logcat: improve --help and error messages

Makes slight improvements to the --help text:
- Fix whitespace formatting and punctuation.
- Divide options into categories
- Clarify how the logd control functions work.
- Clarify --print.

Add additional text to the EOF error message that is returned when
logd disconnects the logcat instance, to clarify that this is intended
behavior if the logcat instance is reading too slowly.

Bug: 144311420
Test: view these messages
Change-Id: Icc12d278a8e8cb483918c0637b6fb529949cc33f
diff --git a/logcat/logcat.cpp b/logcat/logcat.cpp
index 02a61a5..c0e11d3 100644
--- a/logcat/logcat.cpp
+++ b/logcat/logcat.cpp
@@ -282,72 +282,78 @@
     fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [filterspecs]\n", cmd);
-    fprintf(stderr, "options include:\n"
-                    "  -s              Set default filter to silent. Equivalent to filterspec '*:S'\n"
-                    "  -f <file>, --file=<file>               Log to file. Default is stdout\n"
-                    "  -r <kbytes>, --rotate-kbytes=<kbytes>\n"
-                    "                  Rotate log every kbytes. Requires -f option\n"
-                    "  -n <count>, --rotate-count=<count>\n"
-                    "                  Sets max number of rotated logs to <count>, default 4\n"
-                    "  --id=<id>       If the signature id for logging to file changes, then clear\n"
-                    "                  the fileset and continue\n"
-                    "  -v <format>, --format=<format>\n"
-                    "                  Sets log print format verb and adverbs, where <format> is:\n"
-                    "                    brief help long process raw tag thread threadtime time\n"
-                    "                  and individually flagged modifying adverbs can be added:\n"
-                    "                    color descriptive epoch monotonic printable uid\n"
-                    "                    usec UTC year zone\n"
-                    "                  Multiple -v parameters or comma separated list of format and\n"
-                    "                  format modifiers are allowed.\n"
-                    // private and undocumented nsec, no signal, too much noise
-                    // useful for -T or -t <timestamp> accurate testing though.
-                    "  -D, --dividers  Print dividers between each log buffer\n"
-                    "  -c, --clear     Clear (flush) the entire log and exit\n"
-                    "                  if Log to File specified, clear fileset instead\n"
-                    "  -d              Dump the log and then exit (don't block)\n"
-                    "  -e <expr>, --regex=<expr>\n"
-                    "                  Only print lines where the log message matches <expr>\n"
-                    "                  where <expr> is a regular expression\n"
-                    // Leave --head undocumented as alias for -m
-                    "  -m <count>, --max-count=<count>\n"
-                    "                  Quit after printing <count> lines. This is meant to be\n"
-                    "                  paired with --regex, but will work on its own.\n"
-                    "  --print         Paired with --regex and --max-count to let content bypass\n"
-                    "                  regex filter but still stop at number of matches.\n"
-                    // Leave --tail undocumented as alias for -t
-                    "  -t <count>      Print only the most recent <count> lines (implies -d)\n"
-                    "  -t '<time>'     Print most recent lines since specified time (implies -d)\n"
-                    "  -T <count>      Print only the most recent <count> lines (does not imply -d)\n"
-                    "  -T '<time>'     Print most recent lines since specified time (not imply -d)\n"
-                    "                  count is pure numerical, time is 'MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm...'\n"
-                    "                  'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm...' or 'sssss.mmm...' format\n"
-                    "  -g, --buffer-size                      Get the size of the ring buffer.\n"
-                    "  -G <size>, --buffer-size=<size>\n"
-                    "                  Set size of log ring buffer, may suffix with K or M.\n"
-                    "  -L, --last      Dump logs from prior to last reboot\n"
-                    "  -b <buffer>, --buffer=<buffer>         Request alternate ring buffer, 'main',\n"
-                    "                  'system', 'radio', 'events', 'crash', 'default' or 'all'.\n"
-                    "                  Additionally, 'kernel' for userdebug and eng builds, and\n"
-                    "                  'security' for Device Owner installations.\n"
-                    "                  Multiple -b parameters or comma separated list of buffers are\n"
-                    "                  allowed. Buffers interleaved.\n"
-                    "                  Default -b main,system,crash,kernel.\n"
-                    "  -B, --binary    Output the log in binary.\n"
-                    "  -S, --statistics                       Output statistics.\n"
-                    "  -p, --prune     Print prune white and ~black list. Service is specified as\n"
-                    "                  UID, UID/PID or /PID. Weighed for quicker pruning if prefix\n"
-                    "                  with ~, otherwise weighed for longevity if unadorned. All\n"
-                    "                  other pruning activity is oldest first. Special case ~!\n"
-                    "                  represents an automatic quicker pruning for the noisiest\n"
-                    "                  UID as determined by the current statistics.\n"
-                    "  -P '<list> ...', --prune='<list> ...'\n"
-                    "                  Set prune white and ~black list, using same format as\n"
-                    "                  listed above. Must be quoted.\n"
-                    "  --pid=<pid>     Only prints logs from the given pid.\n"
