DO NOT MERGE Do not use backward file in alternative time zones generation. [S]

IANA's backward file has cross-country links and will have even more of
them in future releases as part of "merge time zone which are alike
since 1970".

This CL moves knowledge of alternative names to countryzones.txt file.
So it will be Android team's responsibility from now on to keep them
up-to-date and enable is to fix some existing issues with zones like

Bug: 190031717
Bug: 208768262
Test: ./ generates the same tzlookup.xml
Test: fails when entire timeZoneMappings section in countryzones.txt is
commented out
Test: atest --host TzLookupGeneratorTest
Test: no change was generated in tzlookup.xml (other than 2021a->2021e)
when generated using IANA's 2021e archive

Change-Id: I590a4980592ab348d4c093fce0e56fc3d68ed525
Merged-In: I590a4980592ab348d4c093fce0e56fc3d68ed525
9 files changed