Merge "Allow failing app through seccomp policy" am: d0ff90afef am: 50e88dc5b3
am: ac1e8d916e

Change-Id: Iadb5f9f7cd34d298c6208e9a9233b6abe78b84ea
diff --git a/gatekeeperd/gatekeeperd.cpp b/gatekeeperd/gatekeeperd.cpp
index d4a92e5..96bda07 100644
--- a/gatekeeperd/gatekeeperd.cpp
+++ b/gatekeeperd/gatekeeperd.cpp
@@ -166,7 +166,14 @@
                     enrolled_password_handle, enrolled_password_handle_length);
-        if (ret == 0) {
+        if (ret == GATEKEEPER_RESPONSE_OK && (*enrolled_password_handle == nullptr ||
+            *enrolled_password_handle_length != sizeof(password_handle_t))) {
+            ALOGE("HAL: password_handle=%p size_of_handle=%" PRIu32 "\n",
+                  *enrolled_password_handle, *enrolled_password_handle_length);
+        }
+        if (ret == GATEKEEPER_RESPONSE_OK) {
             gatekeeper::password_handle_t *handle =
                     reinterpret_cast<gatekeeper::password_handle_t *>(*enrolled_password_handle);
             store_sid(uid, handle->user_id);
diff --git a/libnativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h b/libnativeloader/include/nativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h
similarity index 87%
rename from libnativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h
rename to libnativeloader/include/nativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h
index 13a44e2..02e7075 100644
--- a/libnativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h
+++ b/libnativeloader/include/nativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h
@@ -86,6 +86,19 @@
                                                             const char* permitted_when_isolated_path,
                                                             android_namespace_t* parent);
+ * Get the default library search path.
+ * The path will be copied into buffer, which must have space for at least
+ * buffer_size chars. Elements are separated with ':', and the path will always
+ * be null-terminated.
+ *
+ * If buffer_size is too small to hold the entire default search path and the
+ * null terminator, this function will abort. There is currently no way to find
+ * out what the required buffer size is. At the time of this writing, PATH_MAX
+ * is sufficient and used by all callers of this function.
+ */
+extern void android_get_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size);
diff --git a/libnativeloader/native_loader.cpp b/libnativeloader/native_loader.cpp
index 94c46fc..d7b5cb5 100644
--- a/libnativeloader/native_loader.cpp
+++ b/libnativeloader/native_loader.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <dlfcn.h>
 #ifdef __ANDROID__
 #define LOG_TAG "libnativeloader"
-#include "dlext_namespaces.h"
+#include "nativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h"
 #include "cutils/properties.h"
 #include "log/log.h"