-                    // Check ANDROID_LOG_WRAP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT value for match to 2 hours
-                    "  --wrap          Sleep for 2 hours or when buffer about to wrap whichever\n"
-                    "                  comes first. Improves efficiency of polling by providing\n"
-                    "                  an about-to-wrap wakeup.\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, R"init(
+General options:
+  -b, --buffer=<buffer>       Request alternate ring buffer(s):
+                                main system radio events crash default all
+                              Additionally, 'kernel' for userdebug and eng builds, and
+                              'security' for Device Owner installations.
+                              Multiple -b parameters or comma separated list of buffers are
+                              allowed. Buffers are interleaved.
+                              Default -b main,system,crash,kernel.
+  -L, --last                  Dump logs from prior to last reboot from pstore.
+  -c, --clear                 Clear (flush) the entire log and exit.
+                              if -f is specified, clear the specified file and its related rotated
+                              log files instead.
+                              if -L is specified, clear pstore log instead.
+  -d                          Dump the log and then exit (don't block).
+  --pid=<pid>                 Only print logs from the given pid.
+  --wrap                      Sleep for 2 hours or when buffer about to wrap whichever
+                              comes first. Improves efficiency of polling by providing
+                              an about-to-wrap wakeup.
+  -v, --format=<format>       Sets log print format verb and adverbs, where <format> is one of:
+                                brief help long process raw tag thread threadtime time
+                              Modifying adverbs can be added:
+                                color descriptive epoch monotonic printable uid usec UTC year zone
+                              Multiple -v parameters or comma separated list of format and format
+                              modifiers are allowed.
+  -D, --dividers              Print dividers between each log buffer.
+  -B, --binary                Output the log in binary.
+Outfile files:
+  -f, --file=<file>           Log to file instead of stdout.
+  -r, --rotate-kbytes=<n>     Rotate log every <n> kbytes. Requires -f option.
+  -n, --rotate-count=<count>  Sets max number of rotated logs to <count>, default 4.
+  --id=<id>                   If the signature <id> for logging to file changes, then clear the
+                              associated files and continue.
+Logd control:
+ These options send a control message to the logd daemon on device, print its return message if
+ applicable, then exit. They are incompatible with -L, as these attributes do not apply to pstore.
+  -g, --buffer-size           Get the size of the ring buffers within logd.
+  -G, --buffer-size=<size>    Set size of a ring buffer in logd. May suffix with K or M.
+                              This can individually control each buffer's size with -b.
+  -S, --statistics            Output statistics.
+                              --pid can be used to provide pid specific stats.
+  -p, --prune                 Print prune white and ~black list. Service is specified as UID,
+                              UID/PID or /PID. Weighed for quicker pruning if prefix with ~,
+                              otherwise weighed for longevity if unadorned. All other pruning
+                              activity is oldest first. Special case ~! represents an automatic
+                              quicker pruning for the noisiest UID as determined by the current
+                              statistics.
+  -P, --prune='<list> ...'    Set prune white and ~black list, using same format as listed above.
+                              Must be quoted.
+  -s                          Set default filter to silent. Equivalent to filterspec '*:S'
+  -e, --regex=<expr>          Only print lines where the log message matches <expr> where <expr> is
+                              an ECMAScript regular expression.
+  -m, --max-count=<count>     Quit after printing <count> lines. This is meant to be paired with
+                              --regex, but will work on its own.
+  --print                     This option is only applicable when --regex is set and only useful if
+                              --max-count is also provided.
+                              With --print, logcat will print all messages even if they do not
+                              match the regex. Logcat will quit after printing the max-count number
+                              of lines that match the regex.
+  -t <count>                  Print only the most recent <count> lines (implies -d).
+  -t '<time>'                 Print the lines since specified time (implies -d).
+  -T <count>                  Print only the most recent <count> lines (does not imply -d).
+  -T '<time>'                 Print the lines since specified time (not imply -d).
+                              count is pure numerical, time is 'MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm...'
+                              'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm...' or 'sssss.mmm...' format.
     fprintf(stderr, "\nfilterspecs are a series of \n"
                    "  <tag>[:priority]\n\n"
@@ -1154,7 +1160,13 @@
         struct log_msg log_msg;
         int ret = android_logger_list_read(logger_list.get(), &log_msg);
         if (!ret) {
-            LogcatPanic(HELP_FALSE, "read: unexpected EOF!\n");
+            LogcatPanic(HELP_FALSE, R"init(read: unexpected EOF!
+This means that either logd crashed, or more likely, this instance of logcat was unable to read log
+messages as quickly as they were being produced.
+If you have enabled significant logging, look into using the -G option to increase log buffer sizes.
         if (ret < 0) {