Insert vndk version to hal library path strings

If ro.vndk.version has <version>, "vndk-sp-<version>" directory must
be used instead of "vndk-sp" directory.

Bug: 69984421
Test: 1. build with all vndk snapshot patches included.
      2. mv /system/lib[64]/vndk and /system/lib[64]/vndk-sp
         directories to /system/lib[64]/vndk-28 and
      3. set "ro.vndk.version" to 28 in /vendor/default.prop.
      4. make vbmeta.img skip verity.
      5. "make snod" and "make vnod" to build system/vendor images.
      6. flash the image to device and check if YouTube plays with

Change-Id: I02473090c8b9a5281a9290c9c0b9ee64702e4304
3 files changed