init: support early_mount with vboot 2.0 (external/avb/libavb)
libavb requires verifying AVB metadata on all verified partitions at
once. For example, /vbmeta, /boot, /system and /vendor. We need to
invoke device_init() for those partitions even if we only want to early
mount some of them, like /vendor and /system.
This CL gets all AVB partitions and the early mount partitions from
device tree through "firmware/android/vbmeta" and "firmware/fstab",
respectively. The following is an example to early mount /vendor
partition on bullhead:
firmware {
android {
compatible = "android,firmware";
vbmeta {
compatible = "android,vbmeta";
parts = "boot,system,vendor";
fstab {
compatible = "android,fstab";
vendor {
compatible = "android,vendor";
dev = "/dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/vendor";
type = "ext4";
mnt_flags = "ro,barrier=1,inode_readahead_blks=8";
fsmgr_flags = "wait,avb";
Bug: 33254008
Test: early mount /vendor with vboot 2.0 (AVB) on bullhead
Test: early mount /system without dm-verity on bullhead
Test: early mount /vendor with vboot 1.0 on sailfish
Change-Id: I89a1f77c97124f309346b33d9e700544b92ecf05
Merged-In: I89a1f77c97124f309346b33d9e700544b92ecf05
(cherry picked from commit 8bba52fc4bf1f2f84add7af5d9527ae923cf8ecc)
1 file changed