Split time zone scripts: download and update

Split time zone scripts to produce separate download and update
scripts. An initial copy of IANA's tzdata2017b file is checked
in here (this matches the current version of the data found in
bionic / external/icu).

Added copyright headers and a license / notice file for
the IANA files.

Check in a copy of bionic/libc/zoneinfo/tzlookup.xml to serve
as an "input file". The update-tzdata.py copies it exactly to
bionic as an "output" file.

There will be a follow-up change to move the output files
(tzdata and tzlookup.xml) from bionic to an "output data"
directory, removing the need to reference bionic for time
zone data files at all.

Bug: 31008728
Test: Deleted tzdata2017b.tar.gz, ran ./download-iana-data.py
Test: Ran ./update-tzdata.py and checked the output
Test: diff \
    $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system/timezone/input_data/android/tzlookup.xml \

Change-Id: I2d3e42a6c3efe10f2340c042f29462720443aa4a
diff --git a/README.android b/README.android
index 8a861dd..8dae20e 100644
--- a/README.android
+++ b/README.android
@@ -3,13 +3,19 @@
 Data update tools
-  - downloads tzdata updates and regenerates the ICU and
-    libcore/bionic timezone data files.
+  - A helper script run before update-tzdata.py.
+    It downloads the latest tzdata update from IANA and puts it in
+    the system/timezone/input_data/iana directory for use by the
+    update-tzdata.py script.
     There are sometimes code and metadata changes associated
     with tzdata updates that should be applied to ICU at the same time.
     e.g. see http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/search?q=2015d
+  - Regenerates the ICU and libcore/bionic timezone data files.
     ICU and CTS tests for bionic / libcore should be run before
     and after.
diff --git a/download-iana-data.py b/download-iana-data.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd7e14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/download-iana-data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -B
+# Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Downloads the latest IANA timezone data."""
+import ftplib
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import i18nutil
+import tzdatautil
+# Calculate the paths that are referred to by multiple functions.
+android_build_top = i18nutil.GetAndroidRootOrDie()
+iana_data_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/system/timezone/input_data/iana' % android_build_top)
+def FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, filename):
+  ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, open(filename, 'wb').write)
+def FtpRetrieveFileAndCheckSignature(ftp, data_filename):
+  """Downloads and repackages the given data from the given FTP server."""
+  print 'Downloading data (%s)...' % data_filename
+  FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, data_filename)
+  signature_filename = '%s.asc' % data_filename
+  print 'Downloading signature (%s)...' % signature_filename
+  FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, signature_filename)
+  print 'Verifying signature...'
+  # If this fails for you, you probably need to import Paul Eggert's public key:
+  # gpg --recv-keys ED97E90E62AA7E34
+  subprocess.check_call(['gpg', '--trusted-key=ED97E90E62AA7E34', '--verify',
+                         signature_filename, data_filename])
+# Run with no arguments from any directory, with no special setup required.
+# See http://www.iana.org/time-zones/ for more about the source of this data.
+def main():
+  print 'Looking for new IANA tzdata...'
+  iana_tar_filenames = []
+  ftp = ftplib.FTP('ftp.iana.org')
+  ftp.login()
+  ftp.cwd('tz/releases')
+  for filename in ftp.nlst():
+    if "/" in filename:
+      print "FTP server returned bogus file name"
+      sys.exit(1)
+    if filename.startswith('tzdata20') and filename.endswith('.tar.gz'):
+      iana_tar_filenames.append(filename)
+  iana_tar_filenames.sort(reverse=True)
+  if len(iana_tar_filenames) == 0:
+    print 'No tzdata files found'
+    sys.exit(1)
+  latest_iana_tar_filename = iana_tar_filenames[0]
+  local_iana_tar_file = tzdatautil.GetIanaTarFile(iana_data_dir)
+  if local_iana_tar_file:
+    local_iana_tar_filename = os.path.basename(local_iana_tar_file)
+    if latest_iana_tar_filename <= local_iana_tar_filename:
+      print 'Available data %s is older or the same as current data %s' % (latest_iana_tar_filename, local_iana_tar_filename)
+      sys.exit(0)
+  print 'Found new tzdata: %s' % latest_iana_tar_filename
+  i18nutil.SwitchToNewTemporaryDirectory()
+  FtpRetrieveFileAndCheckSignature(ftp, latest_iana_tar_filename)
+  new_local_iana_tar_file = '%s/%s' % (iana_data_dir, latest_iana_tar_filename)
+  shutil.copyfile(latest_iana_tar_filename, new_local_iana_tar_file)
+  # Delete the existing local IANA tar file, if there is one.
