Merge "VMS skeleton code: VmsPublisherService"
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1691c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This script generates useful representations of the current list of OBD2
+# diagnostic sensors we support. It is meant as an easy way to update the
+# list of diagnostic sensors and get all the required lists pretty-printed
+# and ready for use.
+# The script contains three parts:
+# 1) the part marked DO NOT MODIFY THIS. This defines a domain-specific language
+# that allows one to give a list of sensors;
+# 2) the part marked ACTUAL SENSOR DEFINITIONS HERE. This part gives the list
+# of diagnostic sensors, provided in the DSL defined above;
+# 3) the generate() call at the very end. This triggers the script to perform
+# its generation task.
+# To keep it simple, this script will produce its output
+# to stdout, also in three parts:
+# 1) Vehicle HAL enumerations;
+# 2) Java classes with a list of sensor identifiers;
+# 3) Java @interfaces with a list of sensor identifiers.
+# The several parts contain comments that indicate which files the content has
+# to be pasted into. Should there be a need, the script could be extended to
+# automatically insert the content in the files.
+# To run:
+# $ ./
+## This code is the machinery required to make the sensor generator DSL work
+class SensorList(object):
+    """A list of sensors ordered by a unique identifier."""
+    def __init__(self, descriptor):
+        self.sensors = []
+ = -1
+        self.descriptor = descriptor
+    def addSensor(self, sensor):
+        """Add a new sensor to the list."""
+        if not hasattr(sensor, 'id'):
+   += 1
+   =
+        self.sensors.append(sensor)
+    def finalizeList(self):
+        """Complete the list, adding well-known sensor information."""
+ -= 1
+        lastSystemSensor = self.sensorClass("LAST_SYSTEM_INDEX",
+            id=self.sensors[-1].name)
+        vendorStartSensor = self.sensorClass("VENDOR_START_INDEX",
+            id="LAST_SYSTEM_INDEX + 1")
+        # make calling finalizeList idempotent
+        self.finalizeList = lambda: self
+        return self
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.sensors.__getitem__(key)
+class SensorPolicy(object):
+    """A formatter object that does processing on sensor data."""
+    @classmethod
+    def indentLines(cls, string, numSpaces):
+        indent = ' ' * numSpaces
+        parts = string.split('\n')
+        parts = [indent + part for part in parts]
+        return '\n'.join(parts) + "\n"
+    def sensor(self, theSensor, theSensors):
+        """Produce output for a sensor."""
+        pass
+    def prefix(self, theSensors):
+        """Prefix string before any sensor data is generated."""
+        return ""
+    def suffix(self):
+        """Suffix string after all sensor data is generated."""
+        return ""
+    def indent(self):
+        """Indentation level for individual sensor data."""
+        return 0
+    def separator(self):
+        """Separator between individual sensor data entries."""
+        return ""
+    def description(self):
+        """A description of this policy."""
+        return "A sensor policy."
+    def sensors(self, theSensors):
+        """Produce output for all sensors."""
+        theSensors = theSensors.finalizeList()
+        s = self.prefix(theSensors) + "\n"
+        first = True
+        for theSensor in theSensors:
+            if first:
+                first = False
+            else:
+                s += self.separator()
+            sensorLine = SensorPolicy.indentLines(self.sensor(theSensor,
+                theSensors), self.indent())
+            s += sensorLine
+        s += self.suffix(theSensors) + "\n"
+        return s
+class HalSensorPolicy(SensorPolicy):
+    """The sensor policy that emits Vehicle HAL sensor descriptions."""
+    def sensor(self, theSensor, theSensors):
+        s = ""
+        if theSensor.comment:
+            s = theSensor.comment + "\n"
+        s = s + + " = " + str( + ","
+        return s
+    def prefix(self, theSensors):
+        return "enum Obd2%sSensorIndex : int32_t {" % (theSensors.descriptor)
+    def suffix(self, theSensors):
+        return "}"
+    def indent(self):
+        return 2
+    def separator(self):
+        return "\n"
+    def description(self):
+        return "/** this goes in types.hal **/"
+class JavaSensorPolicy(SensorPolicy):
+    """The sensor policy that emits Java sensor descriptions."""
