Merge "NEON shortcut for flat colour blending into 16-bit"
diff --git a/libpixelflinger/ b/libpixelflinger/
index 0cc85d9..6491d24 100644
--- a/libpixelflinger/
+++ b/libpixelflinger/
@@ -40,7 +40,13 @@
 ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),arm)
+ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_VERSION),armv7-a)
+PIXELFLINGER_SRC_FILES += col32cb16blend_neon.S
+PIXELFLINGER_SRC_FILES += col32cb16blend.S
+PIXELFLINGER_SRC_FILES += col32cb16blend.S
 ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),arm)
diff --git a/libpixelflinger/col32cb16blend.S b/libpixelflinger/col32cb16blend.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1450bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpixelflinger/col32cb16blend.S
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* libs/pixelflinger/col32cb16blend.S
+** (C) COPYRIGHT 2009 ARM Limited.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at 
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
+** limitations under the License.
+    .text
+    .align
+    .global scanline_col32cb16blend_arm
+// This function alpha blends a fixed color into a destination scanline, using
+// the formula:
+//     d = s + (((a + (a >> 7)) * d) >> 8)
+// where d is the destination pixel,
+//       s is the source color,
+//       a is the alpha channel of the source color.
+// r0 = destination buffer pointer
+// r1 = color value
+// r2 = count
+    push        {r4-r10, lr}                    // stack ARM regs
+    mov         r5, r1, lsr #24                 // shift down alpha
+    mov         r9, #0xff                       // create mask
+    add         r5, r5, r5, lsr #7              // add in top bit
+    rsb         r5, r5, #256                    // invert alpha
+    and         r10, r1, #0xff                  // extract red
+    and         r12, r9, r1, lsr #8             // extract green
+    and         r4, r9, r1, lsr #16             // extract blue
+    mov         r10, r10, lsl #5                // prescale red
+    mov         r12, r12, lsl #6                // prescale green
+    mov         r4, r4, lsl #5                  // prescale blue
+    mov         r9, r9, lsr #2                  // create dest green mask
+    ldrh        r8, [r0]                        // load dest pixel
+    subs        r2, r2, #1                      // decrement loop counter
+    mov         r6, r8, lsr #11                 // extract dest red
+    and         r7, r9, r8, lsr #5              // extract dest green
+    and         r8, r8, #0x1f                   // extract dest blue
+    smlabb      r6, r6, r5, r10                 // dest red * alpha + src red
+    smlabb      r7, r7, r5, r12                 // dest green * alpha + src green
+    smlabb      r8, r8, r5, r4                  // dest blue * alpha + src blue
+    mov         r6, r6, lsr #8                  // shift down red
+    mov         r7, r7, lsr #8                  // shift down green
+    mov         r6, r6, lsl #11                 // shift red into 565
+    orr         r6, r7, lsl #5                  // shift green into 565
+    orr         r6, r8, lsr #8                  // shift blue into 565
+    strh        r6, [r0], #2                    // store pixel to dest, update ptr
+    bne         1b                              // if count != 0, loop
+    pop         {r4-r10, pc}                    // return
diff --git a/libpixelflinger/col32cb16blend_neon.S b/libpixelflinger/col32cb16blend_neon.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17b0d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpixelflinger/col32cb16blend_neon.S
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* libs/pixelflinger/col32cb16blend_neon.S
+** (C) COPYRIGHT 2009 ARM Limited.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at 
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
+** limitations under the License.
+    .text
+    .align
+    .global scanline_col32cb16blend_neon
+// This function alpha blends a fixed color into a destination scanline, using
+// the formula:
+//     d = s + (((a + (a >> 7)) * d) >> 8)
+// where d is the destination pixel,
+//       s is the source color,
+//       a is the alpha channel of the source color.
+// The NEON implementation processes 16 pixels per iteration. The remaining 0 - 15
+// pixels are processed in ARM code.
+// r0 = destination buffer pointer
+// r1 = color pointer
+// r2 = count
+    push        {r4-r11, lr}                    // stack ARM regs
+    vmov.u16    q15, #256                       // create alpha constant
+    movs        r3, r2, lsr #4                  // calc. sixteens iterations
+    vmov.u16    q14, #0x1f                      // create blue mask
+    beq         2f                              // if r3 == 0, branch to singles
+    vld4.8      {d0[], d2[], d4[], d6[]}, [r1]  // load color into four registers
+                                                //  split and duplicate them, such that
+                                                //  d0 = 8 equal red values
+                                                //  d2 = 8 equal green values
+                                                //  d4 = 8 equal blue values
+                                                //  d6 = 8 equal alpha values
+    vshll.u8    q0, d0, #5                      // shift up red and widen
+    vshll.u8    q1, d2, #6                      // shift up green and widen
+    vshll.u8    q2, d4, #5                      // shift up blue and widen
+    vshr.u8     d7, d6, #7                      // extract top bit of alpha
+    vaddl.u8    q3, d6, d7                      // add top bit into alpha
+    vsub.u16    q3, q15, q3                     // invert alpha
+    // This loop processes 16 pixels per iteration. In the comments, references to
+    // the first eight pixels are suffixed with "0" (red0, green0, blue0), 
+    // the second eight are suffixed "1".