+  if local_iana_tar_file:
+    os.remove(local_iana_tar_file)
+  print 'Look in %s for new IANA data files' % new_local_iana_tar_file
+  sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()
diff --git a/input_data/android/tzlookup.xml b/input_data/android/tzlookup.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5846f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input_data/android/tzlookup.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1622 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+  <!-- Time zones by country.
+       Data in this file originates from IANA's zone.tab file.
+       The ordering of zones within each country is Android-specific and
+       affects Android behavior, see below for details.
+       The ordering of country elements is not important but is kept in ASCII
+       order by code for easier maintenance. There must only be one country
+       element per unique code. The code attribute is the (lower cased)
+       ISO 3166 2-character country code used in the IANA zones.tab file.
+       The <id> entries contain the IANA IDs for time zones used in a
+       country.
+       The file is used when picking a time zone for an Android device given
+       a known local time, offset from UTC and whether the local zone is
+       currently observing DST.
+       The ordering of <id> elements is important because it influence the
+       order that time zones in a country are considered.
+       Currently the <id> entries are mostly primarily ordered by raw (non-DST)
+       offset and then "desirability". This ordering is an historical artifact
+       that is likely to change in future.
+       The most sensible ordering for <id> entries for a country is by
+       population of users that observe the time zone to maximize the
+       probability of matching an arbitrary user. Then:
+       The first <id> entry for a given country should have the highest
+       likelihood of matching the user's needs when only the user's country
+       code is available.
+       The first zone that matches a user's country, offset and DST state
+       should have the highest likelihood of matching the user's needs when
+       country code, offset and DST state are available.
+    -->
+  <countryzones>
+    <!-- ANDORRA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="ad">
+      <id>Europe/Andorra</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, 4:00 -->
+    <country code="ae">
+      <id>Asia/Dubai</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- AFGHANISTAN, 4:30 -->
+    <country code="af">
+      <id>Asia/Kabul</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="ag">
+      <id>America/Antigua</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ANGUILLA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="ai">
+      <id>America/Anguilla</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ALBANIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="al">
+      <id>Europe/Tirane</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ARMENIA, 4:00 -->
+    <country code="am">
+      <id>Asia/Yerevan</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ANGOLA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="ao">
+      <id>Africa/Luanda</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ANTARCTICA -->
+    <country code="aq">
+      <!-- 12:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/McMurdo</id>
+      <!-- 10:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/DumontDUrville</id>
+      <!-- 8:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Casey</id>
+      <!-- 7:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Davis</id>
+      <!-- 5:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Mawson</id>
+      <!-- 6:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Vostok</id>
+      <!-- 3:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Syowa</id>
+      <!-- 0:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Troll</id>
+      <!-- -3:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Rothera</id>
+      <!-- -4:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Palmer</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ARGENTINA, -3:00 -->
+    <country code="ar">
+      <id>America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/Cordoba</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/Salta</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/Jujuy</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/Tucuman</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/Catamarca</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/La_Rioja</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/San_Juan</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/Mendoza</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/San_Luis</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos</id>
+      <id>America/Argentina/Ushuaia</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- AMERICAN SAMOA, -11:00 -->
+    <country code="as">
+      <id>Pacific/Pago_Pago</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- AUSTRIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="at">
+      <id>Europe/Vienna</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- AUSTRALIA -->
+    <country code="au">
+      <!-- 10:00 -->
+      <id>Australia/Sydney</id>
+      <id>Australia/Melbourne</id>
+      <id>Australia/Brisbane</id>
+      <id>Australia/Hobart</id>
+      <id>Australia/Currie</id>
+      <id>Australia/Lindeman</id>
+      <!-- 11:00 -->
+      <id>Antarctica/Macquarie</id>
+      <!-- 10:30 -->
+      <id>Australia/Lord_Howe</id>
+      <!-- 9:30 -->
+      <id>Australia/Adelaide</id>
+      <id>Australia/Broken_Hill</id>
+      <id>Australia/Darwin</id>
+      <!-- 8:00 -->
+      <id>Australia/Perth</id>
+      <!-- 8:45 -->
+      <id>Australia/Eucla</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ARUBA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="aw">
+      <id>America/Aruba</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ALAND ISLANDS, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="ax">
+      <id>Europe/Mariehamn</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- AZERBAIJAN, 4:00 -->
+    <country code="az">
+      <id>Asia/Baku</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="ba">
