OBD-2 Codes Reading Application

Same as ag/9175369 but on the master branch

Implements UI features in go/aae-obd-codes-application
While the end user is not certain, currently it is
mainly just a test application.

Not complete until DTC properties added to VHAL at
which point DTC VHAL interactions will be implemented in a different CL

Test: Tested Manually with tapas DiagnosticTools && m && adb install -t "${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/data/app/DiagnosticTools/DiagnosticTools.apk" && adb logcat
Change-Id: Ic0aa79e65f3f856667c09e42a2b6e08d660d2b1d
41 files changed
tree: 79c06bd48d555b509c46311b68acfae7f67d048b
  1. car-bugreportd/
  2. car-default-input-service/
  3. car-lib/
  4. car-maps-placeholder/
  5. car-systemtest-lib/
  6. car-test-lib/
  7. car-usb-handler/
  8. car_product/
  9. EncryptionRunner/
  10. evs/
  11. FrameworkPackageStubs/
  12. media-router/
  13. obd2-lib/
  14. procfs-inspector/
  15. service/
  16. tests/
  17. tools/
  18. user/
  19. vehicle-hal-support-lib/
  20. .clang-format
  21. .gitignore
  22. Android.mk
  23. CleanSpec.mk
  24. OWNERS
  25. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  26. README.md

Native (C++) code format is required to be compatible with .clang-format file. Run

git clang-format --style=file --extension='h,cpp,cc' HEAD~

Note that clang-format is not desirable for Android java files. Therefore the command line above is limited to specific extensions.