Add sepolgen for audit2allow

(cherry picked from commit fcd1ca896d5e281901703561abc303cf92423daa)

ImportError: No module named sepolgen.audit

Change-Id: I320a5c772bd55cc223d8484b6b8db22bacd2b4c5
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ae4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Classes for representing and manipulating interfaces.
+import copy
+import itertools
+from . import access
+from . import refpolicy
+from . import objectmodel
+from . import matching
+from .sepolgeni18n import _
+class Param:
+    """
+    Object representing a paramater for an interface.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__name = ""
+        self.type = refpolicy.SRC_TYPE
+        self.obj_classes = refpolicy.IdSet()
+        self.required = True
+    def set_name(self, name):
+        if not access.is_idparam(name):
+            raise ValueError("Name [%s] is not a param" % name)
+        self.__name = name
+    def get_name(self):
+        return self.__name
+    name = property(get_name, set_name)
+    num = property(fget=lambda self: int([1:]))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<sepolgen.policygen.Param instance [%s, %s, %s]>" % \
+               (, refpolicy.field_to_str[self.type], " ".join(self.obj_classes))
+# Helper for extract perms
+def __param_insert(name, type, av, params):
+    ret = 0
+    if name in params:
+        p = params[name]
+        # The entries are identical - we're done
+        if type == p.type:
+            return
+        # Hanldle implicitly typed objects (like process)
+        if (type == refpolicy.SRC_TYPE or type == refpolicy.TGT_TYPE) and \
+           (p.type == refpolicy.TGT_TYPE or p.type == refpolicy.SRC_TYPE):
+            #print name, refpolicy.field_to_str[p.type]
+            # If the object is not implicitly typed, tell the
+            # caller there is a likely conflict.
+            ret = 1
+            if av:
+                avobjs = [av.obj_class]
+            else:
+                avobjs = []
+            for obj in itertools.chain(p.obj_classes, avobjs):
+                if obj in objectmodel.implicitly_typed_objects:
+                    ret = 0
+                    break
+            # "Promote" to a SRC_TYPE as this is the likely usage.
+            # We do this even if the above test fails on purpose
+            # as there is really no sane way to resolve the conflict
+            # here. The caller can take other actions if needed.
+            p.type = refpolicy.SRC_TYPE
+        else:
+            # There is some conflict - no way to resolve it really
+            # so we just leave the first entry and tell the caller
+            # there was a conflict.
+            ret = 1
+    else:
+        p = Param()
+ = name
+        p.type = type
+        params[] = p
+    if av:
+        p.obj_classes.add(av.obj_class)
+    return ret
+def av_extract_params(av, params):
+    """Extract the paramaters from an access vector.
+    Extract the paramaters (in the form $N) from an access
+    vector, storing them as Param objects in a dictionary.
+    Some attempt is made at resolving conflicts with other
+    entries in the dict, but if an unresolvable conflict is
+    found it is reported to the caller.
+    The goal here is to figure out how interface paramaters are
+    actually used in the interface - e.g., that $1 is a domain used as
+    a SRC_TYPE. In general an interface will look like this:
+    interface(`foo', `
+       allow $1 foo : file read;
+    ')
+    This is simple to figure out - $1 is a SRC_TYPE. A few interfaces
+    are more complex, for example:
+    interface(`foo_trans',`
+       domain_auto_trans($1,fingerd_exec_t,fingerd_t)
+       allow $1 fingerd_t:fd use;
+       allow fingerd_t $1:fd use;
+       allow fingerd_t $1:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
+       allow fingerd_t $1:process sigchld;
+    ')
+    Here the usage seems ambigious, but it is not. $1 is still domain
+    and therefore should be returned as a SRC_TYPE.