+      <id>Europe/Sarajevo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BARBADOS, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="bb">
+      <id>America/Barbados</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BANGLADESH, 6:00 -->
+    <country code="bd">
+      <id>Asia/Dhaka</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BELGIUM, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="be">
+      <id>Europe/Brussels</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BURKINA FASO, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="bf">
+      <id>Africa/Ouagadougou</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BULGARIA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="bg">
+      <id>Europe/Sofia</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BAHRAIN, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="bh">
+      <id>Asia/Bahrain</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BURUNDI, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="bi">
+      <id>Africa/Bujumbura</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BENIN, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="bj">
+      <id>Africa/Porto-Novo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- Saint Barthélemy, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="bl">
+      <id>America/St_Barthelemy</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BERMUDA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="bm">
+      <id>Atlantic/Bermuda</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, 8:00 -->
+    <country code="bn">
+      <id>Asia/Brunei</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BOLIVIA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="bo">
+      <id>America/La_Paz</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- Caribbean Netherlands, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="bq">
+      <id>America/Kralendijk</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BRAZIL -->
+    <country code="br">
+      <!-- -2:00 -->
+      <id>America/Noronha</id>
+      <!-- -3:00 -->
+      <id>America/Sao_Paulo</id>
+      <id>America/Belem</id>
+      <id>America/Fortaleza</id>
+      <id>America/Recife</id>
+      <id>America/Araguaina</id>
+      <id>America/Maceio</id>
+      <id>America/Bahia</id>
+      <id>America/Santarem</id>
+      <!-- -4:00 -->
+      <id>America/Manaus</id>
+      <id>America/Campo_Grande</id>
+      <id>America/Cuiaba</id>
+      <id>America/Porto_Velho</id>
+      <id>America/Boa_Vista</id>
+      <!-- -5:00 -->
+      <id>America/Eirunepe</id>
+      <id>America/Rio_Branco</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BAHAMAS, -5:00 -->
+    <country code="bs">
+      <id>America/Nassau</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BHUTAN, 6:00 -->
+    <country code="bt">
+      <id>Asia/Thimphu</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BOTSWANA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="bw">
+      <id>Africa/Gaborone</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BELARUS, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="by">
+      <id>Europe/Minsk</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- BELIZE, -6:00 -->
+    <country code="bz">
+      <id>America/Belize</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CANADA -->
+    <country code="ca">
+      <!-- -3:30 -->
+      <id>America/St_Johns</id>
+      <!-- -4:00 -->
+      <id>America/Halifax</id>
+      <id>America/Glace_Bay</id>
+      <id>America/Moncton</id>
+      <id>America/Goose_Bay</id>
+      <id>America/Blanc-Sablon</id>
+      <!-- -5:00 -->
+      <id>America/Toronto</id>
+      <id>America/Nipigon</id>
+      <id>America/Thunder_Bay</id>
+      <id>America/Iqaluit</id>
+      <id>America/Pangnirtung</id>
+      <id>America/Atikokan</id>
+      <!-- -6:00 -->
+      <id>America/Winnipeg</id>
+      <id>America/Regina</id>
+      <id>America/Rankin_Inlet</id>
+      <id>America/Rainy_River</id>
+      <id>America/Swift_Current</id>
+      <id>America/Resolute</id>
+      <!-- -7:00 -->
+      <id>America/Edmonton</id>
+      <id>America/Cambridge_Bay</id>
+      <id>America/Yellowknife</id>
+      <id>America/Inuvik</id>
+      <id>America/Dawson_Creek</id>
+      <id>America/Creston</id>
+      <id>America/Fort_Nelson</id>
+      <!-- -8:00 -->
+      <id>America/Vancouver</id>
+      <id>America/Whitehorse</id>
+      <id>America/Dawson</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS, 6:30 -->
+    <country code="cc">
+      <id>Indian/Cocos</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="cd">
+      <!-- 2:00 -->
+      <id>Africa/Lubumbashi</id>
+      <!-- 1:00 -->
+      <id>Africa/Kinshasa</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="cf">
+      <id>Africa/Bangui</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CONGO, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="cg">
+      <id>Africa/Brazzaville</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SWITZERLAND, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="ch">
+      <id>Europe/Zurich</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- COTE D'IVOIRE, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="ci">
+      <id>Africa/Abidjan</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- COOK ISLANDS, -10:00 -->
+    <country code="ck">
+      <id>Pacific/Rarotonga</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CHILE -->
+    <country code="cl">
+      <!-- -3:00 -->
+      <id>America/Punta_Arenas</id>
+      <!-- -4:00 -->
+      <id>America/Santiago</id>
+      <!-- -6:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Easter</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CAMEROON, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="cm">
+      <id>Africa/Douala</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CHINA -->
+    <country code="cn">
+      <!-- 8:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Shanghai</id>
+      <!-- 6:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Urumqi</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- COLOMBIA, -5:00 -->
+    <country code="co">
+      <id>America/Bogota</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- COSTA RICA, -6:00 -->
