logcat: format verbs and adverbs

Bug: 29916087
Change-Id: I039c95b9dc0aa88f1219121513899934381453ae
diff --git a/logcat/logcat.cpp b/logcat/logcat.cpp
index ea698c8..f560491 100644
--- a/logcat/logcat.cpp
+++ b/logcat/logcat.cpp
@@ -285,9 +285,10 @@
                     "  -n <count>, --rotate-count=<count>\n"
                     "                  Sets max number of rotated logs to <count>, default 4\n"
                     "  -v <format>, --format=<format>\n"
-                    "                  Sets the log print format, where <format> is:\n"
-                    "                    brief color epoch long monotonic printable process raw\n"
-                    "                    tag thread threadtime time uid usec UTC year zone\n"
+                    "                  Sets log print format verb and adverbs, where <format> is:\n"
+                    "                    brief long process raw tag thread theadtime time\n"
+                    "                  and modifying adverbs can be:\n"
+                    "                    color epoch monotonic printable uid usec UTC year zone\n"
                     "  -D, --dividers  Print dividers between each log buffer\n"
                     "  -c, --clear     Clear (flush) the entire log and exit\n"
                     "                  if Log to File specified, clear fileset instead\n"