blob: 965a54a8a0d32fd6a618f97475b192be9d6980dc [file] [log] [blame]
# evs app
type evs_app, domain;
type evs_app_exec, exec_type, file_type;
allow evs_app evs_app_exec:dir search;
allow evs_app evs_driver:binder call;
allow evs_app evs_mock:binder call;
allow evs_app gpu_device:chr_file ioctl;
allow evs_app hal_graphics_allocator_default:fd use;
allow evs_app hal_vehicle_default:binder call;
allow evs_app system_file:dir { open read };
# This is the normal path
allow evs_app evs_manager:hwservice_manager find;
# This is only allowed for development testing. Otherwise, evs_app should talk to evs_manager
allow evs_app evs_driver:hwservice_manager find;
allow evs_app evs_mock:hwservice_manager find;
get_prop(evs_app, hwservicemanager_prop)