+    <country code="cr">
+      <id>America/Costa_Rica</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CUBA, -5:00 -->
+    <country code="cu">
+      <id>America/Havana</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CAPE VERDE, -1:00 -->
+    <country code="cv">
+      <id>Atlantic/Cape_Verde</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- Curaçao, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="cw">
+      <id>America/Curacao</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CHRISTMAS ISLAND, 7:00 -->
+    <country code="cx">
+      <id>Indian/Christmas</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CYPRUS -->
+    <country code="cy">
+      <!-- 2:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Nicosia</id>
+      <!-- 3:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Famagusta</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CZECH REPUBLIC, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="cz">
+      <id>Europe/Prague</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GERMANY, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="de">
+      <id>Europe/Berlin</id>
+      <id>Europe/Busingen</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- DJIBOUTI, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="dj">
+      <id>Africa/Djibouti</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- DENMARK, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="dk">
+      <id>Europe/Copenhagen</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- DOMINICA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="dm">
+      <id>America/Dominica</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="do">
+      <id>America/Santo_Domingo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ALGERIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="dz">
+      <id>Africa/Algiers</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ECUADOR -->
+    <country code="ec">
+      <!-- -5:00 -->
+      <id>America/Guayaquil</id>
+      <!-- -6:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Galapagos</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ESTONIA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="ee">
+      <id>Europe/Tallinn</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- EGYPT, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="eg">
+      <id>Africa/Cairo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- WESTERN SAHARA, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="eh">
+      <id>Africa/El_Aaiun</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ERITREA, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="er">
+      <id>Africa/Asmara</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SPAIN -->
+    <country code="es">
+      <!-- 1:00 -->
+      <id>Europe/Madrid</id>
+      <id>Africa/Ceuta</id>
+      <!-- 0:00 -->
+      <id>Atlantic/Canary</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ETHIOPIA, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="et">
+      <id>Africa/Addis_Ababa</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- FINLAND, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="fi">
+      <id>Europe/Helsinki</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- FIJI, 12:00 -->
+    <country code="fj">
+      <id>Pacific/Fiji</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS), -3:00 -->
+    <country code="fk">
+      <id>Atlantic/Stanley</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="fm">
+      <!-- 11:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Pohnpei</id>
+      <id>Pacific/Kosrae</id>
+      <!-- 10:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Chuuk</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- FAROE ISLANDS, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="fo">
+      <id>Atlantic/Faroe</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- FRANCE, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="fr">
+      <id>Europe/Paris</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GABON, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="ga">
+      <id>Africa/Libreville</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- UNITED KINGDOM, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="gb">
+      <id>Europe/London</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GRENADA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="gd">
+      <id>America/Grenada</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GEORGIA, 4:00 -->
+    <country code="ge">
+      <id>Asia/Tbilisi</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- FRENCH GUIANA, -3:00 -->
+    <country code="gf">
+      <id>America/Cayenne</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GUERNSEY, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="gg">
+      <id>Europe/Guernsey</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GHANA, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="gh">
+      <id>Africa/Accra</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GIBRALTAR, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="gi">
+      <id>Europe/Gibraltar</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GREENLAND -->
+    <country code="gl">
+      <!-- 0:00 -->
+      <id>America/Danmarkshavn</id>
+      <!-- -1:00 -->
+      <id>America/Scoresbysund</id>
+      <!-- -3:00 -->
+      <id>America/Godthab</id>
+      <!-- -4:00 -->
+      <id>America/Thule</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GAMBIA, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="gm">
+      <id>Africa/Banjul</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GUINEA, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="gn">
+      <id>Africa/Conakry</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GUADELOUPE, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="gp">
+      <id>America/Guadeloupe</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="gq">
+      <id>Africa/Malabo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GREECE, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="gr">
+      <id>Europe/Athens</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="gs">
+      <id>Atlantic/South_Georgia</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GUATEMALA, -6:00 -->
+    <country code="gt">
