init: wait_for_prop shouldn't run in a subcontext

wait_for_prop sets a flag that prevents the action queue from
continuing while otherwise allowing init's main loop to continue
executing.  This cannot be done from a subcontext, so it's moved to
normal init.

All property functions need work in any case, particularly once
property_service is moved out of init.

Bug: 62875318
Test: boot sailfish and see that the previous failure related to this
      is fixed

Change-Id: Ib9e0d0bdbd0ff22ab0e5c3fe6db620700af266c6
diff --git a/init/builtins.cpp b/init/builtins.cpp
index 027b392..20f1450 100644
--- a/init/builtins.cpp
+++ b/init/builtins.cpp
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@
         {"verity_load_state",       {0,     0,    {false,  do_verity_load_state}}},
         {"verity_update_state",     {0,     0,    {false,  do_verity_update_state}}},
         {"wait",                    {1,     2,    {true,   do_wait}}},
-        {"wait_for_prop",           {2,     2,    {true,   do_wait_for_prop}}},
+        {"wait_for_prop",           {2,     2,    {false,  do_wait_for_prop}}},
         {"write",                   {2,     2,    {true,   do_write}}},
     // clang-format on