Support Material 3 in PhotoPicker

- Support dyanmic color
- Use Material 3 theme
- Update the selected chip text color on light theme for pre-s OS
- Update the scrim color of photo item to #61202124

Test: manual. screenshots and videos on the bug
Bug: 194760624
Bug: 207057297
Change-Id: I59d327660effb3b0ead56b155e6b7a6e66fbc4f3
diff --git a/res/color/picker_chip_ripple_color.xml b/res/color/picker_chip_ripple_color.xml
index cc540bd..6264a73 100644
--- a/res/color/picker_chip_ripple_color.xml
+++ b/res/color/picker_chip_ripple_color.xml
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@
     <item android:state_hovered="true"
           android:alpha="0.04" android:color="?android:textColorSecondary"/>
     <item android:alpha="0.00" android:color="?android:textColorSecondary"/>
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