+      <id>America/Guatemala</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GUAM, 10:00 -->
+    <country code="gu">
+      <id>Pacific/Guam</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GUINEA-BISSAU, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="gw">
+      <id>Africa/Bissau</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- GUYANA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="gy">
+      <id>America/Guyana</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- HONG KONG, 8:00 -->
+    <country code="hk">
+      <id>Asia/Hong_Kong</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- HONDURAS, -6:00 -->
+    <country code="hn">
+      <id>America/Tegucigalpa</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CROATIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="hr">
+      <id>Europe/Zagreb</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- HAITI, -5:00 -->
+    <country code="ht">
+      <id>America/Port-au-Prince</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- HUNGARY, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="hu">
+      <id>Europe/Budapest</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- INDONESIA -->
+    <country code="id">
+      <!-- 9:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Jayapura</id>
+      <!-- 8:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Makassar</id>
+      <!-- 7:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Jakarta</id>
+      <id>Asia/Pontianak</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- IRELAND, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="ie">
+      <id>Europe/Dublin</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ISRAEL, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="il">
+      <id>Asia/Jerusalem</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ISLE OF MAN, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="im">
+      <id>Europe/Isle_of_Man</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- INDIA, 5:30 -->
+    <country code="in">
+      <id>Asia/Kolkata</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="io">
+      <id>Indian/Chagos</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- IRAQ, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="iq">
+      <id>Asia/Baghdad</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF, 3:30 -->
+    <country code="ir">
+      <id>Asia/Tehran</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ICELAND, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="is">
+      <id>Atlantic/Reykjavik</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ITALY, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="it">
+      <id>Europe/Rome</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- JERSEY, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="je">
+      <id>Europe/Jersey</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- JAMAICA, -5:00 -->
+    <country code="jm">
+      <id>America/Jamaica</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- JORDAN, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="jo">
+      <id>Asia/Amman</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- JAPAN, 9:00 -->
+    <country code="jp">
+      <id>Asia/Tokyo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- KENYA, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="ke">
+      <id>Africa/Nairobi</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- KYRGYZSTAN, 6:00 -->
+    <country code="kg">
+      <id>Asia/Bishkek</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CAMBODIA, 7:00 -->
+    <country code="kh">
+      <id>Asia/Phnom_Penh</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- KIRIBATI -->
+    <country code="ki">
+      <!-- 14:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Kiritimati</id>
+      <!-- 13:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Enderbury</id>
+      <!-- 12:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Tarawa</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- COMOROS, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="km">
+      <id>Indian/Comoro</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="kn">
+      <id>America/St_Kitts</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="kp">
+      <id>Asia/Pyongyang</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- KOREA, REPUBLIC OF, 9:00 -->
+    <country code="kr">
+      <id>Asia/Seoul</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- KUWAIT, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="kw">
+      <id>Asia/Kuwait</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CAYMAN ISLANDS, -5:00 -->
+    <country code="ky">
+      <id>America/Cayman</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- KAZAKHSTAN -->
+    <country code="kz">
+      <!-- 6:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Almaty</id>
+      <id>Asia/Qyzylorda</id>
+      <!-- 5:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Aqtau</id>
+      <id>Asia/Oral</id>
+      <id>Asia/Aqtobe</id>
+      <id>Asia/Atyrau</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="la">
+      <id>Asia/Vientiane</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- LEBANON, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="lb">
+      <id>Asia/Beirut</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SAINT LUCIA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="lc">
+      <id>America/St_Lucia</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- LIECHTENSTEIN, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="li">
+      <id>Europe/Vaduz</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SRI LANKA, 5:30 -->
+    <country code="lk">
+      <id>Asia/Colombo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- LIBERIA, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="lr">
+      <id>Africa/Monrovia</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- LESOTHO, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="ls">
+      <id>Africa/Maseru</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- LITHUANIA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="lt">
+      <id>Europe/Vilnius</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- LUXEMBOURG, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="lu">