+    Returns:
+      0  - success
+      1  - conflict found
+    """
+    ret = 0
+    found_src = False
+    if access.is_idparam(av.src_type):
+        if __param_insert(av.src_type, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, av, params) == 1:
+            ret = 1
+    if access.is_idparam(av.tgt_type):
+        if __param_insert(av.tgt_type, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE, av, params) == 1:
+            ret = 1
+    if access.is_idparam(av.obj_class):
+        if __param_insert(av.obj_class, refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS, av, params) == 1:
+            ret = 1
+    for perm in av.perms:
+        if access.is_idparam(perm):
+            if __param_insert(perm, PERM) == 1:
+                ret = 1
+    return ret
+def role_extract_params(role, params):
+    if access.is_idparam(role.role):
+        return __param_insert(role.role, refpolicy.ROLE, None, params)
+def type_rule_extract_params(rule, params):
+    def extract_from_set(set, type):
+        ret = 0
+        for x in set:
+            if access.is_idparam(x):
+                if __param_insert(x, type, None, params):
+                    ret = 1
+        return ret
+    ret = 0
+    if extract_from_set(rule.src_types, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE):
+        ret = 1
+    if extract_from_set(rule.tgt_types, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE):
+        ret = 1
+    if extract_from_set(rule.obj_classes, refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS):
+        ret = 1
+    if access.is_idparam(rule.dest_type):
+        if __param_insert(rule.dest_type, refpolicy.DEST_TYPE, None, params):
+            ret = 1
+    return ret
+def ifcall_extract_params(ifcall, params):
+    ret = 0
+    for arg in ifcall.args:
+        if access.is_idparam(arg):
+            # Assume interface arguments are source types. Fairly safe
+            # assumption for most interfaces
+            if __param_insert(arg, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, None, params):
+                ret = 1
+    return ret
+class AttributeVector:
+    def __init__(self):
+ = ""
+        self.access = access.AccessVectorSet()
+    def add_av(self, av):
+        self.access.add_av(av)
+class AttributeSet:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.attributes = { }
+    def add_attr(self, attr):
+        self.attributes[] = attr
+    def from_file(self, fd):
+        def parse_attr(line):
+            fields = line[1:-1].split()
+            if len(fields) != 2 or fields[0] != "Attribute":
+                raise SyntaxError("Syntax error Attribute statement %s" % line)
+            a = AttributeVector()
+   = fields[1]
+            return a
+        a = None
+        for line in fd:
+            line = line[:-1]
+            if line[0] == "[":
+                if a:
+                    self.add_attr(a)
+                a = parse_attr(line)
+            elif a:
+                l = line.split(",")
+                av = access.AccessVector(l)
+                a.add_av(av)
+        if a:
+            self.add_attr(a)
+class InterfaceVector:
+    def __init__(self, interface=None, attributes={}):
+        # Enabled is a loose concept currently - we are essentially
+        # not enabling interfaces that we can't handle currently.
+        # See InterfaceVector.add_ifv for more information.
+        self.enabled = True
+ = ""
+        # The access that is enabled by this interface - eventually
+        # this will include indirect access from typeattribute
+        # statements.
+        self.access = access.AccessVectorSet()
+        # Paramaters are stored in a dictionary (key: param name
+        # value: Param object).
+        self.params = { }
+        if interface:
+            self.from_interface(interface, attributes)
+        self.expanded = False
+    def from_interface(self, interface, attributes={}):
+ =
+        # Add allow rules
+        for avrule in interface.avrules():
+            if avrule.rule_type != refpolicy.AVRule.ALLOW:
+                continue
+            # Handle some policy bugs
+            if "dontaudit" in
+                #print "allow rule in interface: %s" % interface
+                continue
+            avs = access.avrule_to_access_vectors(avrule)
+            for av in avs:
+                self.add_av(av)
+        # Add typeattribute access
+        if attributes:
+            for typeattribute in interface.typeattributes():
+                for attr in typeattribute.attributes:
+                    if attr not in attributes.attributes:
+                        # print "missing attribute " + attr
+                        continue
+                    attr_vec = attributes.attributes[attr]
+                    for a in attr_vec.access:
+                        av = copy.copy(a)
+                        if av.src_type ==
+                            av.src_type = typeattribute.type
+                        if av.tgt_type ==
+                            av.tgt_type = typeattribute.type
+                        self.add_av(av)
+        # Extract paramaters from roles
+        for role in interface.roles():
+            if role_extract_params(role, self.params):
+                pass
+                #print "found conflicting role param %s for interface %s" % \
+                #      (,
+        # Extract paramaters from type rules
+        for rule in interface.typerules():
+            if type_rule_extract_params(rule, self.params):
+                pass
+                #print "found conflicting params in rule %s in interface %s" % \
+                #      (str(rule),
+        for ifcall in interface.interface_calls():
+            if ifcall_extract_params(ifcall, self.params):
+                pass
+                #print "found conflicting params in ifcall %s in interface %s" % \
+                #      (str(ifcall),
+    def add_av(self, av):
+        if av_extract_params(av, self.params) == 1:
+            pass
+            #print "found conflicting perms [%s]" % str(av)
+        self.access.add_av(av)
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = []
