Multiple consoles

This CL allows enabling of multiple consoles. A service can be
mapped to a specific console by providing the optional argument,
IE "tty0", to "console" service attribute as follows:

service fbconsole /system/bin/sh
    class core
    console tty0
    user shell
    group shell log readproc
    seclabel u:r:shell:s0

Bug: None
Change-Id: I3b24e7f6848bbe5c6475f11334c04ec536e6af88
Signed-off-by: Viorel Suman <>
diff --git a/init/service.h b/init/service.h
index 35abde9..b003ca0 100644
--- a/init/service.h
+++ b/init/service.h
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
     std::string name_;
     std::string classname_;
+    std::string console_;
     unsigned flags_;
     pid_t pid_;