FP4T-949 Part of string translations in Android phone Call settings are kept in English when the user is in Chinese.

* Root Cause
  Add Taiwan Traditional Chinese Translation
* Solution
  Add Taiwan Traditional Chinese Translation
* Test Steps
  1. 電話>設定>通話帳戶>FET>'GSM通話設定'修改為'通話設定' 2.電話>設定>通話帳戶>FET>GSM通話設定>來電轉接來電轉接頁面'CallForward Options'修改為'來電轉接選項','Voice'修改為'語音'  3.電話>設定>通話帳戶>'Vibrating for outgoing call accepted'修改為'撥出電話接通時震動'. 'Enable vibrating mode for outgoing call accepted'修改為'當撥出電話接通時, 啟動震動模式'
* Test Result

Change-Id: I054ab6e16b335539b2727fbdff0b7a7382c9cccc
(cherry picked from commit 36a90f8c97b93136efcb06f88195449b08c0fa3d)
(cherry picked from commit 1efe45b2f816244008781a27a1103ec0e609d7cd)
1 file changed