shill: Adopt API docs

The shill and flimflam APIs are starting to diverge in meaningful
ways, so it's time for us to have our own.  The files are in a form
that make them easily diffable from flimflam.  Initial changes have
been made to reflect how shill differs from flimflam, and highlight
a few API bits that shill does not yet implement.


Change-Id: I9f926fab0bbbb11047aaf87408063a77ef8750b9
Reviewed-by: mukesh agrawal <>
Commit-Ready: Paul Stewart <>
Tested-by: Paul Stewart <>
diff --git a/doc/service-api.txt b/doc/service-api.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa3bb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/service-api.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+Service hierarchy
+Service		org.chromium.flimflam
+Interface	org.chromium.flimflam.Service
+Object path	[variable prefix]/{service0,service1,...}
+Methods		dict GetProperties()
+			Return the properties for the service object. See
+			the Properties section for available properties.
+		void SetProperty(string name, variant value)
+			Change the value of the specified property. Only
+			properties that are listed as read-write are
+			changeable. On success a PropertyChanged signal
+			will be emitted.
+			Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments
+					 [service].Error.InvalidProperty
+					 [service].Error.InvalidService
+					 [service].Error.InvalidPassphrase
+		void ClearProperty(string name)
+			Clear the value of the specified property. Only
+			properties that are listed as read-write are
+			changeable. On success a PropertyChanged signal
+			will be emitted.
+			Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments
+					 [service].Error.InvalidProperty
+		void Connect()
+			Initiate a connection for the specified service.
+			For Ethernet devices this method can only be used
+			if it has previously been disconnected. Otherwise
+			the plugging of a cable automatically triggers
+			a connection.  If no cable is plugged in this
+			method will fail.
+			If the requested service is already connected
+			then this request is ignored and AlreadyConnected
+			is returned.
+			If the requested service is in the process of
+			connecting then this request is ignored and
+			InProgress is returned.
+			If another service of the same type is connected or
+			connecting then it is terminated before this request
+			is handled.
+			Possible Errors: [service].Error.AlreadyConnected
+					 [service].Error.InProgress
+					 [service].Error.OperationAborted
+					 [service].Error.InvalidService
+		void Disconnect()
+			Disconnect a service. If the service is not
+			connected or in the process of connecting an
+			error message will be generated.
+			For Ethernet devices this will remove all
+			Layer 3 state and mark the associated network
+			interface down.  If no cable is plugged in this
+			request will fail.
+			This method can also be used to abort a previous
+			connection attempt via the Connect method.
+			Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments
+		void Remove()
+			Disconnect and remove all recorded state of a
+			service.  The service must have previously had
+			a success connection so that the Favorite property
+			is marked "true".
+			This method is not permitted for Ethernet devices;
+			it will generate a NotSupported error response.
+			Possible Errors: [service].Error.InvalidArguments
+					 [service].Error.NotSupported
+			[Silently ignored in shill so far]
+		void MoveBefore(object service)
+			Silently ignored in shill.  Do not use.
+		void MoveAfter(object service)
+			Silently ignored in shill.  Do not use.
+		void ActivateCellularModem(string carrier)
+			Activate a cellular modem on the provided carrier.
+			This method returns immediately.  The caller
+			can either poll the Cellular.ActivationState
+			property, or monitor the PropertyChanged
+			signal to know when and if the
+			ActivateCellularModem call succeeded.
+			The correct carrier specific modem firmware
+			must already be loaded before this method is
+			called.
+			If this method is called for a non-cellular
+			service or on a service associated with a
+			non-CDMA device, it will return a NotSupported
+			error.
+			If the device is already activated nothing is returned.
+			but if the device needs to be activated an InProgress
+			error is returned.
+			Expected Result: [service].Error.InProgress
+			Possible Errors: [service].Error.NotSupported
+Signals		PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
+			This signal indicates a changed value of the given
+			property.
+Properties	boolean AutoConnect [readwrite]
+			If set to true, this service will auto-connect
+			when no other connection is available.  If multiple
+			services are marked for auto-connect then the highest
+			priority available service will be selected.