+        s.append("[InterfaceVector %s]" %
+        for av in self.access:
+            s.append(str(av))
+        return "\n".join(s)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__repr__()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<InterfaceVector %s:%s>" % (, self.enabled)
+class InterfaceSet:
+    def __init__(self, output=None):
+        self.interfaces = { }
+        self.tgt_type_map = { }
+        self.tgt_type_all = []
+        self.output = output
+    def o(self, str):
+        if self.output:
+            self.output.write(str + "\n")
+    def to_file(self, fd):
+        for iv in sorted(self.interfaces.values(), key=lambda x:
+            fd.write("[InterfaceVector %s " %
+            for param in sorted(iv.params.values(), key=lambda x:
+                fd.write("%s:%s " % (, refpolicy.field_to_str[param.type]))
+            fd.write("]\n")
+            avl = sorted(iv.access.to_list())
+            for av in avl:
+                fd.write(",".join(av))
+                fd.write("\n")
+    def from_file(self, fd):
+        def parse_ifv(line):
+            fields = line[1:-1].split()
+            if len(fields) < 2 or fields[0] != "InterfaceVector":
+                raise SyntaxError("Syntax error InterfaceVector statement %s" % line)
+            ifv = InterfaceVector()
+   = fields[1]
+            if len(fields) == 2:
+                return
+            for field in fields[2:]:
+                p = field.split(":")
+                if len(p) != 2:
+                    raise SyntaxError("Invalid param in InterfaceVector statement %s" % line)
+                param = Param()
+       = p[0]
+                param.type = refpolicy.str_to_field[p[1]]
+                ifv.params[] = param
+            return ifv
+        ifv = None
+        for line in fd:
+            line = line[:-1]
+            if line[0] == "[":
+                if ifv:
+                    self.add_ifv(ifv)
+                ifv = parse_ifv(line)
+            elif ifv:
+                l = line.split(",")
+                av = access.AccessVector(l)
+                ifv.add_av(av)
+        if ifv:
+            self.add_ifv(ifv)
+        self.index()
+    def add_ifv(self, ifv):
+        self.interfaces[] = ifv
+    def index(self):
+        for ifv in self.interfaces.values():
+            tgt_types = set()
+            for av in ifv.access:
+                if access.is_idparam(av.tgt_type):
+                    self.tgt_type_all.append(ifv)
+                    tgt_types = set()
+                    break
+                tgt_types.add(av.tgt_type)
+            for type in tgt_types:
+                l = self.tgt_type_map.setdefault(type, [])
+                l.append(ifv)
+    def add(self, interface, attributes={}):
+        ifv = InterfaceVector(interface, attributes)
+        self.add_ifv(ifv)
+    def add_headers(self, headers, output=None, attributes={}):
+        for i in itertools.chain(headers.interfaces(), headers.templates()):
+            self.add(i, attributes)
+        self.expand_ifcalls(headers)
+        self.index()
+    def map_param(self, id, ifcall):
+        if access.is_idparam(id):
+            num = int(id[1:])
+            if num > len(ifcall.args):
+                # Tell caller to drop this because it must have
+                # been generated from an optional param.
+                return None
+            else:
+                arg = ifcall.args[num - 1]
+                if isinstance(arg, list):
+                    return arg
+                else:
+                    return [arg]
+        else:
+            return [id]
+    def map_add_av(self, ifv, av, ifcall):
+        src_types = self.map_param(av.src_type, ifcall)
+        if src_types is None:
+            return
+        tgt_types = self.map_param(av.tgt_type, ifcall)
+        if tgt_types is None:
+            return
+        obj_classes = self.map_param(av.obj_class, ifcall)
+        if obj_classes is None:
+            return
+        new_perms = refpolicy.IdSet()
+        for perm in av.perms:
+            p = self.map_param(perm, ifcall)
+            if p is None:
+                continue
+            else:
+                new_perms.update(p)
+        if len(new_perms) == 0:
+            return
+        for src_type in src_types:
+            for tgt_type in tgt_types:
+                for obj_class in obj_classes:
+                    ifv.access.add(src_type, tgt_type, obj_class, new_perms)
+    def do_expand_ifcalls(self, interface, if_by_name):
+        # Descend an interface call tree adding the access
+        # from each interface. This is a depth first walk
+        # of the tree.
+        stack = [(interface, None)]
+        ifv = self.interfaces[]
+        ifv.expanded = True
+        while len(stack) > 0:
+            cur, cur_ifcall = stack.pop(-1)
+            cur_ifv = self.interfaces[]
+            if cur != interface:
+                for av in cur_ifv.access:
+                    self.map_add_av(ifv, av, cur_ifcall)
+                # If we have already fully expanded this interface
+                # there is no reason to descend further.
+                if cur_ifv.expanded:
+                    continue
+            for ifcall in cur.interface_calls():
+                if ifcall.ifname ==
+                    self.o(_("Found circular interface class"))
+                    return
+                try:
+                    newif = if_by_name[ifcall.ifname]
+                except KeyError:
+                    self.o(_("Missing interface definition for %s" % ifcall.ifname))
+                    continue
+                stack.append((newif, ifcall))
+    def expand_ifcalls(self, headers):
+        # Create a map of interface names to interfaces -
+        # this mirrors the interface vector map we already
+        # have.
+        if_by_name = { }
+        for i in itertools.chain(headers.interfaces(), headers.templates()):
+            if_by_name[] = i
+        for interface in itertools.chain(headers.interfaces(), headers.templates()):
+            self.do_expand_ifcalls(interface, if_by_name)