Enable multiple connection requests for same UUID if different addresses

Allow the BTIF Profile Queue to contain entries with same UUID, but
different addresses.
 - Refactor the internal implementation of the Profile Queue to use
   C++ std::list instead of the local osi/include/list.h implementation.
 - Replaced struct connect_node_t with class ConnectNode, and moved the
   connect callback logic to ConnectNode::connect().
 - Simplified the implementation by replacing the existing callback
   mechanism based on btif_transfer_context() with do_in_jni_thread().
 - Updated the unit tests to test the new behavior.

Test: Manual and unit tests.
Bug: 69634326
Change-Id: I3c4021361902c19f004e2d8b56ad20e66a5a690a
diff --git a/btif/include/btif_profile_queue.h b/btif/include/btif_profile_queue.h
index 82e56af..da4e992 100644
--- a/btif/include/btif_profile_queue.h
+++ b/btif/include/btif_profile_queue.h
@@ -35,7 +35,16 @@
                                btif_connect_cb_t connect_cb);
 void btif_queue_cleanup(uint16_t uuid);
 void btif_queue_advance();
+ * Dispatch the next pending connect request.
+ * NOTE: Must be called on the JNI thread.
+ *
+ * @return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS on success, otherwise the corresponding error
+ * code
+ */
 bt_status_t btif_queue_connect_next(void);
 void btif_queue_release();
diff --git a/btif/src/btif_profile_queue.cc b/btif/src/btif_profile_queue.cc
index 4071e4d..10acade 100644
--- a/btif/src/btif_profile_queue.cc
+++ b/btif/src/btif_profile_queue.cc
@@ -28,129 +28,115 @@
 #include "btif_profile_queue.h"
+#include <base/bind.h>
 #include <base/logging.h>
+#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <list>
 #include "bt_common.h"
 #include "btif_common.h"
-#include "osi/include/allocator.h"
-#include "osi/include/list.h"
 #include "stack_manager.h"
  *  Local type definitions
-typedef enum {
-} btif_queue_event_t;
+// Class to store connect info.
+class ConnectNode {
+ public:
+  ConnectNode(const RawAddress& address, uint16_t uuid,
+              btif_connect_cb_t connect_cb)
+      : address_(address), uuid_(uuid), busy_(false), connect_cb_(connect_cb) {}
-typedef struct {
-  RawAddress bda;
-  uint16_t uuid;
-  bool busy;
-  btif_connect_cb_t connect_cb;
-} connect_node_t;
+  std::string ToString() const {
+    return base::StringPrintf("address=%s UUID=%04X busy=%s",
+                              address_.ToString().c_str(), uuid_,
+                              (busy_) ? "true" : "false");
+  }
+  const RawAddress& address() const { return address_; }
+  uint16_t uuid() const { return uuid_; }
+  /**
+   * Initiate the connection.
+   *
+   * @return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS on success, othewise the corresponding error
+   * code. Note: if a previous connect request hasn't been completed, the
+   * return value is BT_STATUS_SUCCESS.
+   */
+  bt_status_t connect() {
+    if (busy_) return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    busy_ = true;
+    return connect_cb_(&address_, uuid_);
+  }
+ private:
+  RawAddress address_;
+  uint16_t uuid_;
+  bool busy_;
+  btif_connect_cb_t connect_cb_;
  *  Static variables
-static list_t* connect_queue;
+static std::list<ConnectNode> connect_queue;
-static const size_t MAX_REASONABLE_REQUESTS = 10;
+static const size_t MAX_REASONABLE_REQUESTS = 20;
  *  Queue helper functions
-static void queue_int_add(connect_node_t* p_param) {
-  if (!connect_queue) {
-    LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s: allocating profile queue", __func__);
-    connect_queue = list_new(osi_free);
-    CHECK(connect_queue != NULL);
-  }
+static void queue_int_add(uint16_t uuid, const RawAddress& bda,
+                          btif_connect_cb_t connect_cb) {
   // Sanity check to make sure we're not leaking connection requests
-  CHECK(list_length(connect_queue) < MAX_REASONABLE_REQUESTS);
+  CHECK(connect_queue.size() < MAX_REASONABLE_REQUESTS);
-  for (const list_node_t* node = list_begin(connect_queue);
-       node != list_end(connect_queue); node = list_next(node)) {
-    if (((connect_node_t*)list_node(node))->uuid == p_param->uuid) {
-                "%s dropping duplicate connection request UUID=%04X, "
-                "bd_addr=%s, busy=%d",
-                __func__, p_param->uuid, p_param->bda.ToString().c_str(),
-                p_param->busy);
+  ConnectNode param(bda, uuid, connect_cb);
+  for (const auto& node : connect_queue) {
+    if (node.uuid() == param.uuid() && node.address() == param.address()) {
