Start the configure intent with the right user

When opening the ConnectionService's CONFIGURE activity, make sure
to direct it to the correct user.

Additionally, register SIM/SIP PhoneAccounts as MULTI_USER so that
secondary users can use them.

Finally, differentiate between work profile PhoneAccounts so that
they can be correctly identified by the user.

Bug: 17421902
Bug: 17421044
Bug: 18278824
Change-Id: I673904a7ae038c88688bba62642e93174e55c308
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index 30af301..6b35ada 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
     <!-- Label for selectecting a Wi-Fi call manager -->
     <string name="wifi_calling_select_call_assistant">Choose call assistant</string>
     <!-- Summary for the label of a setting to select the SIM call managers to use.-->
-    <string name="wifi_calling_select_call_assistant_summary">Choose an app or service to manage the networks used for calls</string>
+    <string name="wifi_calling_select_call_assistant_summary">Manage the networks used for calls with</string>
     <!-- Summary for the label of a switch setting to enable/disable the use of SIM call managers. -->
     <string name="wifi_calling_use_call_assistant_summary">Let apps or services manage networks used for calls</string>
     <!-- Label for setting to configure the selected call assistant. -->