+                                                // q8  = dst red0
+                                                // q9  = dst green0
+                                                // q10 = dst blue0
+                                                // q13 = dst red1
+                                                // q12 = dst green1
+                                                // q11 = dst blue1
+    vld1.16     {d20, d21, d22, d23}, [r0]      // load 16 dest pixels
+    vshr.u16    q8, q10, #11                    // shift dst red0 to low 5 bits
+    pld         [r0, #63]                       // preload next dest pixels
+    vshl.u16    q9, q10, #5                     // shift dst green0 to top 6 bits
+    vand        q10, q10, q14                   // extract dst blue0
+    vshr.u16    q9, q9, #10                     // shift dst green0 to low 6 bits
+    vmul.u16    q8, q8, q3                      // multiply dst red0 by src alpha
+    vshl.u16    q12, q11, #5                    // shift dst green1 to top 6 bits
+    vmul.u16    q9, q9, q3                      // multiply dst green0 by src alpha
+    vshr.u16    q13, q11, #11                   // shift dst red1 to low 5 bits
+    vmul.u16    q10, q10, q3                    // multiply dst blue0 by src alpha
+    vshr.u16    q12, q12, #10                   // shift dst green1 to low 6 bits
+    vand        q11, q11, q14                   // extract dst blue1
+    vadd.u16    q8, q8, q0                      // add src red to dst red0
+    vmul.u16    q13, q13, q3                    // multiply dst red1 by src alpha
+    vadd.u16    q9, q9, q1                      // add src green to dst green0 
+    vmul.u16    q12, q12, q3                    // multiply dst green1 by src alpha
+    vadd.u16    q10, q10, q2                    // add src blue to dst blue0
+    vmul.u16    q11, q11, q3                    // multiply dst blue1 by src alpha
+    vshr.u16    q8, q8, #8                      // shift down red0
+    vadd.u16    q13, q13, q0                    // add src red to dst red1
+    vshr.u16    q9, q9, #8                      // shift down green0
+    vadd.u16    q12, q12, q1                    // add src green to dst green1
+    vshr.u16    q10, q10, #8                    // shift down blue0
+    vadd.u16    q11, q11, q2                    // add src blue to dst blue1
+    vsli.u16    q10, q9, #5                     // shift & insert green0 into blue0
+    vshr.u16    q13, q13, #8                    // shift down red1
+    vsli.u16    q10, q8, #11                    // shift & insert red0 into blue0    
+    vshr.u16    q12, q12, #8                    // shift down green1
+    vshr.u16    q11, q11, #8                    // shift down blue1
+    subs        r3, r3, #1                      // decrement loop counter
+    vsli.u16    q11, q12, #5                    // shift & insert green1 into blue1
+    vsli.u16    q11, q13, #11                   // shift & insert red1 into blue1
+    vst1.16     {d20, d21, d22, d23}, [r0]!     // write 16 pixels back to dst
+    bne         1b                              // if count != 0, loop
+    ands        r3, r2, #15                     // calc. single iterations 
+    beq         4f                              // if r3 == 0, exit
+    ldr         r4, [r1]                        // load source color
+    mov         r5, r4, lsr #24                 // shift down alpha
+    add         r5, r5, r5, lsr #7              // add in top bit
+    rsb         r5, r5, #256                    // invert alpha
+    and         r11, r4, #0xff                  // extract red
+    ubfx        r12, r4, #8, #8                 // extract green
+    ubfx        r4, r4, #16, #8                 // extract blue
+    mov         r11, r11, lsl #5                // prescale red
+    mov         r12, r12, lsl #6                // prescale green
+    mov         r4, r4, lsl #5                  // prescale blue
+    ldrh        r8, [r0]                        // load dest pixel
+    subs        r3, r3, #1                      // decrement loop counter
+    mov         r6, r8, lsr #11                 // extract dest red
+    ubfx        r7, r8, #5, #6                  // extract dest green
+    and         r8, r8, #0x1f                   // extract dest blue
