Cleanup: update VNDK path

Even though the old VNDK path(/system/lib/vndk-sp-<ver>) is still valid
to use (for older prebuilts), it is merely a symbolic link to VNDK APEX.
As a migration effort to the new VNDK path, this change updates the VNDK
path from /system/lib/vndk-sp-<ver> to /apex/<ver>/lib

Bug: 151635798
Test: atest --test-mapping .
Test: device boots with Q vendor
Merged-In: I7260f1a969e4c7f6923d09382eeb2efec7b6c2cd
Change-Id: I7260f1a969e4c7f6923d09382eeb2efec7b6c2cd
(cherry picked from commit 0268c937f268b7a6cd50571b35455adf0cf7b007)
2 files changed