Add mDNS device discovery for adb client

Test: Was able to discover a raspberry pi.
Bug: 28074466
(cherry picked from e292cd16760321fccc99c8c261cb92fa4b6462ab)

Change-Id: Id9571576457a4a0a078e48a274a4e8eac78bfe2b
diff --git a/adb/transport_mdns.cpp b/adb/transport_mdns.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b63fc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adb/transport_mdns.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "transport.h"
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
+#include <dns_sd.h>
+#include "adb_mdns.h"
+#include "adb_trace.h"
+#include "fdevent.h"
+#include "sysdeps.h"
+static DNSServiceRef service_ref;
+static fdevent service_ref_fde;
+static void register_service_ip(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
+                                DNSServiceFlags flags,
+                                uint32_t interfaceIndex,
+                                DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
+                                const char* hostname,
+                                const sockaddr* address,
+                                uint32_t ttl,
+                                void* context);
+static void pump_service_ref(int /*fd*/, unsigned ev, void* data) {
+    DNSServiceRef* ref = reinterpret_cast<DNSServiceRef*>(data);
+    if (ev & FDE_READ)
+        DNSServiceProcessResult(*ref);
+class AsyncServiceRef {
+  public:
+    bool Initialized() {
+        return initialized_;
+    }
+    virtual ~AsyncServiceRef() {
+        if (! initialized_) {
+            return;
+        }
+        DNSServiceRefDeallocate(sdRef_);
+        fdevent_remove(&fde_);
+    }
+  protected:
+    DNSServiceRef sdRef_;
+    void Initialize() {
+        fdevent_install(&fde_, DNSServiceRefSockFD(sdRef_),
+                        pump_service_ref, &sdRef_);
+        fdevent_set(&fde_, FDE_READ);
+        initialized_ = true;
+    }
+  private:
+    bool initialized_;
+    fdevent fde_;
+class ResolvedService : public AsyncServiceRef {
+  public:
+    virtual ~ResolvedService() = default;
+    ResolvedService(std::string name, uint32_t interfaceIndex,
+                    const char* hosttarget, uint16_t port) :
+            name_(name),
+            port_(port) {
+        DNSServiceErrorType ret =
+            DNSServiceGetAddrInfo(
+                &sdRef_, 0, interfaceIndex,
+                kDNSServiceProtocol_IPv6|kDNSServiceProtocol_IPv4, hosttarget,
+                register_service_ip, reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
+        if (ret != kDNSServiceErr_NoError) {
+            D("Got %d from DNSServiceGetAddrInfo.", ret);
+        } else {
+            Initialize();
+        }
+    }
+    void Connect(const sockaddr* address) {
+        char ip_addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+        const void* ip_addr_data;
+        const char* addr_format;
+        if (address->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+            ip_addr_data =
+                &reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in*>(address)->sin_addr;
+            addr_format = "%s:%hu";
+        } else if (address->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
+            ip_addr_data =
+                &reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in6*>(address)->sin6_addr;
+            addr_format = "[%s]:%hu";
+        } else { // Should be impossible
+            D("mDNS resolved non-IP address.");
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!inet_ntop(address->sa_family, ip_addr_data, ip_addr,
+                       INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)) {
+            D("Could not convert IP address to string.");
+            return;
+        }
+        std::string response;
+        connect_device(android::base::StringPrintf(addr_format, ip_addr, port_),
+                       &response);
+        D("Connect to %s (%s:%hu) : %s", name_.c_str(), ip_addr, port_,
+          response.c_str());
+    }
+  private:
+    std::string name_;
+    const uint16_t port_;
+static void register_service_ip(DNSServiceRef /*sdRef*/,
+                                DNSServiceFlags /*flags*/,
+                                uint32_t /*interfaceIndex*/,
+                                DNSServiceErrorType /*errorCode*/,
+                                const char* /*hostname*/,
+                                const sockaddr* address,
+                                uint32_t /*ttl*/,
+                                void* context) {
+    std::unique_ptr<ResolvedService> data(
+        reinterpret_cast<ResolvedService*>(context));
+    data->Connect(address);
+static void register_resolved_mdns_service(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
+                                           DNSServiceFlags flags,
+                                           uint32_t interfaceIndex,
+                                           DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
+                                           const char* fullname,
+                                           const char* hosttarget,
+                                           uint16_t port,
+                                           uint16_t txtLen,
+                                           const unsigned char* txtRecord,
+                                           void* context);
+class DiscoveredService : public AsyncServiceRef {
+  public:
+    DiscoveredService(uint32_t interfaceIndex, const char* serviceName,
+                      const char* regtype, const char* domain)
+        : serviceName_(serviceName) {
+        DNSServiceErrorType ret =
+            DNSServiceResolve(&sdRef_, 0, interfaceIndex, serviceName, regtype,
+                              domain, register_resolved_mdns_service,
+                              reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
+        if (ret != kDNSServiceErr_NoError) {
+            D("Got %d from DNSServiceResolve.", ret);
+        } else {
+            Initialize();
+        }
+    }
+    const char* ServiceName() {
+        return serviceName_.c_str();
+    }
+  private:
+    std::string serviceName_;
+static void register_resolved_mdns_service(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
+                                           DNSServiceFlags flags,
+                                           uint32_t interfaceIndex,
+                                           DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
+                                           const char* fullname,
+                                           const char* hosttarget,
+                                           uint16_t port,
+                                           uint16_t /*txtLen*/,
+                                           const unsigned char* /*txtRecord*/,
+                                           void* context) {
+    std::unique_ptr<DiscoveredService> discovered(
+        reinterpret_cast<DiscoveredService*>(context));
+    if (errorCode != kDNSServiceErr_NoError) {
+        D("Got error %d resolving service.", errorCode);
+        return;
+    }
+    auto resolved =
+        new ResolvedService(discovered->ServiceName(),
+                            interfaceIndex, hosttarget, ntohs(port));
+    if (! resolved->Initialized()) {
+        delete resolved;
+    }
+    if (flags) { /* Only ever equals MoreComing or 0 */
+        discovered.release();
+    }
+static void register_mdns_transport(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
+                                    DNSServiceFlags flags,
+                                    uint32_t interfaceIndex,
+                                    DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
+                                    const char* serviceName,
+                                    const char* regtype,
+                                    const char* domain,
+                                    void*  /*context*/) {
+    if (errorCode != kDNSServiceErr_NoError) {
+        D("Got error %d during mDNS browse.", errorCode);
+        DNSServiceRefDeallocate(sdRef);
+        fdevent_remove(&service_ref_fde);
+        return;
+    }
+    auto discovered = new DiscoveredService(interfaceIndex, serviceName,
+                                            regtype, domain);
+    if (! discovered->Initialized()) {
+        delete discovered;
+    }
+void init_mdns_transport_discovery(void) {
+    DNSServiceErrorType errorCode =
+        DNSServiceBrowse(&service_ref, 0, 0, kADBServiceType, nullptr,
+                         register_mdns_transport, nullptr);
+    if (errorCode != kDNSServiceErr_NoError) {
+        D("Got %d initiating mDNS browse.", errorCode);
+        return;
+    }
+    fdevent_install(&service_ref_fde,
+                    DNSServiceRefSockFD(service_ref),
+                    pump_service_ref,
+                    &service_ref);
+    fdevent_set(&service_ref_fde, FDE_READ);