+			For favorite services it is possible to change
+			this value to prevent or permit automatic
+			connection attempts. For non-favorite services, setting
+			AutoConnect to TRUE causes favorite to be set to TRUE.
+		string Cellular.ActivationState [readonly]
+			(Cellular only) The activate state of the device
+			on the cellular network.  Possible values for
+			activate_state are:
+			   "not-activated"
+			   "activating"
+			   "partially-activated"
+			   "activated"
+			A CDMA device can be activated by calling the
+			Activate method.
+			This property is relevant only for services
+			associated with a CDMA cellular device.
+		dict Cellular.ServingOperator [readonly] [GSM only]
+			(Cellular only) Description of the operator on whose
+			network the modem is currently registered, if any.
+			The dictionary may contain the following string-valued
+			properties:
+			"name"       The operator name
+			"country"    The two-letter country code.
+			"network_id" The MCC (Mobile Country Code)
+				     and MNC (Mobile Network Code) of the
+				     operator on whose network the device is
+				     registered. The value of the property is
+				     the simple concatenation of the MCC and
+				     the MNC, with no separator. The first
+				     three digits are always the MCC, and
+				     the following two or three digits are the
+				     MNC.
+		string Cellular.NetworkTechnology [readonly]
+			(Cellular only) If the modem is registered on a
+			network, then this property gives the data bearer
+			technology currently in use.  The following
+			table lists the values this property may have,
+			along with a rough indication of the "generation"
+			to which the technology is considered to belong.
+			Value          Generation
+			-----------------------------
+			"1xRTT" (CDMA) 2.5G
+			"EVDO" (CDMA)  3G to 3.5G
+			"GPRS"         2.5G
+			"EDGE"         2.75G
+			"UMTS"         3G
+			"HSPA"         3.5G
+			"HSPA+"        3.75G
+			"LTE"          3.9G
+			"LTE Advanced" 4G
+		string Cellular.RoamingState [readonly]
+			(Cellular only) The roaming status of the modem on
+			the current network. Possible values are "home",
+			"roaming", and "unknown".
+		string Cellular.Olp [readonly]
+			(Cellular only) A dictionary describing the
+			online payment portal (OLP) at which a user
+			can sign up for, or modify, a mobile data
+			plan.  The value of this property is a
+			string -> string dictionary, which includes
+			the following keys:
+			"url"      The URL for the portal
+			"method"   The HTTP method to use, "GET" or "POST"
+			"postdata" If the method is POST then this key is
+				   present and contains the postdata
+				   to send.
+		dict Cellular.APN [readwrite] [GSM only]
+			(Cellular only) The APN to be used with a GSM
+			carrier for making data connections. The value of
+			this property is a string -> string dictionary,
+			which must include at least the following key:
+			"apn"  The APN to use for making connections
+			There are three optional properties. The first is
+			"network_id" The network ID (MCC/MNC pair) of the
+			             network for which the APN should be used.
+				     If not specified, then the network ID of
+				     the currently registered network is used.
+			The other two optional properties are "username"
+			and "password", which, if specified, will be supplied
+			to the connect operation on the modem along with the
+			APN.
+			When the APN is set using this method, it overrides
+			any APN that may be associated with the specified
+			network ID in the APN database. The APN setting is
+			persistent across reboots.
+			A user-specified APN may be cleared by clearing this
+			property.
+			The algorithm for connecting to GSM networks is as
+			follows, stopping when a connection is succesfully
+			established:
+			1. Try the last APN that resulted in a successful
+			   connection.
+			2. Try the APN that was set from the Cellular.APN
+			   property (if any).
+			3. Try the list of APNs for the current provider one
+			   at a time. The list comes from the mobile broadband
+			   provider information database.
+			4. As a last resort, try connecting without specifying
+			   an APN.
+			If all these steps fail, then the connect attempt fails.