+    smlabb      r6, r6, r5, r11                 // dest red * alpha + src red
+    smlabb      r7, r7, r5, r12                 // dest green * alpha + src green
+    smlabb      r8, r8, r5, r4                  // dest blue * alpha + src blue
+    mov         r6, r6, lsr #8                  // shift down red
+    mov         r7, r7, lsr #8                  // shift down green
+    mov         r6, r6, lsl #11                 // shift red into 565
+    orr         r6, r7, lsl #5                  // shift green into 565
+    orr         r6, r8, lsr #8                  // shift blue into 565
+    strh        r6, [r0], #2                    // store pixel to dest, update ptr
+    bne         3b                              // if count != 0, loop
+    pop         {r4-r11, pc}                    // return
diff --git a/libpixelflinger/scanline.cpp b/libpixelflinger/scanline.cpp
index f700306..a2f43eb 100644
--- a/libpixelflinger/scanline.cpp
+++ b/libpixelflinger/scanline.cpp
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
 static void scanline_perspective_single(context_t* c);
 static void scanline_t32cb16blend(context_t* c);
 static void scanline_t32cb16(context_t* c);
+static void scanline_col32cb16blend(context_t* c);
 static void scanline_memcpy(context_t* c);
 static void scanline_memset8(context_t* c);
 static void scanline_memset16(context_t* c);
@@ -93,6 +94,8 @@
 extern "C" void scanline_t32cb16blend_arm(uint16_t*, uint32_t*, size_t);
 extern "C" void scanline_t32cb16_arm(uint16_t *dst, uint32_t *src, size_t ct);
+extern "C" void scanline_col32cb16blend_neon(uint16_t *dst, uint32_t *col, size_t ct);
+extern "C" void scanline_col32cb16blend_arm(uint16_t *dst, uint32_t col, size_t ct);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -111,6 +114,9 @@
     { { { 0x03010104, 0x00000077, { 0x00000A01, 0x00000000 } },
         { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0000003F } } },
         "565 fb, 8888 tx", scanline_t32cb16, init_y_noop  },  
+    { { { 0x03515104, 0x00000077, { 0x00000000, 0x00000000 } },
+        { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF } } },
+        "565 fb, 8888 fixed color", scanline_col32cb16blend, init_y_packed  },  
     { { { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, { 0x00000000, 0x00000000 } },
         { 0x00000000, 0x00000007, { 0x00000000, 0x00000000 } } },
         "(nop) alpha test", scanline_noop, init_y_noop },
@@ -943,6 +949,8 @@
     uint8_t f = c->state.buffers.color.format;
     c->packed = ggl_pack_color(c, f,
             c->shade.r0, c->shade.g0, c->shade.b0, c->shade.a0);
+    c->packed8888 = ggl_pack_color(c, GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888,
+            c->shade.r0, c->shade.g0, c->shade.b0, c->shade.a0);
     c->iterators.y = y0;
     c->step_y = step_y__nop;
     // choose the rectangle blitter
@@ -1253,6 +1261,45 @@
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void scanline_col32cb16blend(context_t* c)
+    int32_t x = c->iterators.xl;
+    size_t ct = c->iterators.xr - x;
+    int32_t y = c->iterators.y;
+    surface_t* cb = &(c->state.buffers.color);
+    union {
+        uint16_t* dst;
+        uint32_t* dst32;
+    };
+    dst = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(cb->data) + (x+(cb->stride*y));
+#if ((ANDROID_CODEGEN >= ANDROID_CODEGEN_ASM) && defined(__arm__))
+    scanline_col32cb16blend_neon(dst, &(c->packed8888), ct);
+#else  // defined(__ARM_HAVE_NEON) && BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN
+    scanline_col32cb16blend_arm(dst, GGL_RGBA_TO_HOST(c->packed8888), ct);
+#endif // defined(__ARM_HAVE_NEON) && BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN
+    uint32_t s = GGL_RGBA_TO_HOST(c->packed8888);
+    int sA = (s>>24);
+    int f = 0x100 - (sA + (sA>>7));
+    while (ct--) {
+        uint16_t d = *dst;
+        int dR = (d>>11)&0x1f;
+        int dG = (d>>5)&0x3f;
+        int dB = (d)&0x1f;
+        int sR = (s >> (   3))&0x1F;
+        int sG = (s >> ( 8+2))&0x3F;
+        int sB = (s >> (16+3))&0x1F;
+        sR += (f*dR)>>8;
+        sG += (f*dG)>>8;
+        sB += (f*dB)>>8;
+        *dst++ = uint16_t((sR<<11)|(sG<<5)|sB);
+    }
 void scanline_t32cb16(context_t* c)
     int32_t x = c->iterators.xl;