+      <id>Europe/Luxembourg</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- LATVIA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="lv">
+      <id>Europe/Riga</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="ly">
+      <id>Africa/Tripoli</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MOROCCO, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="ma">
+      <id>Africa/Casablanca</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MONACO, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="mc">
+      <id>Europe/Monaco</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MOLDOVA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="md">
+      <id>Europe/Chisinau</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MONTENEGRO, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="me">
+      <id>Europe/Podgorica</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- Collectivity of Saint Martin, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="mf">
+      <id>America/Marigot</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MADAGASCAR, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="mg">
+      <id>Indian/Antananarivo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MARSHALL ISLANDS, 12:00 -->
+    <country code="mh">
+      <id>Pacific/Majuro</id>
+      <id>Pacific/Kwajalein</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="mk">
+      <id>Europe/Skopje</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MALI, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="ml">
+      <id>Africa/Bamako</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MYANMAR, 6:30 -->
+    <country code="mm">
+      <id>Asia/Yangon</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MONGOLIA -->
+    <country code="mn">
+      <!-- 8:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Choibalsan</id>
+      <id>Asia/Ulaanbaatar</id>
+      <!-- 7:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Hovd</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MACAO, 8:00 -->
+    <country code="mo">
+      <id>Asia/Macau</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS, 10:00 -->
+    <country code="mp">
+      <id>Pacific/Saipan</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MARTINIQUE, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="mq">
+      <id>America/Martinique</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MAURITANIA, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="mr">
+      <id>Africa/Nouakchott</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MONTSERRAT, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="ms">
+      <id>America/Montserrat</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MALTA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="mt">
+      <id>Europe/Malta</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MAURITIUS, 4:00 -->
+    <country code="mu">
+      <id>Indian/Mauritius</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MALDIVES, 5:00 -->
+    <country code="mv">
+      <id>Indian/Maldives</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MALAWI, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="mw">
+      <id>Africa/Blantyre</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MEXICO -->
+    <country code="mx">
+      <!-- -6:00 -->
+      <id>America/Mexico_City</id>
+      <id>America/Merida</id>
+      <id>America/Monterrey</id>
+      <id>America/Matamoros</id>
+      <id>America/Bahia_Banderas</id>
+      <!-- -5:00 -->
+      <id>America/Cancun</id>
+      <!-- -7:00 -->
+      <id>America/Chihuahua</id>
+      <id>America/Hermosillo</id>
+      <id>America/Mazatlan</id>
+      <id>America/Ojinaga</id>
+      <!-- -8:00 -->
+      <id>America/Tijuana</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MALAYSIA, 8:00 -->
+    <country code="my">
+      <id>Asia/Kuala_Lumpur</id>
+      <id>Asia/Kuching</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MOZAMBIQUE, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="mz">
+      <id>Africa/Maputo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NAMIBIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="na">
+      <id>Africa/Windhoek</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NEW CALEDONIA, 11:00 -->
+    <country code="nc">
+      <id>Pacific/Noumea</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NIGER, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="ne">
+      <id>Africa/Niamey</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NORFOLK ISLAND, 11:30 -->
+    <country code="nf">
+      <id>Pacific/Norfolk</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NIGERIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="ng">
+      <id>Africa/Lagos</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NICARAGUA, -6:00 -->
+    <country code="ni">
+      <id>America/Managua</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NETHERLANDS, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="nl">
+      <id>Europe/Amsterdam</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NORWAY, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="no">
+      <id>Europe/Oslo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NEPAL, 5:45 -->
+    <country code="np">
+      <id>Asia/Kathmandu</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NAURU, 12:00 -->
+    <country code="nr">
+      <id>Pacific/Nauru</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NIUE, -11:00 -->
+    <country code="nu">
+      <id>Pacific/Niue</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- NEW ZEALAND, 12:00 -->
+    <country code="nz">
+      <!-- 12:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Auckland</id>
+      <!-- 12:45 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Chatham</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- OMAN, 4:00 -->
+    <country code="om">
+      <id>Asia/Muscat</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PANAMA, -5:00 -->
+    <country code="pa">
+      <id>America/Panama</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PERU, -5:00 -->
+    <country code="pe">
+      <id>America/Lima</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- FRENCH POLYNESIA -->
+    <country code="pf">
+      <!-- -9:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Gambier</id>
