Create lookup table of DEX symbols.

Create fast lookup table instead of iterating every single time.
This will create the cache as methods are searched for.

Test: 137-cfi
Change-Id: I4be190bb1a637fef5d385b993be6a7e2203a6814
diff --git a/libunwindstack/DexFile.cpp b/libunwindstack/DexFile.cpp
index b18b0ce..3d982f6 100644
--- a/libunwindstack/DexFile.cpp
+++ b/libunwindstack/DexFile.cpp
@@ -68,17 +68,51 @@
     return false;  // The DEX offset is not within the bytecode of this dex file.
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dex_file_->NumClassDefs(); ++i) {
-    const art::DexFile::ClassDef& class_def = dex_file_->GetClassDef(i);
+  if (dex_file_->IsCompactDexFile()) {
+    // The data section of compact dex files might be shared.
+    // Check the subrange unique to this compact dex.
+    const auto& cdex_header = dex_file_->AsCompactDexFile()->GetHeader();
+    uint32_t begin = cdex_header.data_off_ + cdex_header.OwnedDataBegin();
+    uint32_t end = cdex_header.data_off_ + cdex_header.OwnedDataEnd();
+    if (dex_offset < begin || dex_offset >= end) {
+      return false;  // The DEX offset is not within the bytecode of this dex file.
+    }
+  }
+  // The method data is cached in a std::map indexed by method end offset and
+  // contains the start offset and the method member index.
+  // Only cache the method data as it is searched. Do not read the entire
+  // set of method data into the cache at once.
+  // This is done because many unwinds only find a single frame with dex file
+  // info, so reading the entire method data is wasteful. However, still cache
+  // the data so that anything doing multiple unwinds will have this data
+  // cached for future use.
+  // First look in the method cache.
+  auto entry = method_cache_.upper_bound(dex_offset);
+  if (entry != method_cache_.end() && dex_offset >= entry->second.first) {
+    *method_name = dex_file_->PrettyMethod(entry->second.second, false);
+    *method_offset = dex_offset - entry->second.first;
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Check the methods we haven't cached.
+  for (; class_def_index_ < dex_file_->NumClassDefs(); class_def_index_++) {
+    const art::DexFile::ClassDef& class_def = dex_file_->GetClassDef(class_def_index_);
     const uint8_t* class_data = dex_file_->GetClassData(class_def);
     if (class_data == nullptr) {
-    for (art::ClassDataItemIterator it(*dex_file_.get(), class_data); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) {
-      if (!it.IsAtMethod()) {
+    if (class_it_.get() == nullptr || !class_it_->HasNext()) {
+      class_it_.reset(new art::ClassDataItemIterator(*dex_file_.get(), class_data));
+    }
+    for (; class_it_->HasNext(); class_it_->Next()) {
+      if (!class_it_->IsAtMethod()) {
-      const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = it.GetMethodCodeItem();
+      const art::DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = class_it_->GetMethodCodeItem();
       if (code_item == nullptr) {
@@ -87,11 +121,15 @@
-      uint64_t offset = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(code.Insns()) - dex_file_->Begin();
-      size_t size = code.InsnsSizeInCodeUnits() * sizeof(uint16_t);
-      if (offset <= dex_offset && dex_offset < offset + size) {
-        *method_name = dex_file_->PrettyMethod(it.GetMemberIndex(), false);
+      uint32_t offset = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(code.Insns()) - dex_file_->Begin();
+      uint32_t offset_end = offset + code.InsnsSizeInCodeUnits() * sizeof(uint16_t);
+      uint32_t member_index = class_it_->GetMemberIndex();
+      method_cache_[offset_end] = std::make_pair(offset, member_index);
+      if (offset <= dex_offset && dex_offset < offset_end) {
+        *method_name = dex_file_->PrettyMethod(member_index, false);
         *method_offset = dex_offset - offset;
+        // Move past this element.
+        class_it_->Next();
         return true;
diff --git a/libunwindstack/DexFile.h b/libunwindstack/DexFile.h
index 3ce2f1e..508692d 100644
--- a/libunwindstack/DexFile.h
+++ b/libunwindstack/DexFile.h
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <map>
 #include <memory>
 #include <string>
+#include <utility>
 #include <vector>
 #include <dex/dex_file-inl.h>
@@ -37,7 +39,13 @@
   static DexFile* Create(uint64_t dex_file_offset_in_memory, Memory* memory, MapInfo* info);
+  void Init();
   std::unique_ptr<const art::DexFile> dex_file_;
+  std::map<uint32_t, std::pair<uint64_t, uint32_t>> method_cache_;  // dex offset to method index.
+  uint32_t class_def_index_ = 0;
+  std::unique_ptr<art::ClassDataItemIterator> class_it_;
 class DexFileFromFile : public DexFile {
diff --git a/libunwindstack/tests/DexFileTest.cpp b/libunwindstack/tests/DexFileTest.cpp
index 0b02c5b..4dd8cb0 100644
--- a/libunwindstack/tests/DexFileTest.cpp
+++ b/libunwindstack/tests/DexFileTest.cpp
@@ -206,15 +206,42 @@
   std::string method;
   uint64_t method_offset;
-  dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x102, &method, &method_offset);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x102, &method, &method_offset));
   EXPECT_EQ("Main.<init>", method);
   EXPECT_EQ(2U, method_offset);
-  method = "not_in_a_method";
-  method_offset = 0x123;
-  dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x100000, &method, &method_offset);
-  EXPECT_EQ("not_in_a_method", method);
-  EXPECT_EQ(0x123U, method_offset);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x118, &method, &method_offset));
+  EXPECT_EQ("Main.main", method);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0U, method_offset);
+  // Make sure that any data that is cached is still retrievable.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x104, &method, &method_offset));
+  EXPECT_EQ("Main.<init>", method);
+  EXPECT_EQ(4U, method_offset);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x119, &method, &method_offset));
+  EXPECT_EQ("Main.main", method);
+  EXPECT_EQ(1U, method_offset);
+TEST(DexFileTest, get_method_empty) {
+  MemoryFake memory;
+  memory.SetMemory(0x4000, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData));
+  MapInfo info(0x100, 0x10000, 0x200, 0x5, "");
+  std::unique_ptr<DexFile> dex_file(DexFile::Create(0x4000, &memory, &info));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(dex_file != nullptr);
+  std::string method;
+  uint64_t method_offset;
+  EXPECT_FALSE(dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x100000, &method, &method_offset));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x98, &method, &method_offset));
+  // Make sure that once the whole dex file has been cached, no problems occur.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x98, &method, &method_offset));
+  // Choose a value that is in the cached map, but not in a valid method.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x110, &method, &method_offset));
 }  // namespace unwindstack