+			Whenever this property is set to establish a new APN to
+			use, the remembered last-good-APN is cleared. The
+			remembered last-good-APN is persistent across reboots.
+		dict Cellular.LastGoodAPN [readonly] [GSM only]
+			(Cellular only) The APN information used in the
+			last successful connection attempt.  If the last
+			attempt was unsuccesful, this property is unset.
+			The format of this property is the same as for
+			the Cellular.APN property.
+		string CheckPortal [readwrite]
+			Control captive portal checking.  Possible values
+			are "true", "false", and "auto" (default).
+			When set to "auto" captive portal checking is
+			controlled by Manager.CheckPortalList (which
+			is a per-technology mask/list of which services
+			should do captive portal checking).
+		boolean Connectable [readonly]
+			Indicates whether a service is prepared for use
+			as an argument to the Connect method.  A service
+			will not be marked Connectable if, for example,
+			it is missing necessary security credentials.
+			Clients may use this property to not disable
+			services or to mark them in some way to indicate
+			they are present but not usable.
+		object Device [readonly]
+			The object path of the associated device.
+			This value may be used to retrieve and manipulate
+			Layer 3 configuration state.
+		string EAP.Identity [readwrite]
+			The client identity string used in setting up
+			services of type "802_1x".
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.EAP [readwrite]
+			The EAP methods that will be accepted when setting
+			up services of type "802_1x".
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.InnerEAP [readwrite]
+			The authentication methods that will be on the
+			inside of a PEAP or EAP-TTLS tunnel.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.AnonymousIdentity [readwrite]
+			The client identity string that will be used
+			for the outer EAP authentication for tunneled
+			methods such as PEAP and EAP-TTLS.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.ClientCert [readwrite]
+			The pathname to a file containing the client
+			certificate for setting up services of type
+			"802_1x".  The certificate file must be in
+			PEM format.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.CertID [readwrite]
+			The PKCS#11 identifier of the client certificate
+			to use when setting up services of type "802_1x".
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.PrivateKey [readwrite]
+			The pathname of a file containing the private
+			key for setting up services of type "802_1x".
+			The private key file must be in PEM format.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.PrivateKeyPassword [readwrite]
+			The password to decrypt a private key given
+			in EAP.PrivateKey.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.KeyID [readwrite]
+			The PKCS#11 identifier of the private key to
+			use when setting up services of type "802_1x".
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.CACert [readwrite]
+			The pathname of a file containing the Certificate
+			Authority's certificate for validating server
+			certificates during the 802.1x authentication
+			process.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.CACertID [readwrite]
+			The PKCS#11 ID of the EAP.CACert file for
+			validating server certificate recieved during
+			the 802.1x authentication process.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		boolean EAP.UseSystemCAs [readwrite]
+			Control whether EAP operations are
+			configured to use the system's installed set
+			of certificate authorities when validating
+			server certificates. Note that if UseSystemCAs
+			is false and no CA is specified with EAP.CACert
+			or EAP.CaCertID - that is, no CAs are configured
+			at all - server certificates will not have their
+			signatures checked. Defaults to true.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.PIN [readwrite]
+			The PIN used to authenticate to the PKCS#11 device
+			to retrieve a client certificate, private key,
+			or certificate authority certificate.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.Password [readwrite]
+			The password to use in 802.1x authentication.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string EAP.KeyMgmt [readwrite]
+			(WiFi only) The key management algorithm to be
+			used in 802.1x authentication.	If this property
+			is not set then "WPA-EAP" is used for the key
+			management algorithm.
+			This property is included in get requests only
+			when the requester has sufficient privileges.
+		string Error [readonly]
+			The service error status details.
+			When error occur during connection or disconnection
+			the detailed information are represented in this
+			property to help the user interface to present the
+			user with alternate options.
+			This property is only valid when the service is in
+			the "failure" or "activation-failure" states. Otherwise
+			it might be empty or not present at all.
+			Current defined error code is "dhcp-failed".
+		boolean Favorite [readonly]
+			Will be true if a cable is plugged in or the user
+			selected and successfully connected to this service.
