adb: switch apacket payload to a type that doesn't initialize its contents.

Switch from using std::string as the type we use to hold our payload in
apacket to a custom reimplementation that doesn't zero initialize. This
improves bulk transfer throughput in the adb_benchmark microbenchmark
on walleye by ~20%.

Test: adb shell taskset f0 /data/benchmarktest64/adb_benchmark/adb_benchmark
Change-Id: Ibad797701eb1460c9321b0400c5b167b89b2b4d0
diff --git a/types.h b/types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd3e063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include "sysdeps/memory.h"
+// Essentially std::vector<char>, except without zero initialization or reallocation.
+struct Block {
+    using iterator = char*;
+    Block() {}
+    explicit Block(size_t size) { allocate(size); }
+    template <typename Iterator>
+    Block(Iterator begin, Iterator end) : Block(end - begin) {
+        std::copy(begin, end, data_);
+    }
+    Block(const Block& copy) = delete;
+    Block(Block&& move) {
+        std::swap(data_, move.data_);
+        std::swap(capacity_, move.capacity_);
+        std::swap(size_, move.size_);
+    }
+    Block& operator=(const Block& copy) = delete;
+    Block& operator=(Block&& move) {
+        clear();
+        std::swap(data_, move.data_);
+        std::swap(capacity_, move.capacity_);
+        std::swap(size_, move.size_);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ~Block() { clear(); }
+    void resize(size_t new_size) {
+        if (!data_) {
+            allocate(new_size);
+        } else {
+            CHECK_GE(capacity_, new_size);
+            size_ = new_size;
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename InputIt>
+    void assign(InputIt begin, InputIt end) {
+        clear();
+        allocate(end - begin);
+        std::copy(begin, end, data_);
+    }
+    void clear() {
+        free(data_);
+        capacity_ = 0;
+        size_ = 0;
+    }
+    size_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
+    size_t size() const { return size_; }
+    bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
+    char* data() { return data_; }
+    const char* data() const { return data_; }
+    char* begin() { return data_; }
+    const char* begin() const { return data_; }
+    char* end() { return data() + size_; }
+    const char* end() const { return data() + size_; }
+    char& operator[](size_t idx) { return data()[idx]; }
+    const char& operator[](size_t idx) const { return data()[idx]; }
+    bool operator==(const Block& rhs) const {
+        return size() == rhs.size() && memcmp(data(),, size()) == 0;
+    }
+  private:
+    void allocate(size_t size) {
+        CHECK(data_ == nullptr);
+        CHECK_EQ(0ULL, capacity_);
+        CHECK_EQ(0ULL, size_);
+        if (size != 0) {
+            data_ = static_cast<char*>(malloc(size));
+            capacity_ = size;
+            size_ = size;
+        }
+    }
+    char* data_ = nullptr;
+    size_t capacity_ = 0;
+    size_t size_ = 0;
+struct amessage {
+    uint32_t command;     /* command identifier constant      */
+    uint32_t arg0;        /* first argument                   */
+    uint32_t arg1;        /* second argument                  */
+    uint32_t data_length; /* length of payload (0 is allowed) */
+    uint32_t data_check;  /* checksum of data payload         */
+    uint32_t magic;       /* command ^ 0xffffffff             */
+struct apacket {
+    using payload_type = Block;
+    amessage msg;
+    payload_type payload;
+struct Range {
+    explicit Range(apacket::payload_type data) : data_(std::move(data)) {}
+    Range(const Range& copy) = delete;
+    Range& operator=(const Range& copy) = delete;
+    Range(Range&& move) = default;
+    Range& operator=(Range&& move) = default;
+    size_t size() const { return data_.size() - begin_offset_ - end_offset_; };
+    bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
+    void drop_front(size_t n) {
+        CHECK_GE(size(), n);
+        begin_offset_ += n;
+    }
+    void drop_end(size_t n) {
+        CHECK_GE(size(), n);
+        end_offset_ += n;
+    }
+    char* data() { return &data_[0] + begin_offset_; }
+    apacket::payload_type::iterator begin() { return data_.begin() + begin_offset_; }
+    apacket::payload_type::iterator end() { return data_.end() - end_offset_; }
+    apacket::payload_type data_;
+    size_t begin_offset_ = 0;
+    size_t end_offset_ = 0;