+      <!-- -9:30 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Marquesas</id>
+      <!-- -10:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Tahiti</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PAPUA NEW GUINEA -->
+    <country code="pg">
+      <!-- 10:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Port_Moresby</id>
+      <!-- 11:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Bougainville</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PHILIPPINES, 8:00 -->
+    <country code="ph">
+      <id>Asia/Manila</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PAKISTAN, 5:00 -->
+    <country code="pk">
+      <id>Asia/Karachi</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- POLAND, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="pl">
+      <id>Europe/Warsaw</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON, -3:00 -->
+    <country code="pm">
+      <id>America/Miquelon</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PITCAIRN, -8:00 -->
+    <country code="pn">
+      <id>Pacific/Pitcairn</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PUERTO RICO, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="pr">
+      <id>America/Puerto_Rico</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PALESTINE, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="ps">
+      <id>Asia/Gaza</id>
+      <id>Asia/Hebron</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PORTUGAL -->
+    <country code="pt">
+      <!-- 0:00 -->
+      <id>Europe/Lisbon</id>
+      <id>Atlantic/Madeira</id>
+      <!-- -1:00 -->
+      <id>Atlantic/Azores</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PALAU, 9:00 -->
+    <country code="pw">
+      <id>Pacific/Palau</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- PARAGUAY, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="py">
+      <id>America/Asuncion</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- QATAR, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="qa">
+      <id>Asia/Qatar</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- REUNION, 4:00 -->
+    <country code="re">
+      <id>Indian/Reunion</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ROMANIA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="ro">
+      <id>Europe/Bucharest</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SERBIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="rs">
+      <id>Europe/Belgrade</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="ru">
+      <!-- 12:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Kamchatka</id>
+      <id>Asia/Anadyr</id>
+      <!-- 11:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Magadan</id>
+      <id>Asia/Sakhalin</id>
+      <id>Asia/Srednekolymsk</id>
+      <!-- 10:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Vladivostok</id>
+      <id>Asia/Ust-Nera</id>
+      <!-- 9:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Yakutsk</id>
+      <id>Asia/Chita</id>
+      <id>Asia/Khandyga</id>
+      <!-- 8:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Irkutsk</id>
+      <!-- 7:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Krasnoyarsk</id>
+      <id>Asia/Novosibirsk</id>
+      <id>Asia/Barnaul</id>
+      <id>Asia/Novokuznetsk</id>
+      <id>Asia/Tomsk</id>
+      <!-- 6:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Omsk</id>
+      <!-- 5:00 -->
+      <id>Asia/Yekaterinburg</id>
+      <!-- 4:00 -->
+      <id>Europe/Samara</id>
+      <id>Europe/Astrakhan</id>
+      <id>Europe/Ulyanovsk</id>
+      <id>Europe/Saratov</id>
+      <!-- 3:00 -->
+      <id>Europe/Moscow</id>
+      <id>Europe/Volgograd</id>
+      <id>Europe/Kirov</id>
+      <id>Europe/Simferopol</id>
+      <!-- 2:00 -->
+      <id>Europe/Kaliningrad</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- RWANDA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="rw">
+      <id>Africa/Kigali</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SAUDI ARABIA, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="sa">
+      <id>Asia/Riyadh</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SOLOMON ISLANDS, 11:00 -->
+    <country code="sb">
+      <id>Pacific/Guadalcanal</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SEYCHELLES, 4:00 -->
+    <country code="sc">
+      <id>Indian/Mahe</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SUDAN, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="sd">
+      <id>Africa/Khartoum</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SWEDEN, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="se">
+      <id>Europe/Stockholm</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SINGAPORE, 8:00 -->
+    <country code="sg">
+      <id>Asia/Singapore</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SAINT HELENA, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="sh">
+      <id>Atlantic/St_Helena</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SLOVENIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="si">
+      <id>Europe/Ljubljana</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="sj">
+      <id>Arctic/Longyearbyen</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SLOVAKIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="sk">
+      <id>Europe/Bratislava</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SIERRA LEONE, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="sl">
+      <id>Africa/Freetown</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SAN MARINO, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="sm">
+      <id>Europe/San_Marino</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SENEGAL, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="sn">
+      <id>Africa/Dakar</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SOMALIA, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="so">
+      <id>Africa/Mogadishu</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SURINAME, -3:00 -->
+    <country code="sr">
+      <id>America/Paramaribo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- South Sudan, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="ss">
+      <id>Africa/Juba</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="st">
+      <id>Africa/Sao_Tome</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- EL SALVADOR, -6:00 -->
