am fc2bdfa3: Merge "Python unit test for adb."

* commit 'fc2bdfa39581d9ca1a7204ddd8e3b2e4b32b8434':
  Python unit test for adb.
diff --git a/adb/tests/ b/adb/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ae07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adb/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+"""Simple conformance test for adb.
+This script will use the available adb in path and run simple
+tests that attempt to touch all accessible attached devices.
+import hashlib
+import os
+import random
+import re
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import sys
+import shlex
+def trace(cmd):
+    """Print debug message if tracing enabled."""
+    if False:
+        print >> sys.stderr, cmd
+def call(cmd_str):
+    """Run process and return output tuple (stdout, stderr, ret code)."""
+    trace(cmd_str)
+    process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd_str),
+                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                               stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
+    return stdout, stderr, process.returncode
+def call_combined(cmd_str):
+    """Run process and return output tuple (stdout+stderr, ret code)."""
+    trace(cmd_str)
+    process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd_str),
+                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                               stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+    stdout, _ = process.communicate()
+    return stdout, process.returncode
+def call_checked(cmd_str):
+    """Run process and get stdout+stderr, raise an exception on trouble."""
+    trace(cmd_str)
+    return subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(cmd_str),
+                                   stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+def call_checked_list(cmd_str):
+    return call_checked(cmd_str).split('\n')
+def call_checked_list_skip(cmd_str):
+    out_list = call_checked_list(cmd_str)
+    def is_init_line(line):
+        if (len(line) >= 3) and (line[0] == "*") and (line[-2] == "*"):
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    return [line for line in out_list if not is_init_line(line)]
+def get_device_list():
+    output = call_checked_list_skip("adb devices")
+    dev_list = []
+    for line in output[1:]:
+        if line.strip() == "":
+            continue
+        device, _ = line.split()
+        dev_list.append(device)
+    return dev_list
+def get_attached_device_count():
+    return len(get_device_list())
+def compute_md5(string):
+    hsh = hashlib.md5()
+    hsh.update(string)
+    return hsh.hexdigest()
+class HostFile(object):
+    def __init__(self, handle, md5):
+        self.handle = handle
+        self.md5 = md5
+        self.full_path =
+        self.base_name = os.path.basename(self.full_path)
+class DeviceFile(object):
+    def __init__(self, md5, full_path):
+        self.md5 = md5
+        self.full_path = full_path
+        self.base_name = os.path.basename(self.full_path)
+def make_random_host_files(in_dir, num_files, rand_size=True):
+    files = {}
+    min_size = 1 * (1 << 10)
+    max_size = 16 * (1 << 10)
+    fixed_size = min_size
+    for _ in range(num_files):
+        file_handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=in_dir)
+        if rand_size:
+            size = random.randrange(min_size, max_size, 1024)
+        else:
+            size = fixed_size
+        rand_str = os.urandom(size)
+        file_handle.write(rand_str)
+        file_handle.flush()
+        md5 = compute_md5(rand_str)
+        files[] = HostFile(file_handle, md5)
+    return files
+def make_random_device_files(adb, in_dir, num_files, rand_size=True):
+    files = {}
+    min_size = 1 * (1 << 10)
+    max_size = 16 * (1 << 10)
+    fixed_size = min_size
+    for i in range(num_files):
+        if rand_size:
+            size = random.randrange(min_size, max_size, 1024)
+        else:
+            size = fixed_size
+        base_name = "device_tmpfile" + str(i)
+        full_path = in_dir + "/" + base_name
+"dd if=/dev/urandom of={} bs={} count=1".format(full_path,
+                                                                  size))
+        dev_md5, _ ="md5sum {}".format(full_path)).split()
+        files[full_path] = DeviceFile(dev_md5, full_path)
+    return files
+class AdbWrapper(object):
+    """Convenience wrapper object for the adb command."""
+    def __init__(self, device=None, out_dir=None):
+        self.device = device
+        self.out_dir = out_dir
+        self.adb_cmd = "adb "
+        if self.device:
+            self.adb_cmd += "-s {} ".format(device)
+        if self.out_dir:
+            self.adb_cmd += "-p {} ".format(out_dir)
+    def shell(self, cmd):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "shell " + cmd)
+    def shell_nocheck(self, cmd):
+        return call_combined(self.adb_cmd + "shell " + cmd)
+    def push(self, local, remote):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "push {} {}".format(local, remote))
+    def pull(self, remote, local):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "pull {} {}".format(remote, local))
+    def sync(self, directory=""):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "sync {}".format(directory))
+    def forward(self, local, remote):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "forward {} {}".format(local,
+                                                                  remote))
+    def tcpip(self, port):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "tcpip {}".format(port))
+    def usb(self):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "usb")
+    def forward_remove(self, local):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "forward --remove {}".format(local))
+    def forward_remove_all(self):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "forward --remove-all")
+    def connect(self, host):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "connect {}".format(host))
+    def disconnect(self, host):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "disconnect {}".format(host))
+    def reverse(self, remote, local):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "reverse {} {}".format(remote,
+                                                                  local))
+    def reverse_remove_all(self):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "reverse --remove-all")
+    def reverse_remove(self, remote):
+        return call_checked(
+            self.adb_cmd + "reverse --remove {}".format(remote))
+    def wait(self):
+        return call_checked(self.adb_cmd + "wait-for-device")
+class AdbBasic(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_devices(self):
+        """Get uptime for each device plugged in from /proc/uptime."""
