps {0} | grep {0}'.format(remote_pid))
-        # Verify that the process is running, send signal, verify it stopped.
-        os.kill(, signal.SIGINT)
-        sleep_proc.communicate()
-        self.assertEqual(1, self.device.shell_nocheck(proc_query)[0],
-                         'subprocess failed to terminate')
-class ArgumentEscapingTest(DeviceTest):
-    def test_shell_escaping(self):
-        """Make sure that argument escaping is somewhat sane."""
-        # http://b/19734868
-        # Note that this actually matches ssh(1)'s behavior --- it's
-        # converted to `sh -c echo hello; echo world` which sh interprets
-        # as `sh -c echo` (with an argument to that shell of "hello"),
-        # and then `echo world` back in the first shell.
-        result =
-            shlex.split("sh -c 'echo hello; echo world'"))[0]
-        result = result.splitlines()
-        self.assertEqual(['', 'world'], result)
-        # If you really wanted "hello" and "world", here's what you'd do:
-        result =
-            shlex.split(r'echo hello\;echo world'))[0].splitlines()
-        self.assertEqual(['hello', 'world'], result)
-        # http://b/15479704
-        result ="'true && echo t'"))[0].strip()
-        self.assertEqual('t', result)
-        result =
-            shlex.split("sh -c 'true && echo t'"))[0].strip()
-        self.assertEqual('t', result)
-        # http://b/20564385
-        result ='FOO=a BAR=b echo t'))[0].strip()
-        self.assertEqual('t', result)
-        result =
-            shlex.split(r'echo -n 123\;uname'))[0].strip()
-        self.assertEqual('123Linux', result)
-    def test_install_argument_escaping(self):
-        """Make sure that install argument escaping works."""
-        # http://b/20323053
-        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', suffix='-text;ls;1.apk',
-                                         delete=False)
-        tf.close()
-        self.assertIn("-text;ls;1.apk", self.device.install(
-        os.remove(
-        # http://b/3090932
-        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', suffix="-Live Hold'em.apk",
-                                         delete=False)
-        tf.close()
-        self.assertIn("-Live Hold'em.apk", self.device.install(
-        os.remove(
-class RootUnrootTest(DeviceTest):
-    def _test_root(self):
-        message = self.device.root()
-        if 'adbd cannot run as root in production builds' in message:
-            return
-        self.device.wait()
-        self.assertEqual('root',['id', '-un'])[0].strip())
-    def _test_unroot(self):
-        self.device.unroot()
-        self.device.wait()
-        self.assertEqual('shell',['id', '-un'])[0].strip())
-    def test_root_unroot(self):
-        """Make sure that adb root and adb unroot work, using id(1)."""
-        if self.device.get_prop('ro.debuggable') != '1':
-            raise unittest.SkipTest('requires rootable build')
-        original_user =['id', '-un'])[0].strip()
-        try:
-            if original_user == 'root':
-                self._test_unroot()
-                self._test_root()
-            elif original_user == 'shell':
-                self._test_root()
-                self._test_unroot()
-        finally:
-            if original_user == 'root':
-                self.device.root()
-            else:
-                self.device.unroot()
-            self.device.wait()
-class TcpIpTest(DeviceTest):
-    def test_tcpip_failure_raises(self):
-        """adb tcpip requires a port.
-        Bug: http://b/22636927
-        """
-        self.assertRaises(
-            subprocess.CalledProcessError, self.device.tcpip, '')
-        self.assertRaises(
-            subprocess.CalledProcessError, self.device.tcpip, 'foo')
-class SystemPropertiesTest(DeviceTest):
-    def test_get_prop(self):
-        self.assertEqual(self.device.get_prop('init.svc.adbd'), 'running')
-    @requires_root
-    def test_set_prop(self):
-        prop_name = ''
-['setprop', prop_name, '""'])
-        self.device.set_prop(prop_name, 'qux')
-        self.assertEqual(
-  ['getprop', prop_name])[0].strip(), 'qux')
-def compute_md5(string):
-    hsh = hashlib.md5()
-    hsh.update(string)
-    return hsh.hexdigest()
-def get_md5_prog(device):
-    """Older platforms (pre-L) had the name md5 rather than md5sum."""
