Fixing Bluetooth Car policy bugs for auto-connect.

- Write device list to file on state changes - b/34723579
- Verify device after successful connection - b/34723492
- Only add device to device list for profiles that it connected on -
- Add MAP client to list of to-be-connected porfiles - b/34723437
- Fix NPE in Emulator builds that don't have Bluetooth Adapter -

Bug: b/34723579
Bug: b/34723492
Bug: b/34723683
Bug: b/34723437
Bug: b/34887372
Test: Manual testing of auto-connect by injecting fake Cabin events via
adb shell dumpsys activity service inject-event
0x16200b02 1 false

Change-Id: I2bff6730ebfac2dd4ebbdcb57a130c23235c3b61
6 files changed