+        dev_list = get_device_list()
+        for device in dev_list:
+            out = call_checked(
+                "adb -s {} shell cat /proc/uptime".format(device))
+            self.assertEqual(len(out.split()), 2)
+            self.assertGreater(float(out.split()[0]), 0.0)
+            self.assertGreater(float(out.split()[1]), 0.0)
+    def test_help(self):
+        """Make sure we get _something_ out of help."""
+        out = call_checked("adb help")
+        self.assertTrue(len(out) > 0)
+    def test_version(self):
+        """Get a version number out of the output of adb."""
+        out = call_checked("adb version").split()
+        version_num = False
+        for item in out:
+            if re.match(r"[\d+\.]*\d", item):
+                version_num = True
+        self.assertTrue(version_num)
+class AdbFile(unittest.TestCase):
+    SCRATCH_DIR = "/data/local/tmp"
+    DEVICE_TEMP_FILE = SCRATCH_DIR + "/adb_test_file"
+    DEVICE_TEMP_DIR = SCRATCH_DIR + "/adb_test_dir"
+    def test_push(self):
+        """Push a file to all attached devices."""
+        dev_list = get_device_list()
+        for device in dev_list:
+            self.push_with_device(device)
+    def push_with_device(self, device):
+        """Push a randomly generated file to specified device."""
+        kbytes = 512
+        adb = AdbWrapper(device)
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as tmp:
+            rand_str = os.urandom(1024 * kbytes)
+            tmp.write(rand_str)
+            tmp.flush()
+            host_md5 = compute_md5(rand_str)
+            adb.shell_nocheck("rm -r {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE))
+            try:
+                adb.push(, remote=AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE)
+                dev_md5, _ =
+                    "md5sum {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE)).split()
+                self.assertEqual(host_md5, dev_md5)
+            finally:
+                adb.shell_nocheck("rm {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE))
+    # TODO: write push directory test.
+    def test_pull(self):
+        """Pull a file from all attached devices."""
+        dev_list = get_device_list()
+        for device in dev_list:
+            self.pull_with_device(device)
+    def pull_with_device(self, device):
+        """Pull a randomly generated file from specified device."""
+        kbytes = 512
+        adb = AdbWrapper(device)
+        adb.shell_nocheck("rm -r {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE))
+        try:
+  "dd if=/dev/urandom of={} bs=1024 count={}".format(
+                AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE, kbytes))
+            dev_md5, _ =
+                "md5sum {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE)).split()
+            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as tmp_write:
+                adb.pull(remote=AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE,
+                with open( as tmp_read:
+                    host_contents =
+                    host_md5 = compute_md5(host_contents)
+                self.assertEqual(dev_md5, host_md5)
+        finally:
+            adb.shell_nocheck("rm {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_FILE))
+    def test_pull_dir(self):
+        """Pull a directory from all attached devices."""
+        dev_list = get_device_list()
+        for device in dev_list:
+            self.pull_dir_with_device(device)
+    def pull_dir_with_device(self, device):
+        """Pull a randomly generated directory of files from the device."""
+        adb = AdbWrapper(device)
+        temp_files = {}
+        host_dir = None
+        try:
+            # create temporary host directory
+            host_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+            # create temporary dir on device
+            adb.shell_nocheck("rm -r {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR))
+  "mkdir -p {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR))
+            # populate device dir with random files
+            temp_files = make_random_device_files(
+                adb, in_dir=AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR, num_files=32)
+            adb.pull(remote=AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR, local=host_dir)
+            for device_full_path in temp_files:
+                host_path = os.path.join(
+                    host_dir, temp_files[device_full_path].base_name)
+                with open(host_path) as host_file:
+                    host_md5 = compute_md5(
+                    self.assertEqual(host_md5,
+                                     temp_files[device_full_path].md5)
+        finally:
+            for dev_file in temp_files.values():
+                host_path = os.path.join(host_dir, dev_file.base_name)
+                os.remove(host_path)
+            adb.shell_nocheck("rm -r {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR))
+            if host_dir:
+                os.removedirs(host_dir)
+    def test_sync(self):
+        """Sync a directory with all attached devices."""
+        dev_list = get_device_list()
+        for device in dev_list:
+            self.sync_dir_with_device(device)
+    def sync_dir_with_device(self, device):
+        """Sync a randomly generated directory of files to specified device."""
+        try:
+            adb = AdbWrapper(device)
+            temp_files = {}
+            # create temporary host directory
+            base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+            # create mirror device directory hierarchy within base_dir
+            full_dir_path = base_dir + AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR
+            os.makedirs(full_dir_path)
+            # create 32 random files within the host mirror
+            temp_files = make_random_host_files(in_dir=full_dir_path,
+                                                num_files=32)
+            # clean up any trash on the device
+            adb = AdbWrapper(device, out_dir=base_dir)
+            adb.shell_nocheck("rm -r {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR))
+            # issue the sync
+            adb.sync("data")
+            # confirm that every file on the device mirrors that on the host
+            for host_full_path in temp_files.keys():
+                device_full_path = os.path.join(
+                    AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR,
+                    temp_files[host_full_path].base_name)
+                dev_md5, _ =
+                    "md5sum {}".format(device_full_path)).split()
+                self.assertEqual(temp_files[host_full_path].md5, dev_md5)
+        finally:
+            adb.shell_nocheck("rm -r {}".format(AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR))
+            if temp_files:
+                for tf in temp_files.values():
+                    tf.handle.close()
+            if base_dir:
+                os.removedirs(base_dir + AdbFile.DEVICE_TEMP_DIR)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    random.seed(0)
+    dev_count = get_attached_device_count()
+    if dev_count:
+        suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
+        unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(suite)
+    else:
+        print "Test suite must be run with attached devices"