-    try:
-['md5sum', '/proc/uptime'])
-        return 'md5sum'
-    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-        return 'md5'
-class HostFile(object):
-    def __init__(self, handle, checksum):
-        self.handle = handle
-        self.checksum = checksum
-        self.full_path =
-        self.base_name = os.path.basename(self.full_path)
-class DeviceFile(object):
-    def __init__(self, checksum, full_path):
-        self.checksum = checksum
-        self.full_path = full_path
-        self.base_name = posixpath.basename(self.full_path)
-def make_random_host_files(in_dir, num_files):
-    min_size = 1 * (1 << 10)
-    max_size = 16 * (1 << 10)
-    files = []
-    for _ in xrange(num_files):
-        file_handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=in_dir, delete=False)
-        size = random.randrange(min_size, max_size, 1024)
-        rand_str = os.urandom(size)
-        file_handle.write(rand_str)
-        file_handle.flush()
-        file_handle.close()
-        md5 = compute_md5(rand_str)
-        files.append(HostFile(file_handle, md5))
-    return files
-def make_random_device_files(device, in_dir, num_files):
-    min_size = 1 * (1 << 10)
-    max_size = 16 * (1 << 10)
-    files = []
-    for file_num in xrange(num_files):
-        size = random.randrange(min_size, max_size, 1024)
-        base_name = 'device_tmpfile' + str(file_num)
-        full_path = posixpath.join(in_dir, base_name)
-['dd', 'if=/dev/urandom', 'of={}'.format(full_path),
-                      'bs={}'.format(size), 'count=1'])
-        dev_md5, _ =[get_md5_prog(device), full_path])[0].split()
-        files.append(DeviceFile(dev_md5, full_path))
-    return files
-class FileOperationsTest(DeviceTest):
-    SCRATCH_DIR = '/data/local/tmp'
-    DEVICE_TEMP_FILE = SCRATCH_DIR + '/adb_test_file'
-    DEVICE_TEMP_DIR = SCRATCH_DIR + '/adb_test_dir'
-    def _test_push(self, local_file, checksum):
-['rm', '-rf', self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE])
-        self.device.push(local=local_file, remote=self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE)
-        dev_md5, _ =[get_md5_prog(self.device),
-                                       self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE])[0].split()
-        self.assertEqual(checksum, dev_md5)
-['rm', '-f', self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE])
-    def test_push(self):
-        """Push a randomly generated file to specified device."""
-        kbytes = 512
-        tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', delete=False)
-        rand_str = os.urandom(1024 * kbytes)
-        tmp.write(rand_str)
-        tmp.close()
-        self._test_push(, compute_md5(rand_str))
-        os.remove(
-    # TODO: write push directory test.
-    def _test_pull(self, remote_file, checksum):
-        tmp_write = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', delete=False)
-        tmp_write.close()
-        self.device.pull(remote=remote_file,
-        with open(, 'rb') as tmp_read:
-            host_contents =
-            host_md5 = compute_md5(host_contents)
-        self.assertEqual(checksum, host_md5)
-        os.remove(
-    def test_pull(self):
-        """Pull a randomly generated file from specified device."""
-        kbytes = 512
-['rm', '-rf', self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE])
-        cmd = ['dd', 'if=/dev/urandom',
-               'of={}'.format(self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE), 'bs=1024',
-               'count={}'.format(kbytes)]
-        dev_md5, _ =
-            [get_md5_prog(self.device), self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE])[0].split()
-        self._test_pull(self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE, dev_md5)
-        self.device.shell_nocheck(['rm', self.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE])
-    def test_pull_dir(self):
-        """Pull a randomly generated directory of files from the device."""
-        host_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-['rm', '-rf', self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR])
-['mkdir', '-p', self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR])
-        # Populate device directory with random files.
-        temp_files = make_random_device_files(
-            self.device, in_dir=self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR, num_files=32)
-        self.device.pull(remote=self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR, local=host_dir)
-        for temp_file in temp_files:
-            host_path = os.path.join(host_dir, temp_file.base_name)
-            with open(host_path, 'rb') as host_file:
-                host_md5 = compute_md5(
-                self.assertEqual(host_md5, temp_file.checksum)
-['rm', '-rf', self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR])
-        if host_dir is not None:
-            shutil.rmtree(host_dir)
-    def test_sync(self):
-        """Sync a randomly generated directory of files to specified device."""
-        base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        # Create mirror device directory hierarchy within base_dir.
-        full_dir_path = base_dir + self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR
-        os.makedirs(full_dir_path)
-        # Create 32 random files within the host mirror.
-        temp_files = make_random_host_files(in_dir=full_dir_path, num_files=32)
-        # Clean up any trash on the device.
-        device = adb.get_device(product=base_dir)
-['rm', '-rf', self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR])
-        device.sync('data')
-        # Confirm that every file on the device mirrors that on the host.
-        for temp_file in temp_files:
-            device_full_path = posixpath.join(self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR,
-                                              temp_file.base_name)
-            dev_md5, _ =
-                [get_md5_prog(self.device), device_full_path])[0].split()
-            self.assertEqual(temp_file.checksum, dev_md5)
-['rm', '-rf', self.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR])
-        if base_dir is not None:
-            shutil.rmtree(base_dir)
-    def test_unicode_paths(self):
-        """Ensure that we can support non-ASCII paths, even on Windows."""
-        name = u'로보카 폴리'
-        ## push.
-        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', suffix=name, delete=False)
-        tf.close()
-        self.device.push(, u'/data/local/tmp/adb-test-{}'.format(name))
-        os.remove(
-['rm', '-f', '/data/local/tmp/adb-test-*'])
-        # pull.
-        cmd = ['touch', u'"/data/local/tmp/adb-test-{}"'.format(name)]
-        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', suffix=name, delete=False)
-        tf.close()
-        self.device.pull(u'/data/local/tmp/adb-test-{}'.format(name),
-        os.remove(
-['rm', '-f', '/data/local/tmp/adb-test-*'])
-def main():
-    random.seed(0)
-    if len(adb.get_devices()) > 0:
-        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
-        unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(suite)
-    else:
-        print('Test suite must be run with attached devices')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()