+    def sensor(self, theSensor, theSensors):
+        sensorName ="_INDEX", "")
+        sensorId = str("_INDEX", "")
+        return "public static final int " + sensorName + " = " + \
+            str(sensorId) + ";"
+    def prefix(self, theSensors):
+        s = "public static final class Obd2%sSensorIndex {\n" % theSensors.descriptor
+        s += "    private Obd2%sSensorIndex() {}\n" % theSensors.descriptor
+        return s
+    def suffix(self, theSensors):
+        return "}"
+    def indent(self):
+        return 4
+    def description(self):
+        return "/** this goes in **/"
+class IntDefSensorPolicy(SensorPolicy):
+    """The sensor policy that emits @IntDef sensor descriptions."""
+    def sensor(self, theSensor, theSensors):
+        sensorName ="_INDEX", "")
+        return "Obd2%sSensorIndex.%s," % (theSensors.descriptor,sensorName)
+    def prefix(self, theSensors):
+        return "@Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)\n@IntDef({"
+    def suffix(self, theSensors):
+        return "})\npublic @interface %sSensorIndex {}" % theSensors.descriptor
+    def description(self):
+        return "/** this goes in **/"
+class SensorMeta(type):
+    """Metaclass for sensor classes."""
+    def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct):
+        sensorList = dct['sensorList']
+        class SensorBase(object):
+            def __init__(self, name, comment=None, id=None):
+       = name
+                self.comment = comment if comment else ""
+                if id: = id
+                sensorList.addSensor(self)
+            def __repr__(self):
+                s = ""
+                if self.comment:
+                    s = s + self.comment + "\n"
+                s = s + + " = " + str(
+                return s
+        newClass = super().__new__(cls, name, (SensorBase,), dct)
+        sensorList.sensorClass = newClass
+        return newClass
+intSensors = SensorList(descriptor="Integer")
+floatSensors = SensorList(descriptor="Float")
+class intSensor(metaclass=SensorMeta):
+    sensorList = intSensors
+class floatSensor(metaclass=SensorMeta):
+    sensorList = floatSensors
+def applyPolicy(policy):
+    """Given a sensor policy, apply it to all known sensor types"""
+    print(policy.description())
+    print(policy.sensors(intSensors))
+    print(policy.sensors(floatSensors))
+def java():
+    applyPolicy(JavaSensorPolicy())
+def hal():
+    applyPolicy(HalSensorPolicy())
+def intdef():
+    applyPolicy(IntDefSensorPolicy())
+def generate():
+    """Generate data for all sensors."""
+    hal()
+    java()
+    intdef()
+## Write sensor definitions here; terminate list with generate().
+intSensor(name="FUEL_SYSTEM_STATUS", comment="/* refer to FuelSystemStatus for a description of this value. */")
+intSensor(name="IGNITION_MONITORS_SUPPORTED", comment="/* refer to IgnitionMonitorKind for a description of this value. */")
+intSensor(name="IGNITION_SPECIFIC_MONITORS", comment=r"""/*
+ * The value of this sensor is a bitmask that specifies whether ignition-specific
+ * tests are available and whether they are complete. The semantics of the individual
+ * bits in this value are given by, respectively, SparkIgnitionMonitors and
+ * CompressionIgnitionMonitors depending on the value of IGNITION_MONITORS_SUPPORTED.
+ */""")
+intSensor(name="COMMANDED_SECONDARY_AIR_STATUS", comment="/* refer to SecondaryAirStatus for a description of this value. */")
+intSensor(name="FUEL_TYPE", comment="/* refer to FuelType for a description of this value. */")