shill: Add ConnectionHealthChecker class to check connectivity status.

ConnectionHealthChecker asynchronously creates a TCP connection with a
remote server and checks that either (1) a small amount of data can be
sent over the connection, or (2) the connection can be cleanly shut
down. ConnectionHealthChecker may be provided multiple remote server
addresses, and it attempts them in a round-robin fashion if one attempt

TEST=Build and run unit tests.

Change-Id: I01013af2214fd5614b1fca820670de12757a8904
Commit-Queue: Ben Chan <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Chan <>
Tested-by: Ben Chan <>
diff --git a/connection_health_checker.h b/connection_health_checker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aac9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/connection_health_checker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <queue>
+#include <base/basictypes.h>
+#include <base/callback.h>
+#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
+#include <base/memory/scoped_vector.h>
+#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
+#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
+#include "shill/sockets.h"
+#include "shill/socket_info.h"
+namespace shill {
+class AsyncConnection;
+class DNSClient;
+class Error;
+class EventDispatcher;
+class IPAddress;
+class SocketInfoReader;
+// The ConnectionHealthChecker class implements the facilities to test
+// connectivity status on some connection asynchronously.
+// In particular, the class can distinguish between three states of the
+// connection:
+//   -(1)- No connectivity (TCP connection can not be established)
+//   -(2)- Partial connectivity (TCP connection can be established, but no data
+//         transfer)
+//   -(3)- Connectivity OK (TCP connection established, is healthy)
+class ConnectionHealthChecker {
+ public:
+  typedef std::queue<IPAddress> IPAddressQueue;
+  enum Result {
+    // There was some problem in the setup of ConnctionHealthChecker.
+    // Could not attempt a tcp connection.
+    kResultUnknown,
+    // New health check request made successfully. The result of the health
+    // check is returned asynchronously.
+    kResultInProgress,
+    // Failed to create TCP connection. Condition -(1)-.
+    kResultConnectionFailure,
+    // Failed to destroy TCP connection. Condition -(2)-.
+    kResultElongatedTimeWait,
+    // Failed to send data on TCP connection. Condition -(2)-.
+    kResultCongestedTxQueue,
+    // Condition -(3)-.
+    kResultSuccess
+  };
+  ConnectionHealthChecker(ConnectionRefPtr connection,
+                          EventDispatcher *dispatcher,
+                          const base::Callback<void(Result)> &result_callback);
+  virtual ~ConnectionHealthChecker();
+  // A new ConnectionHealthChecker is created with a default URL to attempt the
+  // TCP connection with. Add a URL to try.
+  void AddRemoteURL(const std::string &url_string);
+  // Name resolution can fail in conditions -(1)- and -(2)-. Add an IP address
+  // to attempt the TCP connection with.
+  void AddRemoteIP(IPAddress ip);
+  // Start a connection health check. The health check involves one or more
+  // attempts at establishing and using a TCP connection. |result_callback_| is
+  // called with the final result of the check. |result_callback_| will always
+  // be called after a call to Start() unless Stop() is called in the meantime.
+  // |result_callback_| may be called before Start() completes.
+  //
+  // Calling Start() while a health check is in progress is a no-op.
+  virtual void Start();
+  // Stop the current health check. No callback is called as a side effect of
+  // this function.
+  //
+  // Calling Stop() on a Stop()ed health check is a no-op.
+  virtual void Stop();
+  // Accessors.
+  const IPAddressQueue &remote_ips() { return remote_ips_; }
+  void set_run_data_test(bool val) { run_data_test_ = val; }
+ private:
+  friend class ConnectionHealthCheckerTest;
+  FRIEND_TEST(ConnectionHealthCheckerTest, GetSocketInfo);
+  FRIEND_TEST(ConnectionHealthCheckerTest, SendData);
+  FRIEND_TEST(ConnectionHealthCheckerTest, ShutDown);
+  // Time to wait for DNS server.
+  static const int kDNSTimeoutSeconds;
+  // Number of connection attempts before failure per health check request.
+  static const int kMaxConnectionAttempts;
+  static const uint16 kRemotePort;
+  // Start a new AsyncConnection with callback set to OnConnectionComplete().
+  void SetupTcpConnection();
+  // Callback for AsyncConnection.
+  // Observe the setup connection to test health state
+  void OnConnectionComplete(bool success, int sock_fd);
+  // Callback for DnsClient
+  void GetDNSResult(const Error &error, const IPAddress &ip);
+  void TryNextIP();
+  Result SendData(int sock_fd);
+  Result ShutDown(int sock_fd);
+  bool GetSocketInfo(int sock_fd, SocketInfo *sock_info);
+  ConnectionRefPtr connection_;
+  EventDispatcher *dispatcher_;
+  base::Callback<void(Result)> result_callback_;
+  IPAddressQueue remote_ips_;
+  scoped_ptr<SocketInfoReader> socket_info_reader_;
+  scoped_ptr<Sockets> socket_;
+  base::WeakPtrFactory<ConnectionHealthChecker> weak_ptr_factory_;
+  const base::Callback<void(bool, int)> connection_complete_callback_;
+  const base::Callback<void(const Error&, const IPAddress&)>
+      dns_client_callback_;
+  scoped_ptr<AsyncConnection> tcp_connection_;
+  scoped_ptr<DNSClient> dns_client_;
+  // If true, HealthChecker attempts to send a small amount of data over
+  // the network during the test. Otherwise, the inference is based on
+  // the connection open/close behaviour.
+  // Default: true
+  bool run_data_test_;
+  bool health_check_in_progress_;
+  short num_connection_attempts_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ConnectionHealthChecker);
+}  // namespace shill