Reset the ACL connection data on ACL disconnection

Use case: Reconnection of legacy mouse.

Failure: Not able to reconnect with mouse if the previous
connection rejected was with SC enabled device.

Test Steps:
1. Pair and connect remote devices.
2. Start streaming music over headset and Disconnect HID
3. Inquire and try to pair with any DUT which supports
   secure connection.
4. Cancel pairing and Turn OFF remote headset.
5. Now try reconnection from HID mouse.

Root Cause: When the secure connection is established, it will
have the 3 pages filled, and when the same acl entry is reused
for next mouse reconnection, only one page is getting over
written because legacy HID will have only one page supported
and remaining 2 pages still holds the previous device's data.

Fix: Fixed it by resetting the ACL entry when the ACL is
disconnected so that even though one page is copied and
remaining pages will not contain valid data.

Bug: 22249108
Change-Id: Icd96f22fe0787ef5845ee02940c2b0eacf7a2bbd
1 file changed