shill: document coding conventions

TEST=FEATURES="test nostrip noclean" emerge-x86-generic shill (yes, paranoia)

Change-Id: Ia99bd5655449b7541d2e759ceab5b79b46d650da
Tested-by: mukesh agrawal <>
Reviewed-by: Darin Petkov <>
diff --git a/HACKING b/HACKING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a1f7c2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
+To keep the shill source code consistent, please follow the conventions below:
+- Use the Chromium Coding Style, as described at
+  If you use Emacs, the Google C Style mode will help you with the formatting
+  aspects of style. (Chromium Style generally follows Google Style). Get the
+  Emacs mode at
+  Note that we've deviated from the Chromium style in the following
+  ways. In these cases, follow the shill style, for consistency with
+  the rest of the shill code:
+  - We denote pointer and reference variables by placing the '*' and '&'
+    adjacent to the variable name, rather than the type. E.g.
+       void *bar
+    rather than
+       void* bar
+  - <no other deviations documented yet>
+- When working with DBus::Variant:
+  - Read data via the appropriate named method, rather than depending on
+    implicit conversion. E.g.,
+       int8 data = var.reader().get_byte();
+    rather than
+       int8 data = var;
+    RATIONALE: The explicit version is only marginally longer than the
+    implicit version, and does not require the reader to understand C++
+    conversion rules.
+  - Where there is no named method, call the appropriate cast operator
+    explicitly. E.g.
+    vector<unsigned int> data = var.operator vector<unsigned int>();
+    RATIONALE: Calling the cast operator explicitly avoids conflicts with
+    constructors that might also be used to make the conversion. It also
+    avoids requiring that the reader understand C++ conversion rules.
+- When deferring work from a signal handler (e.g. a D-Bus callback) to
+  the event loop, name the deferred work function by adding "Task" to
+  the name of the function deferring the work. E.g.
+  void Modem::Init() {
+    dispatcher_->PostTask(task_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&Modem::InitTask));
+  }
+  RATIONALE: The naming convention makes the relationship between the signal
+  handler and the task function obvious, at-a-glance.