+      LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: dropping duplicate connection request: %s",
+                __func__, param.ToString().c_str());
-      LOG_TAG, "%s: adding connection request UUID=%04X, bd_addr=%s, busy=%d",
-      __func__, p_param->uuid, p_param->bda.ToString().c_str(), p_param->busy);
-  connect_node_t* p_node = (connect_node_t*)osi_malloc(sizeof(connect_node_t));
-  memcpy(p_node, p_param, sizeof(connect_node_t));
-  list_append(connect_queue, p_node);
+  LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s: adding connection request: %s", __func__,
+           param.ToString().c_str());
+  connect_queue.push_back(param);
+  btif_queue_connect_next();
 static void queue_int_advance() {
-  if (connect_queue && !list_is_empty(connect_queue)) {
-    connect_node_t* p_head = (connect_node_t*)list_front(connect_queue);
-             "%s: removing connection request UUID=%04X, bd_addr=%s, busy=%d",
-             __func__, p_head->uuid, p_head->bda.ToString().c_str(),
-             p_head->busy);
-    list_remove(connect_queue, p_head);
-  }
+  if (connect_queue.empty()) return;
+  const ConnectNode& head = connect_queue.front();
+  LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s: removing connection request: %s", __func__,
+           head.ToString().c_str());
+  connect_queue.pop_front();
+  btif_queue_connect_next();
-static void queue_int_cleanup(uint16_t* p_uuid) {
-  if (!p_uuid) {
-    LOG_ERROR(LOG_TAG, "%s: UUID is null", __func__);
-    return;
-  }
-  uint16_t uuid = *p_uuid;
+static void queue_int_cleanup(uint16_t uuid) {
   LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s: UUID=%04X", __func__, uuid);
-  if (!connect_queue) {
-    return;
-  }
-  connect_node_t* connection_request;
-  const list_node_t* node = list_begin(connect_queue);
-  while (node && node != list_end(connect_queue)) {
-    connection_request = (connect_node_t*)list_node(node);
-    node = list_next(node);
-    if (connection_request->uuid == uuid) {
-               "%s: removing connection request UUID=%04X, bd_addr=%s, busy=%d",
-               __func__, connection_request->uuid,
-               connection_request->bda.ToString().c_str(),
-               connection_request->busy);
-      list_remove(connect_queue, connection_request);
+  for (auto it = connect_queue.begin(); it != connect_queue.end();) {
+    auto it_prev = it++;
+    const ConnectNode& node = *it_prev;
+    if (node.uuid() == uuid) {
+      LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s: removing connection request: %s", __func__,
+               node.ToString().c_str());
+      connect_queue.erase(it_prev);
-static void queue_int_handle_evt(uint16_t event, char* p_param) {
-  switch (event) {
-      queue_int_add((connect_node_t*)p_param);
-      break;
-      queue_int_advance();
-      break;
-      queue_int_cleanup((uint16_t*)(p_param));
-      return;
-  }
-  if (stack_manager_get_interface()->get_stack_is_running())
-    btif_queue_connect_next();
+static void queue_int_release() { connect_queue.clear(); }
@@ -164,14 +150,8 @@
 bt_status_t btif_queue_connect(uint16_t uuid, const RawAddress* bda,
                                btif_connect_cb_t connect_cb) {
-  connect_node_t node;
-  memset(&node, 0, sizeof(connect_node_t));
-  node.bda = *bda;
-  node.uuid = uuid;
-  node.connect_cb = connect_cb;
-  return btif_transfer_context(queue_int_handle_evt, BTIF_QUEUE_CONNECT_EVT,
-                               (char*)&node, sizeof(connect_node_t), NULL);
+  return do_in_jni_thread(FROM_HERE,
+                          base::Bind(&queue_int_add, uuid, *bda, connect_cb));
@@ -184,8 +164,7 @@
 void btif_queue_cleanup(uint16_t uuid) {
-  btif_transfer_context(queue_int_handle_evt, BTIF_QUEUE_CLEANUP_EVT,
-                        (char*)&uuid, sizeof(uint16_t), NULL);
+  do_in_jni_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&queue_int_cleanup, uuid));
@@ -199,27 +178,23 @@
 void btif_queue_advance() {
-  btif_transfer_context(queue_int_handle_evt, BTIF_QUEUE_ADVANCE_EVT, NULL, 0,
-                        NULL);
+  do_in_jni_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&queue_int_advance));
-// This function dispatches the next pending connect request. It is called from
-// stack_manager when the stack comes up.
 bt_status_t btif_queue_connect_next(void) {
-  if (!connect_queue || list_is_empty(connect_queue)) return BT_STATUS_FAIL;
+  // The call must be on the JNI thread, otherwise the access to connect_queue
+  // is not thread-safe.
