apmanager: DHCP server support

Start a DHCP server for an AP service when it is configured in server
mode. The server address is configure as "192.168.x.254" where
x is the least significant byte of the service identifier. The DHCP
range is from 192.168.x.1 to 192.168.x.128.

TEST=unittests and manual test
Manual test:
Start an AP service using apmanager and verify a DUT can connect
to it with an IP address

Change-Id: I16a0d03c8eac7f02722c8c8f5185ca75a1edebcb
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/233047
Reviewed-by: Peter Qiu <zqiu@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Peter Qiu <zqiu@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Peter Qiu <zqiu@chromium.org>
18 files changed