DO NOT MERGE: Consolidate queryChildDocumentsXxx() implementations

Make sure to override the single right variant of the
FileSystemProvider#queryChildDocuments() method: the one that takes the
"includeHidden" boolean argument.

Bug: 200034476
Bug: 220066255
Bug: 283962634
Test: make, install and run manually
(cherry picked from
Merged-In: I4c00693e28f3d50d716350a65e9e6bfd7482b085
Change-Id: I4c00693e28f3d50d716350a65e9e6bfd7482b085
(cherry picked from commit fb9b32b0792727d42d51651cf0f5a56b03d2028b)
(cherry picked from commit b48ef8c3d2c9ef8b238016a57b67b3a2d3010daf)
1 file changed