Extra security checks in placeCall.

Note: This is a cherry-pick from Master/AOSP-Master.

When adding self-managed calls, ensure that the package of the caller
matches the package for the outgoing call phone account, unless the
caller is able to place calls.

This means a self-managed CS can ONLY place calls for its own CS.
However, the default dialer, or other call capable apps (e.g. Auto) can
still place calls on behalf of a self-managed CS.

Test: Manual
Merged-In: If0198bed5475e09ce2ef7dec1f69e5d104215c46
Change-Id: If0198bed5475e09ce2ef7dec1f69e5d104215c46
Bug: 38377651
(cherry picked from commit 24c35e0fcb93900d9be5360ab480fad7489239b8)
1 file changed