Add sepolgen for audit2allow

(cherry picked from commit fcd1ca896d5e281901703561abc303cf92423daa)

ImportError: No module named sepolgen.audit

Change-Id: I320a5c772bd55cc223d8484b6b8db22bacd2b4c5
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f86359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Classes and algorithms for matching requested access to access vectors.
+import itertools
+from . import access
+from . import objectmodel
+from . import util
+class Match(util.Comparison):
+    def __init__(self, interface=None, dist=0):
+        self.interface = interface
+        self.dist = dist
+        self.info_dir_change = False
+        # when implementing __eq__ also __hash__ is needed on py2
+        # if object is muttable __hash__ should be None
+        self.__hash__ = None
+    def _compare(self, other, method):
+        try:
+            a = (self.dist, self.info_dir_change)
+            b = (other.dist, other.info_dir_change)
+            return method(a, b)
+        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+            # trying to compare to foreign type
+            return NotImplemented
+class MatchList:
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Match objects that pass the threshold
+        self.children = []
+        # Match objects over the threshold
+        self.bastards = []
+        self.threshold = self.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD
+        self.allow_info_dir_change = False
+        self.av = None
+    def best(self):
+        if len(self.children):
+            return self.children[0]
+        if len(self.bastards):
+            return self.bastards[0]
+        return None
+    def __len__(self):
+        # Only return the length of the matches so
+        # that this can be used to test if there is
+        # a match.
+        return len(self.children) + len(self.bastards)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.children)
+    def all(self):
+        return itertools.chain(self.children, self.bastards)
+    def append(self, match):
+        if match.dist <= self.threshold:
+            if not match.info_dir_change or self.allow_info_dir_change:
+                self.children.append(match)
+            else:
+                self.bastards.append(match)
+        else:
+            self.bastards.append(match)
+    def sort(self):
+        self.children.sort()
+        self.bastards.sort()
+class AccessMatcher:
+    def __init__(self, perm_maps=None):
+        self.type_penalty = 10
+        self.obj_penalty = 10
+        if perm_maps:
+            self.perm_maps = perm_maps
+        else:
+            self.perm_maps = objectmodel.PermMappings()
+        # We want a change in the information flow direction
+        # to be a strong penalty - stronger than access to
+        # a few unrelated types.
+        self.info_dir_penalty = 100
+    def type_distance(self, a, b):
+        if a == b or access.is_idparam(b):
+            return 0
+        else:
+            return -self.type_penalty
+    def perm_distance(self, av_req, av_prov):
+        # First check that we have enough perms
+        diff = av_req.perms.difference(av_prov.perms)
+        if len(diff) != 0:
+            total = self.perm_maps.getdefault_distance(av_req.obj_class, diff)
+            return -total
+        else:
+            diff = av_prov.perms.difference(av_req.perms)
+            return self.perm_maps.getdefault_distance(av_req.obj_class, diff)
+    def av_distance(self, req, prov):
+        """Determine the 'distance' between 2 access vectors.
+        This function is used to find an access vector that matches
+        a 'required' access. To do this we comput a signed numeric
+        value that indicates how close the req access is to the
+        'provided' access vector. The closer the value is to 0
+        the closer the match, with 0 being an exact match.
+        A value over 0 indicates that the prov access vector provides more
+        access than the req (in practice, this means that the source type,
+        target type, and object class is the same and the perms in prov is
+        a superset of those in req.
+        A value under 0 indicates that the prov access less - or unrelated
+        - access to the req access. A different type or object class will
+        result in a very low value.
+        The values other than 0 should only be interpreted relative to
+        one another - they have no exact meaning and are likely to
+        change.
+        Params:
+          req - [AccessVector] The access that is required. This is the
+                access being matched.
+          prov - [AccessVector] The access provided. This is the potential
+                 match that is being evaluated for req.
+        Returns:
+          0   : Exact match between the acess vectors.
+          < 0 : The prov av does not provide all of the access in req.
+                A smaller value indicates that the access is further.
+          > 0 : The prov av provides more access than req. The larger
+                the value the more access over req.
+        """
+        # FUTURE - this is _very_ expensive and probably needs some
+        # thorough performance work. This version is meant to give
+        # meaningful results relatively simply.
+        dist = 0
+        # Get the difference between the types. The addition is safe
+        # here because type_distance only returns 0 or negative.
+        dist += self.type_distance(req.src_type, prov.src_type)
+        dist += self.type_distance(req.tgt_type, prov.tgt_type)
+        # Object class distance
+        if req.obj_class != prov.obj_class and not access.is_idparam(prov.obj_class):
+            dist -= self.obj_penalty
+        # Permission distance
+        # If this av doesn't have a matching source type, target type, and object class
+        # count all of the permissions against it. Otherwise determine the perm
+        # distance and dir.
+        if dist < 0:
+            pdist = self.perm_maps.getdefault_distance(prov.obj_class, prov.perms)
+        else:
+            pdist = self.perm_distance(req, prov)
+        # Combine the perm and other distance
+        if dist < 0:
+            if pdist < 0:
+                return dist + pdist
+            else:
+                return dist - pdist
+        elif dist >= 0:
+            if pdist < 0:
+                return pdist - dist
+            else:
+                return dist + pdist
+    def av_set_match(self, av_set, av):
+        """
+        """
+        dist = None
+        # Get the distance for each access vector
+        for x in av_set:
+            tmp = self.av_distance(av, x)
+            if dist is None:
+                dist = tmp
+            elif tmp >= 0:
+                if dist >= 0:
+                    dist += tmp
+                else:
+                    dist = tmp + -dist
+            else:
+                if dist < 0:
+                    dist += tmp
+                else:
+                    dist -= tmp
+        # Penalize for information flow - we want to prevent the
+        # addition of a write if the requested is read none. We are
+        # much less concerned about the reverse.
+        av_dir = self.perm_maps.getdefault_direction(av.obj_class, av.perms)
+        if av_set.info_dir is None:
+            av_set.info_dir = objectmodel.FLOW_NONE
+            for x in av_set:
+                av_set.info_dir = av_set.info_dir | \
+                                  self.perm_maps.getdefault_direction(x.obj_class, x.perms)
+        if (av_dir & objectmodel.FLOW_WRITE == 0) and (av_set.info_dir & objectmodel.FLOW_WRITE):
+            if dist < 0:
+                dist -= self.info_dir_penalty
+            else:
+                dist += self.info_dir_penalty
+        return dist
+    def search_ifs(self, ifset, av, match_list):
+        match_list.av = av
+        for iv in itertools.chain(ifset.tgt_type_all,
+                                  ifset.tgt_type_map.get(av.tgt_type, [])):
+            if not iv.enabled:
+                #print "iv %s not enabled" %
+                continue
+            dist = self.av_set_match(iv.access, av)
+            if dist >= 0:
+                m = Match(iv, dist)
+                match_list.append(m)
+        match_list.sort()