libbacktrace is not directly available to vendors

This lib becomes VNDK-SP just because libutils, which is VNDK-SP, is
depending on it. Since libutils provide android::CallStack class for
collecting and printing the callstack, there is no need for vendors to
use the internal libbacktrace library. Thus the lib is marked as
vendor_available: false.

Bug: 64730695
Test: build 2017 pixel device
Change-Id: I4ad91e3a6747bb0ae88d32cd26dfba32239c5b93
diff --git a/libbacktrace/Android.bp b/libbacktrace/Android.bp
index 2f20684..3c8a3c0 100644
--- a/libbacktrace/Android.bp
+++ b/libbacktrace/Android.bp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 cc_library {
     name: "libbacktrace",
-    vendor_available: true,
+    vendor_available: false,
     vndk: {
         enabled: true,
         support_system_process: true,