+			This value is automatically changed and to revert
+			it back to false the Remove() method needs to be
+			used.
+		string GUID [readwrite]
+			The Globally Unique IDentifier for the service.
+			This value may be set by a client and is
+			intended for cross-referencing Service objects
+			to externally-maintained data.
+		object IPConfig [readonly]
+			The object path of the associated IP configuration.
+			This value only exists when the service is connected,
+			and is used used to retrieve Layer 3 configuration
+			state.
+		boolean IsActive [readonly]
+			Will be true if this service has a default route;
+			i.e.  network traffic is being sent through it.
+		string Mode [readonly]
+			If the service type is "wifi", then this property is
+			present and contains the mode of the network. The
+			possible values are "managed" or "adhoc".
+			This property is present only for WiFi services.
+		string Name [readonly]
+			The service name (for example "Wireless" etc.)
+			This name can be used for directly displaying it in
+			the application. It has pure informational purpose.
+			For Ethernet devices and hidden WiFi networks it is
+			not guaranteed that this property is present. For
+			visible WiFi networks, this may contain the SSID.
+			See also the WiFi.HexSSID property.
+		string Passphrase [readwrite]
+			If the service type is "wifi", then this property
+			holds a passphrase used in setting up services of
+			type "wep", "wpa", "rsn", "psk", or a private
+			key password used in setting up services of
+			type "802_1x".
+			For "wep" services, this must contain the WEP
+			key and, optionally, a key index.  Only 40-bit
+			and 104-bit WEP keys are supported.  The WEP
+			key can be formatted either as an ASCII string
+			(5 or 13 characters), or as ASCII hex digits
+			(10 or 26). When using ASCII hex digits, the
+			key may optionally be preceded by "0x" or "0X".
+			To specify an optional WEP key index, prepend
+			the key with "0:", "1:", "2:" or "3:".  If no
+			index is specified, 0 is used.
+			By default this property is not included in get
+			requests.  It may be present if a non-default
+			security policy is configured and the client has
+			"read secret" privileges.
+			Note that no PropertyChanged signals are sent for
+			this property. The PassphraseRequired property
+			should be monitored instead.
+		boolean PassphraseRequired [readonly]
+			If the service type is "wifi", then this property
+			indicates if a passphrase or key (for WEP) is required.
+			If a passphrase has been set already or if no
+			passphrase is needed, then this property will
+			be set to false.
+			UI clients may monitor this property for a
+			PropertyChanged signals to prompt for a required
+			passphrase or key.
+                        [We will be supporting this soon for VPN]
+		int32 Priority [readwrite]
+			An optional value used to calculate the priority order
+			of this service.  Priorities are between 1 to 100.
+			Services with priorities are sorted ahead of services
+			without.  Services with the same priority are ordered
+			by other means such as service type and signal
+			strength.
+			By default services are not assigned a priority;
+			clients must set one if they desire.  To remove an
+			existing priority use the ClearProperty method.
+		object Profile [readwrite]
+			The object path of the associated Profile object.
+			This may not be present if the Service object
+			has not been written to a profile yet.
+		string ProxyConfig [readwrite]
+			An externalized json dictionary describing the proxy
+                        configuration that can be stored on the service, and
+                        modified by a user.
+			Flimflam does not use this information for anything,
+			but it is left available to the caller, and stored
+			persistently.
+			This property may be set by any client and will be
+                        adopted by chrome during run-time.  If syntax of the
+                        value is wrong, chrome will ignore this property during
+                        runtime.
