Added classes for car OEM focus evaluation

The classes include:
- OemCarAudioFocusEvaluationRequest, which contains the request
- OemCarAudioFocusResult, which contains the results of the request
- AudioFocusEntry, which contains the audio focus informatin along with
  the current status of the focus request for this entry
- CarVolumeGroupId, contains the volume group id and name
Also added the API in OEM car audio focus service to evaluate the audio
focus request. In later changes this will be used in car audio service
to send the focus request to OEMs.

CTS-Coverage-Bug: 245982224
Bug: 240615622
Bug: 265211184
Test: m -j
Change-Id: I3b2b604e56668d1e1397b4c7f49ba9201d5aa694
Merged-In: I3b2b604e56668d1e1397b4c7f49ba9201d5aa694
(cherry picked from commit 656fa15291e91e42ba419cef58d337b8408c5fd5)
17 files changed
tree: b8e9e76a6845a9cc61c91670cce4a54dfda717ad
  1. apex_car_framework/
  2. car-admin-ui-lib/
  3. car-builtin-lib/
  4. car-evs-helper-lib/
  5. car-helper-lib/
  6. car-lib/
  7. car-lib-module/
  8. car-maps-placeholder/
  9. car-test-lib/
  10. car-usb-handler/
  11. car_product/
  12. cpp/
  13. data/
  14. experimental/
  15. FrameworkPackageStubs/
  16. obd2-lib/
  17. packages/
  18. procfs-inspector/
  19. service/
  20. service-builtin/
  21. tests/
  22. tools/
  23. vehicle-hal-support-lib/
  24. .clang-format
  25. .gitignore
  28. CPPLINT.cfg
  29. OWNERS
  30. OWNERS_networking
  31. PREUPLOAD.cfg


Source code for Android Automotive OS.


car_product/           - AAOS product
car-builtin-lib/       - A helper library for CarService to access hidden
                         framework APIs
car-lib/               - Car API
car-lib-module/        - Car API module
cpp/                   - Native services
experimental/          - Experimental Car API and services
packages/              - Apps and services for cars
service/               - Car service module
service-builint        - Platform builtin component that runs CarService module
tests/                 - Tests and sample apps
tools/                 - Helper scripts


Native (C++) code format is required to be compatible with .clang-format file. The formatter is already integrated to repo tool. To run manually, use:

git clang-format --style=file --extension='h,cpp,cc' HEAD~

Note that clang-format is not desirable for Android java files. Therefore the command line above is limited to specific extensions.