CtsLiblogTestCases secondary_user

Marks this CTS test module as supporting secondary_user, meaning that
the tests are eligible to be run from a regular Android user other
than the system user (i.e. other than user 0).

Note that 'user' here refers to the concept of users in Android
Multiuser; it is NOT the same as a uid.

Bug: 141773058
Test: module passed with secondary_user params
 (--enable-optional-parameterization --module-parameter secondary_user)

Change-Id: Iaff9fb5d21473129ce3a802d179db474f7c763bc
1 file changed
tree: 0d22152e2938ef43625201a0ec49fdfc44751bcd
  1. liblog/
  2. logcat/
  3. logd/
  4. logwrapper/