rustc 1.36.0 - Build 5856450

Change-Id: I6782c18d0cbca7d19de7043cea998b217235638d
diff --git a/linux-x86/1.36.0/share/man/man1/cargo-package.1 b/linux-x86/1.36.0/share/man/man1/cargo-package.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bf48b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-x86/1.36.0/share/man/man1/cargo-package.1
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+'\" t
+.\"     Title: cargo-package
+.\"    Author: [see the "AUTHOR(S)" section]
+.\" Generator: Asciidoctor 1.5.8
+.\"      Date: 2019-02-13
+.\"    Manual: \ \&
+.\"    Source: \ \&
+.\"  Language: English
+.TH "CARGO\-PACKAGE" "1" "2019-02-13" "\ \&" "\ \&" \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
+.el       .ds Aq ' \n[.ss] 0
+.nh l URL
+\fI\\$2\fP <\\$1>\\$3
+.als MTO URL
+.if \n[.g] \{\
+.  mso www.tmac
+.  am URL
+.    ad l
+.  .
+.  am MTO
+.    ad l
+.  .
+.  LINKSTYLE blue R < >
+cargo\-package \- Assemble the local package into a distributable tarball
+\fBcargo package [\fIOPTIONS\fP]\fP
+This command will create a distributable, compressed \fB.crate\fP file with the
+source code of the package in the current directory. The resulting file will
+be stored in the \fBtarget/package\fP directory. This performs the following
+.RS 4 n \{\
+\h'-04' 1.\h'+01'\c
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP " 1." 4.2
+Load and check the current workspace, performing some basic checks.
+.RS 4 n \{\
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP \(bu 2.3
+Path dependencies are not allowed unless they have a version key. Cargo
+will ignore the path key for dependencies in published packages.
+.RS 4 n \{\
+\h'-04' 2.\h'+01'\c
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP " 2." 4.2
+Create the compressed \fB.crate\fP file.
+.RS 4 n \{\
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP \(bu 2.3
+The original \fBCargo.toml\fP file is rewritten and normalized.
+.RS 4 n \{\
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP \(bu 2.3
+\fB[patch]\fP, \fB[replace]\fP, and \fB[workspace]\fP sections are removed from the
+.RS 4 n \{\
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP \(bu 2.3
+A \fB.cargo_vcs_info.json\fP file is included that contains information
+about the current VCS checkout hash if available (not included with
+.RS 4 n \{\
+\h'-04' 3.\h'+01'\c
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP " 3." 4.2
+Extract the \fB.crate\fP file and build it to verify it can build.
+.RS 4 n \{\
+\h'-04' 4.\h'+01'\c
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP " 4." 4.2
+Check that build scripts did not modify any source files.
+The list of files included can be controlled with the \fBinclude\fP and \fBexclude\fP
+fields in the manifest.
+See \c
+.URL "https://doc.rust\" "the reference" " "
+for more details about
+packaging and publishing.
+.SS "Package Options"
+\fB\-l\fP, \fB\-\-list\fP
+.RS 4
+Print files included in a package without making one.
+.RS 4
+Don\(cqt verify the contents by building them.
+.RS 4
+Ignore warnings about a lack of human\-usable metadata (such as the
+description or the license).
+.RS 4
+Allow working directories with uncommitted VCS changes to be packaged.
+.SS "Compilation Options"
+\fB\-\-target\fP \fITRIPLE\fP
+.RS 4
+Package for the given architecture. The default is the host
+architecture. The general format of the triple is
+\fB<arch><sub>\-<vendor>\-<sys>\-<abi>\fP. Run \fBrustc \-\-print target\-list\fP for a
+list of supported targets.
+This may also be specified with the \\fP
+.URL "https://doc.rust\" "config value" "."
+\fB\-\-target\-dir\fP \fIDIRECTORY\fP
+.RS 4
+Directory for all generated artifacts and intermediate files. May also be
+specified with the \fBCARGO_TARGET_DIR\fP environment variable, or the
+\\-dir\fP \c
+.URL "https://doc.rust\" "config value" "."
+to \fBtarget\fP in the root of the workspace.
+.SS "Feature Selection"
+When no feature options are given, the \fBdefault\fP feature is activated for
+every selected package.
+\fB\-\-features\fP \fIFEATURES\fP
+.RS 4
+Space or comma separated list of features to activate. These features only
+apply to the current directory\(cqs package. Features of direct dependencies
+may be enabled with \fB<dep\-name>/<feature\-name>\fP syntax.
+.RS 4
+Activate all available features of all selected packages.
+.RS 4
+Do not activate the \fBdefault\fP feature of the current directory\(cqs
+.SS "Manifest Options"
+\fB\-\-manifest\-path\fP \fIPATH\fP
+.RS 4
+Path to the \fBCargo.toml\fP file. By default, Cargo searches in the current
+directory or any parent directory for the \fBCargo.toml\fP file.
+\fB\-\-frozen\fP, \fB\-\-locked\fP
+.RS 4
+Either of these flags requires that the \fBCargo.lock\fP file is
+up\-to\-date. If the lock file is missing, or it needs to be updated, Cargo will
+exit with an error. The \fB\-\-frozen\fP flag also prevents Cargo from
+attempting to access the network to determine if it is out\-of\-date.
+These may be used in environments where you want to assert that the
+\fBCargo.lock\fP file is up\-to\-date (such as a CI build) or want to avoid network
+.SS "Miscellaneous Options"
+\fB\-j\fP \fIN\fP, \fB\-\-jobs\fP \fIN\fP
+.RS 4
+Number of parallel jobs to run. May also be specified with the
+\\fP \c
+.URL "https://doc.rust\" "config value" "."
+Defaults to
+the number of CPUs.
+.SS "Display Options"
+\fB\-v\fP, \fB\-\-verbose\fP
+.RS 4
+Use verbose output. May be specified twice for "very verbose" output which
+includes extra output such as dependency warnings and build script output.
+May also be specified with the \fBterm.verbose\fP
+.URL "https://doc.rust\" "config value" "."
+\fB\-q\fP, \fB\-\-quiet\fP
+.RS 4
+No output printed to stdout.
+\fB\-\-color\fP \fIWHEN\fP
+.RS 4
+Control when colored output is used. Valid values:
+.RS 4 n \{\
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP \(bu 2.3
+\fBauto\fP (default): Automatically detect if color support is available on the
+.RS 4 n \{\
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP \(bu 2.3
+\fBalways\fP: Always display colors.
+.RS 4 n \{\
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP \(bu 2.3
+\fBnever\fP: Never display colors.
+May also be specified with the \fBterm.color\fP
+.URL "https://doc.rust\" "config value" "."
+.SS "Common Options"
+\fB\-h\fP, \fB\-\-help\fP
+.RS 4
+Prints help information.
+\fB\-Z\fP \fIFLAG\fP...
+.RS 4
+Unstable (nightly\-only) flags to Cargo. Run \fBcargo \-Z help\fP for
+See \c
+.URL "https://doc.rust\\-variables.html" "the reference" " "
+details on environment variables that Cargo reads.
+.RS 4
+Cargo succeeded.
+.RS 4
+Cargo failed to complete.
+.RS 4 n \{\
+\h'-04' 1.\h'+01'\c
+.el \{\
+.  sp -1
+.  IP " 1." 4.2
+Create a compressed \fB.crate\fP file of the current package:
+.if n .RS 4
+cargo package
+.if n .RE
+\fBcargo\fP(1), \fBcargo\-publish\fP(1)
\ No newline at end of file