IMS: Update EXTRA_DISABLE_SWAP_CALL while call state changes to active

-In DSDA mode, the extra EXTRA_DISABLE_SWAP_CALL is not disabled after
 VT call is answered as VoLTE call because of timing issue, it results
 in the swap button couldn't be clicked.

-In DSDA mode, the extra EXTRA_DISABLE_SWAP_CALL is not enabled in the
 test case active VT call + incoming VT call. After active VT call is
 downgraded to VoLTE call and then answer incoming VT call, swap button
 still could be clicked.

-Update EXTRA_DISABLE_SWAP_CALL while call state changes to active.

Change-Id: I6098b71dc145443a23dfb5a38dde7998c88c48ae
CRs-Fixed: 3295596
1 file changed