Update build-tools to ab/3380914

Adds bpfmt and ckati_stamp_dump binaries, and updates kati to fix some
findleaves issues and print better warnings when makefiles are not

Test: ckati_stamp_dump out/.kati_stamp-aosp_flounder
Test: cd system/extras; mma -j; touch Android.m; mma -j
Test: diff build-aosp_flounder.ninja before and after
Change-Id: I526d41e23c12642b4ef5f011565dc6159e88cbce
9 files changed
tree: 4acb9a6c2d439029416e187df7fb5286ac3c8a86
  1. darwin-x86/
  2. linux-x86/
  3. build-prebuilts.sh
  4. manifest.xml