+  CHECK(is_on_jni_thread());
-  connect_node_t* p_head = (connect_node_t*)list_front(connect_queue);
+  if (connect_queue.empty()) return BT_STATUS_FAIL;
+  if (!stack_manager_get_interface()->get_stack_is_running())
+    return BT_STATUS_FAIL;
-           "%s: executing connection request UUID=%04X, bd_addr=%s, busy=%d",
-           __func__, p_head->uuid, p_head->bda.ToString().c_str(),
-           p_head->busy);
-  // If the queue is currently busy, we return success anyway,
-  // since the connection has been queued...
-  if (p_head->busy) return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+  ConnectNode& head = connect_queue.front();
-  p_head->busy = true;
-  return p_head->connect_cb(&p_head->bda, p_head->uuid);
+  LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s: executing connection request: %s", __func__,
+           head.ToString().c_str());
+  return head.connect();
@@ -233,6 +208,9 @@
 void btif_queue_release() {
   LOG_INFO(LOG_TAG, "%s", __func__);
-  list_free(connect_queue);
-  connect_queue = NULL;
+  if (do_in_jni_thread(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&queue_int_release)) !=
+    // Scheduling failed - the thread to schedule on is probably dead
+    queue_int_release();
+  }
diff --git a/btif/test/btif_profile_queue_test.cc b/btif/test/btif_profile_queue_test.cc
index 8777eaf..67f3a02 100644
--- a/btif/test/btif_profile_queue_test.cc
+++ b/btif/test/btif_profile_queue_test.cc
@@ -17,27 +17,27 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <base/bind.h>
 #include "btif/include/btif_profile_queue.h"
 #include "stack_manager.h"
 #include "types/raw_address.h"
-static bool sStackRunning;
-bool get_stack_is_running(void) { return sStackRunning; }
-static stack_manager_t sStackManager = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
-                                        get_stack_is_running};
-const stack_manager_t* stack_manager_get_interface() { return &sStackManager; }
 typedef void(tBTIF_CBACK)(uint16_t event, char* p_param);
 typedef void(tBTIF_COPY_CBACK)(uint16_t event, char* p_dest, char* p_src);
-bt_status_t btif_transfer_context(tBTIF_CBACK* p_cback, uint16_t event,
-                                  char* p_params, int param_len,
-                                  tBTIF_COPY_CBACK* p_copy_cback) {
-  p_cback(event, p_params);
+// NOTE: Local re-implementation of functions to avoid thread context switching
+static bool sStackRunning;
+bool get_stack_is_running(void) { return sStackRunning; }
+static stack_manager_t sStackManager = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+                                        get_stack_is_running};
+const stack_manager_t* stack_manager_get_interface() { return &sStackManager; }
+bt_status_t do_in_jni_thread(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+                             const base::Closure& task) {
+  task.Run();
+bool is_on_jni_thread() { return true; }
 enum ResultType {
   NOT_SET = 0,
@@ -130,14 +130,30 @@
   sResult = NOT_SET;
   btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid2, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb);
   EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET);
+  // Third item for same UUID1, but different address ADDR2
   sResult = NOT_SET;
+  btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr2, test_connect_cb);
+  EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET);
+  // Fourth item for same UUID2, but different address ADDR2
+  sResult = NOT_SET;
+  btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid2, &kTestAddr2, test_connect_cb);
+  EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET);
   // Connect next doesn't work
+  sResult = NOT_SET;
   EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET);
-  // Advance moves queue to execute next item
+  // Advance moves queue to execute second item
   sResult = NOT_SET;
   EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID2_ADDR1);
+  // Advance moves queue to execute third item
+  sResult = NOT_SET;
+  btif_queue_advance();
+  EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR2);
+  // Advance moves queue to execute fourth item
+  sResult = NOT_SET;
+  btif_queue_advance();
+  EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID2_ADDR2);
 TEST_F(BtifProfileQueueTest, test_cleanup_first_allow_second) {