TTY: Telecomm

This CL makes the following changes:
  1. Added TtyManager. This class contains code that used
     to live in PhoneGlobals to listen to preferred TTY
     mode changes. Current TTY mode is based on the
     preferred mode, wired headset state, and device TTY

  2. Moved ownership of WiredHeadsetManager to CallsManager
     so that TtyManager can listen to headset plugged events.

  3. Added plumbing to TelecommServiceImpl to impement
     isTtySupported and getCurrentTtyMode.

  4. Added tty_enabled to config.xml. This is moved over
     from Telephony.

Change-Id: I652b095af30cc2732a06829dc23492e5355660da
7 files changed
tree: 4ef9e116928a9e2942e22a67121252ddab510273
  1. libs/
  2. res/
  3. src/
  4. tests/
  5. .classpath
  6. .project
  8. AndroidManifest.xml