shill: Adds frequency list processing.

This is in preparation for progressive scanning.

TEST=unitest (including new ones).

Change-Id: I7643c430f9f07927881ee19db93c77a004f93171
Commit-Queue: Wade Guthrie <>
Reviewed-by: Wade Guthrie <>
Tested-by: Wade Guthrie <>
diff --git a/scan_session.h b/scan_session.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce8d881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scan_session.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <vector>
+#include <base/basictypes.h>
+#include "shill/wifi_provider.h"
+namespace shill {
+// Contains the state of a progressive wifi scan (for example, a list of the
+// requested frequencies and an indication of which of those still need to be
+// scanned).  A wifi scan using ScanSession can transpire across multiple
+// requests, each one encompassing a different set of frequencies.
+// Use this as follows (note, this is shown as synchronous code for clarity
+// but it really should be implemented as asynchronous code):
+// ScanSession scan_session(frequencies_seen_ever, all_scan_frequencies_);
+// while (scan_session.HasMoreFrequencies()) {
+//   scan_session.InitiateScan(scan_session.GetScanFrequencies(
+//      kScanFraction, kMinScanFrequencies, kMaxScanFrequencies));
+//  // Wait for scan results.
+// }
+// The sequence for a single scan is:
+//   +-------------+                                                +--------+
+//   | ScanSession |                                                | Kernel |
+//   +---+---------+                                                +-----+--+
+//       |--- NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN ---------------------------------->|
+//       |<-- NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN (broadcast) -----------------------|
+//       |<-- NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS (broadcast) -------------------|
+//       |--- NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN -------------------------------------->|
+//       |<-- NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS (reply, unicast, NLM_F_MULTI) -|
+//       |<-- NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS (reply, unicast, NLM_F_MULTI) -|
+//       |                               ...                              |
+//       |<-- NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS (reply, unicast, NLM_F_MULTI) -|
+//       |                                                                |
+// ScanSession::OnNewScanBroadcast handles the broadcast
+// NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS by issuing a NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN and
+// installing OnNewScanUnicast to handle the unicast
+class ScanSession {
+ public:
+  // The frequency lists provide the frequencies that are returned by
+  // |GetScanFrequencies|.  Frequencies are taken, first, from the connected
+  // list (in order of the number of connections per frequency -- high before
+  // low) and then from the unconnected list (in the order provided).
+  ScanSession(const WiFiProvider::FrequencyCountList &connected_frequency_list,
+              const std::vector<uint16_t> &unconnected_frequency_list);
+  virtual ~ScanSession();
+  // Returns true if |ScanSession| contains unscanned frequencies.
+  bool HasMoreFrequencies() const;
+  // Scanning WiFi frequencies for access points takes a long time (on the
+  // order of 100ms per frequency and the kernel doesn't return the result until
+  // the answers are ready for all the frequencies in the batch).  Given this,
+  // scanning all frequencies in one batch takes a very long time.
+  // |GetScanFrequencies| is intended to be called multiple times in order to
+  // get a number of small batches of frequencies to scan.  Frequencies most
+  // likely to yield a successful connection (based on previous connections)
+  // are returned first followed by less-likely frequencies followed, finally,
+  // by frequencies to which this machine hasn't connected before.
+  //
+  // |GetScanFrequencies| gets the next set of WiFi scan frequencies.  Returns
+  // at least |min_frequencies| (unless fewer frequencies remain from previous
+  // calls) and no more than |max_frequencies|.  Inside these constraints,
+  // |GetScanFrequencies| tries to return at least the number of frequencies
+  // required to reach the connection fraction |scan_fraction| out of the total
+  // number of previous connections.  For example, the first call requesting
+  // 33.3% will return the minimum number frequencies that add up to _at least_
+  // the 33.3rd percentile of frequencies to which we've successfully connected
+  // in the past.  The next call of 33.3% returns the minimum number of
+  // frequencies required so that the total of the frequencies returned are _at
+  // least_ the 66.6th percentile of the frequencies to which we've successfully
+  // connected.
+  //
+  // For example, say we've connected to 3 frequencies before:
+  //  freq a,count=10; freq b,count=5; freq c,count=5.
+  //
+  //  GetScanFrequencies(.50,2,10) // Returns a & b (|a| reaches %ile but |b| is
+  //                               // required to meet the minimum).
+  //  GetScanFrequencies(.51,2,10) // Returns c & 9 frequencies from the list
+  //                               // of frequencies to which we've never
+  //                               // connected.
+  virtual std::vector<uint16_t> GetScanFrequencies(float scan_fraction,
+                                                   size_t min_frequencies,
+                                                   size_t max_frequencies);
+ private:
+  friend class ScanSessionTest;
+  // Assists with sorting the |connected_frequency_list| passed to the
+  // constructor.
+  static bool CompareFrequencyCount(const WiFiProvider::FrequencyCount &first,
+                                    const WiFiProvider::FrequencyCount &second);
+  // List of frequencies, sorted by the number of successful connections for
+  // each frequency.
+  WiFiProvider::FrequencyCountList frequency_list_;
+  size_t total_connections_;
+  size_t total_connects_provided_;
+  float total_fraction_wanted_;
+}  // namespace shill.