+                        The value of this property is a string -> string
+                        dictionary that includes the following keys. The final
+                        string is a comma separated list of key-value pairs
+                        enclosed by "{" and "}"; syntax of a key-value pair is:
+                        <key>":"<value>. Example:
+                        {"mode":"fixed-servers","server":"http=foopy:80"}
+			"mode"
+                            type of proxy that can be one of:
+                            "direct" --
+                              direct connection to network, other preferences
+                              are ignored
+                            "auto_detect" --
+                              try to retrieve a PAC script from
+                              http://wpad/wpad.dat or fall back to direct
+                              connection
+                            "pac_script" --
+                              try to retrieve PAC script specified for "pac_url"
+                              (see below) or fall back to direct connection
+                            "fixed_servers" --
+                              manual configuration of one or more servers
+                              to be used as proxy
+			"pac_url"
+                            URL for proxy .pac file (meaningful only if mode=
+                            pac_script); scheme of URL must be specified
+			"pac_mandatory"
+                            indciate if a valid PAC script is mandatory
+                            (meaningful only if mode=pac_script);
+                            value is either true or false (without quotes), e.g.
+                            "pac_mandatory":true;
+                            if true, network traffic does not fall back to
+                            direct connections in case the PAC script is not
+                            available
+			"server"
+                            proxy server for manual configuration (meaningful
+                            only if mode=fixed-servers); syntax is
+                            [<proxy-scheme>"://"]<proxy-host>[":"<proxy-port>];
+                            if the proxy to use depends on the scheme of the
+                            URL, specify a semicolon separated list of :
+                            <url-scheme>"="<proxy-uri>
+                            for example:
+                            - "http=foopy:80;ftp=foopy2" --
+                              use HTTP proxy "foopy:80" for http:// URLs, and
+                              HTTP proxy "foopy2:80" for ftp:// URLS
+                            - "foopy:80" -- use HTTP proxy "foopy:80" for all
+                              URLs
+                            - "socks4://foopy" --
+                              use SOCKS v4 proxy "foopy:80" for all URLs
+			"bypass_list"
+                            proxy bypass rules for manual configuration
+                            (meaningful only if mode=fixed-servers); format
+                            can be any one of the following:
+                            1) [<url_scheme>"://"]<hostname_pattern>[":"<port>]
+                               Match all hostnames that match the pattern
+                               hostname_pattern which can be a substring of the
+                               hostname with asterisks.
+                               Examples: "", "*",
+                               "*", "*",
+                               "https://x.*"
+                            2) "."<hostname_suffix_pattern>[":"<port>]
+                               Match a particular domain suffix.
+                               Examples: "", ".com",
+                               ""
+                            3) [<scheme>"://"]<ip_literal>[":"<port>]
+                               Match URLs that are IP address literals.
+                               Conceptually this is the similar to (1), but with
+                               special cases to handle IP literal
+                               canonicalization. For example matching on
+                               "[0:0:0::1]" would be the same as matching on
+                               "[::1]" since the IPv6 canonicalization is done
+                               internally.
+                               Examples: "127.0.1", "[0:0::1]", "[::1]",
+                               "http://[::1]:99"
+                            4) <ip_literal>"/"<prefix_length_in_bits>
+                               Match any URL that is to an IP literal that falls
+                               in the given range. IP range is specified using
+                               CIDR notation.
+                               Examples: "", "fefe:13::abc/33".
+                            5)  "<local>"
+                                Match local addresses; this is a literal string.
+                                "<local>" matches one of: "", "::1",
+                                "localhost".
+		dict Provider [readonly]
+			(VPN only) Provider data.  A provider is a service
+			that piggy-backs on top of a transport service.
+			This is presently used by VPN services.
+			string Domain [readonly]
+				VPN domain name.
+			string Host [readonly]
+				VPN host IP address.
+			string Name [readonly]
+				VPN provider name.
+			string Type [readonly]
+				VPN provider type (e.g. openvpn).
+		boolean SaveCredentials [readwrite]
+			This property indicates if security credentials
+			should be reused and/or written to stable storage.
+			Setting this property to FALSE ensures nothing is
+			recorded and the client must supply credentials
+			for each Connect request.
+			The following credentials are not recorded when
+			this property is set to FALSE:
+			Passphrase
+			EAP.Identity
+			EAP.AnonymousIdentity
+			EAP.ClientCert
+			EAP.CertID
+			EAP.PrivateKey
+			EAP.PrivateKeyPassword
+			EAP.KeyID
+			EAP.Password
+			Note that no PropertyChanged signals are sent for
+			this property.
