Add libldac in the apex available

The ldac libs are statically link by the bluetooth module and this was
not needed as long as the library was a cc_library_static.
But if we do that, we need to remove from the gsi/current.txt and they
are not willing to do that in case partner depend on it

Apex-Size-Increase: 0
Test-Info: build - the same library as before only now we link it statically
Aosp-First: yes
Previous-Platform-Support: yes

Bug: 226572369
Test: Build
Merged-In: I4c0bad6ad8efdf236305c747284f3a0954bcbbf9
Change-Id: I4c0bad6ad8efdf236305c747284f3a0954bcbbf9
(cherry picked from commit c2debcd803fec158baf4507c862c8922ca5f5364)
1 file changed
tree: e34142821a689f44afc422b7099d61f0c28e7e99
  1. build/
  2. java/
  3. javatests/
  4. proguard/
  5. proto/
  6. sdk/
  7. tools/
  8. Android.bp
  11. OWNERS
  13. PREUPLOAD.cfg


This project includes mainline build and other utility code. Any library code intended for use by modules should go in frameworks/libs/modules-utils instead.

java code

This project uses a single source path for java code. All java code should go in the java directory with subdirectories corresponding to the java package. Android.bp files should go alongside the java source files, and should only include java source for a single java package to encourage good code hygiene.

Tests for java code should go in the javatests directory and follow the same structure.