HFP: Fix connection colision handling

* When there is a connection collison, and remote device is trying to
  connect to HFP server channel while we try to connect to remote's
  server channel as a client. If the remote device succssfully connect
  to us, we should drop our connection request to remote device and
  accept remote device's connection request. As result, we will observe
  1. Our connection request fails, this propagate up to Java layer and
  also clean up any states in these layers
  2. Remote connection request succeeds, this propagate up to Java layer
     as well as a new incoming connection
* Added BTA_AG_COLLISION_EVT to formally handle AG collision in state
* Modified bta_ag_resume_open to re-send BTA_AG_API_OPEN_EVT instead of
  modifying the state machine state directly. State machine states
  should only be modified by state machine handler
* Ignore RFCOMM open event if PORT_CheckConnection fails
* Added StackRfcommTest.TestConnectionCollision to reproduce this
  scenario with 100% certainty
* Add static checks to HFP BTA state machine to make sure action and
  event indices match enum sizes

Bug: 77224743
Test: connect to multiple remote devices with HFP, MAP and PBAP
Change-Id: Ib3652784b123abe195e7bd30421ef5f4345b1d4d
Merged-In: Ib3652784b123abe195e7bd30421ef5f4345b1d4d
(cherry picked from commit 88cc85a086bf90e1e669fd689276c6e658286af2)
6 files changed
tree: 9209cf02101184ffd243d940aa963c26fe88565a
  1. audio_a2dp_hw/
  2. audio_hearing_aid_hw/
  3. binder/
  4. bta/
  5. btcore/
  6. btif/
  7. build/
  8. conf/
  9. device/
  10. doc/
  11. embdrv/
  12. hci/
  13. include/
  14. internal_include/
  15. main/
  16. osi/
  17. packet/
  18. profile/
  19. proto/
  20. service/
  21. stack/
  22. test/
  23. tools/
  24. types/
  25. udrv/
  26. utils/
  27. vendor_libs/
  28. vnd/
  29. .clang-format
  30. .gitignore
  31. .gn
  32. Android.bp
  33. Android.mk
  34. BUILD.gn
  35. CleanSpec.mk
  36. EventLogTags.logtags
  38. NOTICE
  39. OWNERS
  40. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  41. README.md

Fluoride Bluetooth stack

Building and running on AOSP

Just build AOSP - Fluoride is there by default.

Building and running on Linux

Instructions for Ubuntu, tested on 14.04 with Clang 3.5.0 and 16.10 with Clang 3.8.0

Download source

mkdir ~/fluoride
cd ~/fluoride
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt

Install dependencies (require sudo access):

cd ~/fluoride/bt

Then fetch third party dependencies:

cd ~/fluoride/bt
mkdir third_party
cd third_party
git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/aac
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libchrome
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libldac
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/modp_b64
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/tinyxml2

And third party dependencies of third party dependencies:

cd fluoride/bt/third_party/libchrome/base/third_party
mkdir valgrind
cd valgrind
curl https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/base/+/master/third_party/valgrind/valgrind.h?format=TEXT | base64 -d > valgrind.h
curl https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/base/+/master/third_party/valgrind/memcheck.h?format=TEXT | base64 -d > memcheck.h

NOTE: If system/bt is checked out under AOSP, then create symbolic links instead of downloading sources

cd system/bt
mkdir third_party
cd third_party
ln -s ../../../external/aac aac
ln -s ../../../external/libchrome libchrome
ln -s ../../../external/libldac libldac
ln -s ../../../external/modp_b64 modp_b64
ln -s ../../../external/tinyxml2 tinyxml2
ln -s ../../../external/googletest googletest

Generate your build files

cd ~/fluoride/bt
gn gen out/Default


cd ~/fluoride/bt
ninja -C out/Default all

This will build all targets (the shared library, executables, tests, etc) and put them in out/Default. To build an individual target, replace "all" with the target of your choice, e.g. ninja -C out/Default net_test_osi.


cd ~/fluoride/bt/out/Default
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./bluetoothtbd -create-ipc-socket=fluoride

Eclipse IDE Support

  1. Follows the Chromium project Eclipse Setup Instructions until "Optional: Building inside Eclipse" section (don't do that section, we will set it up differently)

  2. Generate Eclipse settings:

cd system/bt
gn gen --ide=eclipse out/Default
  1. In Eclipse, do File->Import->C/C++->C/C++ Project Settings, choose the XML location under system/bt/out/Default

  2. Right click on the project. Go to Preferences->C/C++ Build->Builder Settings. Uncheck "Use default build command", but instead using "ninja -C out/Default"

  3. Goto Behaviour tab, change clean command to "-t clean"