+		string Security [readonly]
+			If the service type is "wifi", then this property is
+			present and contains the security method or key
+			management setting.
+			Possible values are: "none" (no privacy),
+			"wep" (fixed key WEP), "wpa" (WPA-PSK), "rsn"
+			(IEEE 802.11i-PSK), "psk" (either "wpa" or "rsn"),
+			and "802_1x" (IEEE 802.11i with 802.1x authentication).
+			This property is only present for WiFi services.
+		string State [readonly]
+			The state of the service; one of:
+			"idle"		The service is not enabled or otherwise
+					operational.
+			"carrier"	The associated device is powered on and
+					ready for Layer 2 operation; e.g. a
+					wired Ethernet device that is powered
+					up and connected to a switch.
+			"association"	Intermediate states associated with
+			"disconnect"	connection-based devices such as WiFi
+					and Cellular.  These are exposed for
+					UI applications to provide more
+					fine-grained status.
+			"configuration"	Layer 2 is setup but Layer 3 setup
+					has yet to completed.
+			"ready"		Layer 3 setup is complete; ready to
+					transit and receive data.
+			"portal"	Layer 3 setup is complete but
+					connectivity to the Internet may be
+					limited or unavailable.
+			"online"	Layer 3 setup is complete and an
+					Internet connection has been checked
+					to support HTTP access to the
+					Manager.PortalURL site.
+			"failure"	An error occurred while trying to
+					reach the "ready" state. Consult the
+					Error propery for details.
+			"activation-failure"
+					An error occurred while trying to
+					activate a cellular modem. Consult the
+					Error property for details.
+		uint8 Strength [readonly]
+			Indicates the signal strength of the service. This
+			is a normalized value between 0 and 100.
+			This property will not be present for Ethernet
+			devices.
+		string Type [readonly]
+			The service type; one of:
+			  "ethernet"    (802.3 wired Ethernet),
+			  "wifi"        (IEEE 802.11),
+			  "wimax"       (IEEE 802.16),
+			  "bluetooth"   (Bluetooth PAN),
+			  "cellular"    (3G Cellular), or
+			  "vpn"         (Virtual Private Network).
+			This information should only be used to determine
+			advanced properties or showing the correct icon
+			to the user.
+		string UIData [readwrite]
+			This is additional data available about this service
+			for use by the user interface.  This value is opaque
+			and not used by shill.
+		string WiFi.AuthMode [readonly]
+			(WiFi only) If the service state is
+			"configuration" or "ready", then this property
+			will be present and contains the negotiated
+			authentication method.
+			There are too many possible values to enumerate here.
+			The complete set depends on the capabilities of the
+			associated WiFi supplicant.
+		string WiFi.BSSID [readonly]
+			(WiFi only) The BSSID of the associated AP.
+			One can monitor this property for PropertyChanged
+			signals to identify when roaming changes the
+			current AP.
+		boolean WiFi.HiddenSSID [readonly]
+			(WiFi only) If true, the associated WiFi network
+			does not broadcast it's SSID in beacon frames.
+		uint16 WiFi.Frequency [readonly]
+			(WiFi only) The operating frequency in MHz of
+			the network.
+		string WiFi.PhyMode [readonly]
+			(WiFi only) If the service state is
+			"configuration" or "ready", then this property
+			will be present and contains the negotiated
+			operating mode for the channel.  Possible values
+			include "802.11a", "802.11b", "802.11g",
+			"802.11n".  This value is for informational
+			purposes only.
+		string WiFi.HexSSID [readonly]
+			(WiFi only) If the service's SSID contains
+			unprintable characters then this property is
+			present and holds a hex-encoded copy of the SSID.
+			See also the Name property. (Note that there is
+			no SSID property.)
+		string WiFi.SSID [readonly]
+			(WiFi only) The service's SSID. Must have a non-zero
+			length less than or equal to 32.