[DS] Location does not work with only Cellular data

For getCellLocation() and getAllCellInfo(), telephony frameworks needs
to find the correct phone object to query.

Bug: 16892732

Change-Id: I3dfb808d36f911cd37cb986c0cd63387ee6f0c65
diff --git a/src/com/android/phone/PhoneInterfaceManager.java b/src/com/android/phone/PhoneInterfaceManager.java
index d20df1b..b97f3b6 100644
--- a/src/com/android/phone/PhoneInterfaceManager.java
+++ b/src/com/android/phone/PhoneInterfaceManager.java
@@ -1193,7 +1193,8 @@
         if (checkIfCallerIsSelfOrForegroundUser()) {
             if (DBG_LOC) log("getCellLocation: is active user");
             Bundle data = new Bundle();
-            mPhone.getCellLocation().fillInNotifierBundle(data);
+            Phone phone = getPhone(mSubscriptionController.getDefaultDataSubId());
+            phone.getCellLocation().fillInNotifierBundle(data);
             return data;
         } else {
             if (DBG_LOC) log("getCellLocation: suppress non-active user");
@@ -1276,7 +1277,11 @@
         if (checkIfCallerIsSelfOrForegroundUser()) {
             if (DBG_LOC) log("getAllCellInfo: is active user");
-            return mPhone.getAllCellInfo();
+            List<CellInfo> cellInfos = new ArrayList<CellInfo>();
+            for (Phone phone : PhoneFactory.getPhones()) {
+                cellInfos.addAll(phone.getAllCellInfo());
+            }
+            return cellInfos;
         } else {
             if (DBG_LOC) log("getAllCellInfo: suppress non-active user");
             return null;