storaged: record IO perf history from proto updates

Record the bandwidth when writing storaged.proto to monitor system
storage performance.

The history is maintained in 3 catergories.
1. samples of last 24 hours.
2. daily average of last 7 days.
3. weekly average of last 52 weeks.

Sampling frequency of the first catergory is set to once every hour.
Storaged also flushes proto at same frequency.

The proto file is padded to reach a minimal size of 128KB. Storaged
writes 16KB at a time. Bandwidth calculation ignores time spent in
the first write and writes smaller than 16KB.

bandwidth = total size of 16KB writes / time spent in 16KB writes

Restructured the code so that storaged.cpp handles proto load/flush.
It calls individual module to sync proto with internal data

Added a cmdline argument to dump perf history.

adb shell storaged -p
I/O perf history (KB/s) :  most_recent  <---------  least_recent
last 24 hours : 5315 3775 3659 2042 3890 5652 3649 3696 6023
last 7 days   : 4648 3532 3828 3567 3841 3359 4676
last 52 weeks : 3817 4275 3836 3766 4280 0 0 0 0 0 ...

Test: adb shell storaged -p

Bug: 63629306
Change-Id: Ie7051e7a8df883d4a6818ea9a54a10f4dccb4843
diff --git a/storaged/storaged_info.cpp b/storaged/storaged_info.cpp
index fc2351f..c5552f6 100644
--- a/storaged/storaged_info.cpp
+++ b/storaged/storaged_info.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <numeric>
 #include <android-base/file.h>
 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
 #include <android-base/logging.h>
@@ -27,9 +29,12 @@
 #include <log/log_event_list.h>
 #include "storaged.h"
+#include "storaged_info.h"
 using namespace std;
+using namespace chrono;
 using namespace android::base;
+using namespace storaged_proto;
 const string emmc_info_t::emmc_sysfs = "/sys/bus/mmc/devices/mmc0:0001/";
 const string emmc_info_t::emmc_debugfs = "/d/mmc0/mmc0:0001/ext_csd";
@@ -61,7 +66,37 @@
     return new storage_info_t;
-void storage_info_t::refresh()
+void storage_info_t::init(const IOPerfHistory& perf_history)
+    if (!perf_history.has_day_start_sec() ||
+        perf_history.daily_perf_size() > (int)daily_perf.size() ||
+        perf_history.weekly_perf_size() > (int)weekly_perf.size()) {
+        LOG_TO(SYSTEM, ERROR) << "Invalid IOPerfHistory proto";
+        return;
+    }
+    day_start_tp = {};
+    day_start_tp += seconds(perf_history.day_start_sec());
+    nr_samples = perf_history.nr_samples();
+    for (auto bw : perf_history.recent_perf()) {
+        recent_perf.push_back(bw);
+    }
+    nr_days = perf_history.nr_days();
+    int i = 0;
+    for (auto bw : perf_history.daily_perf()) {
+        daily_perf[i++] = bw;
+    }
+    nr_weeks = perf_history.nr_weeks();
+    i = 0;
+    for (auto bw : perf_history.weekly_perf()) {
+        weekly_perf[i++] = bw;
+    }
+void storage_info_t::refresh(IOPerfHistory* perf_history)
     struct statvfs buf;
     if (statvfs(userdata_path.c_str(), &buf) != 0) {
@@ -71,6 +106,24 @@
     userdata_total_kb = buf.f_bsize * buf.f_blocks >> 10;
     userdata_free_kb = buf.f_bfree * buf.f_blocks >> 10;
+    unique_ptr<lock_t> lock(new lock_t(&si_lock));
+    perf_history->Clear();
+    perf_history->set_day_start_sec(
+        duration_cast<seconds>(day_start_tp.time_since_epoch()).count());
+    for (const uint32_t& bw : recent_perf) {
+        perf_history->add_recent_perf(bw);
+    }
+    perf_history->set_nr_samples(nr_samples);
+    for (const uint32_t& bw : daily_perf) {
+        perf_history->add_daily_perf(bw);
+    }
+    perf_history->set_nr_days(nr_days);
+    for (const uint32_t& bw : weekly_perf) {
+        perf_history->add_weekly_perf(bw);
+    }
+    perf_history->set_nr_weeks(nr_weeks);
 void storage_info_t::publish()
@@ -80,6 +133,80 @@
         << LOG_ID_EVENTS;
+void storage_info_t::update_perf_history(uint32_t bw,
+                                         const time_point<system_clock>& tp)
+    unique_ptr<lock_t> lock(new lock_t(&si_lock));
+    if (tp > day_start_tp &&
+        duration_cast<seconds>(tp - day_start_tp).count() < DAY_TO_SEC) {
+        if (nr_samples >= recent_perf.size()) {
+            recent_perf.push_back(bw);
+        } else {
+            recent_perf[nr_samples] = bw;
+        }
+        nr_samples++;
+        return;
+    }
+    recent_perf.erase(recent_perf.begin() + nr_samples,
+                      recent_perf.end());
+    uint32_t daily_avg_bw = accumulate(recent_perf.begin(),
+        recent_perf.begin() + nr_samples, 0) / nr_samples;
+    day_start_tp = tp - seconds(duration_cast<seconds>(
+        tp.time_since_epoch()).count() % DAY_TO_SEC);
+    nr_samples = 0;
+    if (recent_perf.empty())
+        recent_perf.resize(1);
+    recent_perf[nr_samples++] = bw;
+    if (nr_days < WEEK_TO_DAYS) {
+        daily_perf[nr_days++] = daily_avg_bw;
+        return;
+    }
+    uint32_t week_avg_bw = accumulate(daily_perf.begin(),
+        daily_perf.begin() + nr_days, 0) / nr_days;
+    nr_days = 0;
+    daily_perf[nr_days++] = daily_avg_bw;
+    if (nr_weeks >= YEAR_TO_WEEKS) {
+        nr_weeks = 0;
+    }
+    weekly_perf[nr_weeks++] = week_avg_bw;
+vector<vector<uint32_t>> storage_info_t::get_perf_history()
+    unique_ptr<lock_t> lock(new lock_t(&si_lock));
+    vector<vector<uint32_t>> ret(3);
+    ret[0].resize(recent_perf.size());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < recent_perf.size(); i++) {
+        int idx = (recent_perf.size() + nr_samples - 1 - i) % recent_perf.size();
+        ret[0][i] = recent_perf[idx];
+    }
+    ret[1].resize(daily_perf.size());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < daily_perf.size(); i++) {
+        int idx = (daily_perf.size() + nr_days - 1 - i) % daily_perf.size();
+        ret[1][i] = daily_perf[idx];
+    }
+    ret[2].resize(weekly_perf.size());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < weekly_perf.size(); i++) {
+        int idx = (weekly_perf.size() + nr_weeks - 1 - i) % weekly_perf.size();
+        ret[2][i] = weekly_perf[idx];
+    }
+    return ret;
 void emmc_info_t::report()
     if (!report_sysfs() && !report_debugfs())