blob: e20ec69de64573aa24c4991f0ced5bd7f2dcebed [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2011, The Android Open-Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <hardware_legacy/AudioSystemLegacy.h>
#include <audio_utils/ReSampler.h>
namespace android_audio_legacy {
using android::Mutex;
using android::AutoMutex;
class EchoReference : public ReSampler::BufferProvider {
EchoReference(audio_format_t rdFormat,
uint32_t rdChannelCount,
uint32_t rdSamplingRate,
audio_format_t wrFormat,
uint32_t wrChannelCount,
uint32_t wrSamplingRate);
virtual ~EchoReference();
// echo reference state: it field indicating if read, write or both are active.
enum state {
ECHOREF_IDLE = 0x00, // idle
ECHOREF_READING = 0x01, // reading is active
ECHOREF_WRITING = 0x02 // writing is active
// Buffer descriptor used by read() and write() methods, including the time stamp and delay.
class Buffer {
void *raw; // pointer to audio frame
size_t frameCount; // number of frames in buffer
int32_t delayNs; // delay for this buffer (see comment below)
struct timespec timeStamp; // time stamp for this buffer (see comment below)
// when used for EchoReference::write():
// + as input:
// - delayNs is the delay introduced by playback buffers
// - timeStamp is the time stamp corresponding to the delay calculation
// + as output:
// unused
// when used for EchoReference::read():
// + as input:
// - delayNs is the delay introduced by capture buffers
// - timeStamp is the time stamp corresponding to the delay calculation
// + as output:
// - delayNs is the delay between the returned frames and the capture time derived from
// delay and time stamp indicated as input. This delay is to be communicated to the AEC.
// - frameCount is updated with the actual number of frames returned
// BufferProvider
status_t getNextBuffer(ReSampler::BufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
void releaseBuffer(ReSampler::BufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
status_t initCheck() { return mStatus; }
status_t read(Buffer *buffer);
status_t write(Buffer *buffer);
void reset_l();
status_t mStatus; // init status
uint32_t mState; // active state: reading, writing or both
audio_format_t mRdFormat; // read sample format
uint32_t mRdChannelCount; // read number of channels
uint32_t mRdSamplingRate; // read sampling rate
size_t mRdFrameSize; // read frame size (bytes per sample)
audio_format_t mWrFormat; // write sample format
uint32_t mWrChannelCount; // write number of channels
uint32_t mWrSamplingRate; // write sampling rate
size_t mWrFrameSize; // write frame size (bytes per sample)
void *mBuffer; // main buffer
size_t mBufSize; // main buffer size in frames
size_t mFramesIn; // number of frames in main buffer
void *mWrBuf; // buffer for input conversions
size_t mWrBufSize; // size of conversion buffer in frames
size_t mWrFramesIn; // number of frames in conversion buffer
void *mWrSrcBuf; // resampler input buf (either mWrBuf or buffer used by write()
struct timespec mWrRenderTime; // latest render time indicated by write()
int32_t mPlaybackDelay;
uint32_t mRdDurationUs; // Duration of last buffer read (used for mCond wait timeout)
android::Mutex mLock; // Mutex protecting read/write concurrency
android::Condition mCond; // Condition signaled when data is ready to read
ReSampler *mDownSampler; // input resampler
static const int sMinDelayUpdate = 62500; // delay jump threshold to update ref buffer
// 0.5 samples at 8kHz in nsecs
}; // namespace android