+    <country code="sv">
+      <id>America/El_Salvador</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- Sint Maarten, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="sx">
+      <id>America/Lower_Princes</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="sy">
+      <id>Asia/Damascus</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SWAZILAND, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="sz">
+      <id>Africa/Mbabane</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="tc">
+      <id>America/Grand_Turk</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- CHAD, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="td">
+      <id>Africa/Ndjamena</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="tf">
+      <!-- 5:00 -->
+      <id>Indian/Kerguelen</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TOGO, 0:00 -->
+    <country code="tg">
+      <id>Africa/Lome</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- THAILAND, 7:00 -->
+    <country code="th">
+      <id>Asia/Bangkok</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TAJIKISTAN, 5:00 -->
+    <country code="tj">
+      <id>Asia/Dushanbe</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TOKELAU, +13:00 -->
+    <country code="tk">
+      <id>Pacific/Fakaofo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TIMOR-LESTE, 9:00 -->
+    <country code="tl">
+      <id>Asia/Dili</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TURKMENISTAN, 5:00 -->
+    <country code="tm">
+      <id>Asia/Ashgabat</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TUNISIA, 1:00 -->
+    <country code="tn">
+      <id>Africa/Tunis</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TONGA, 13:00 -->
+    <country code="to">
+      <id>Pacific/Tongatapu</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TURKEY, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="tr">
+      <id>Europe/Istanbul</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="tt">
+      <id>America/Port_of_Spain</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TUVALU, 12:00 -->
+    <country code="tv">
+      <id>Pacific/Funafuti</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA, 8:00 -->
+    <country code="tw">
+      <id>Asia/Taipei</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="tz">
+      <id>Africa/Dar_es_Salaam</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- UKRAINE, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="ua">
+      <id>Europe/Kiev</id>
+      <id>Europe/Uzhgorod</id>
+      <id>Europe/Zaporozhye</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- UGANDA, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="ug">
+      <id>Africa/Kampala</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="um">
+      <!-- 12:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Wake</id>
+      <!-- -11:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Midway</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- UNITED STATES -->
+    <country code="us">
+      <!-- -5:00 -->
+      <id>America/New_York</id>
+      <id>America/Detroit</id>
+      <id>America/Kentucky/Louisville</id>
+      <id>America/Kentucky/Monticello</id>
+      <id>America/Indiana/Indianapolis</id>
+      <id>America/Indiana/Vincennes</id>
+      <id>America/Indiana/Winamac</id>
+      <id>America/Indiana/Marengo</id>
+      <id>America/Indiana/Petersburg</id>
+      <id>America/Indiana/Vevay</id>
+      <!-- -6:00 -->
+      <id>America/Chicago</id>
+      <id>America/Indiana/Knox</id>
+      <id>America/Menominee</id>
+      <id>America/North_Dakota/Center</id>
+      <id>America/North_Dakota/New_Salem</id>
+      <id>America/Indiana/Tell_City</id>
+      <id>America/North_Dakota/Beulah</id>
+      <!-- -7:00 -->
+      <id>America/Denver</id>
+      <id>America/Boise</id>
+      <id>America/Phoenix</id>
+      <!-- -8:00 -->
+      <id>America/Los_Angeles</id>
+      <!-- -9:00 -->
+      <id>America/Anchorage</id>
+      <id>America/Juneau</id>
+      <id>America/Yakutat</id>
+      <id>America/Nome</id>
+      <id>America/Metlakatla</id>
+      <id>America/Sitka</id>
+      <!-- -10:00 -->
+      <id>Pacific/Honolulu</id>
+      <id>America/Adak</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- URUGUAY, -3:00 -->
+    <country code="uy">
+      <id>America/Montevideo</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- UZBEKISTAN, 5:00 -->
+    <country code="uz">
+      <id>Asia/Tashkent</id>
+      <id>Asia/Samarkand</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE), 1:00 -->
+    <country code="va">
+      <id>Europe/Vatican</id>
+    </country>
+    <country code="vc">
+      <id>America/St_Vincent</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- VENEZUELA, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="ve">
+      <id>America/Caracas</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH, -4:00 -->
+    <country code="vg">
+      <id>America/Tortola</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S., -4:00 -->
+    <country code="vi">
+      <id>America/St_Thomas</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- VIET NAM, 7:00 -->
+    <country code="vn">
+      <id>Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- VANUATU, 11:00 -->
+    <country code="vu">
+      <id>Pacific/Efate</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- WALLIS AND FUTUNA, 12:00 -->
+    <country code="wf">
+      <id>Pacific/Wallis</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SAMOA, 13:00 -->
+    <country code="ws">
+      <id>Pacific/Apia</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- YEMEN, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="ye">
+      <id>Asia/Aden</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- MAYOTTE, 3:00 -->
+    <country code="yt">
+      <id>Indian/Mayotte</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- SOUTH AFRICA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="za">
+      <id>Africa/Johannesburg</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ZAMBIA, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="zm">
+      <id>Africa/Lusaka</id>
+    </country>
+    <!-- ZIMBABWE, 2:00 -->
+    <country code="zw">
+      <id>Africa/Harare</id>
+    </country>
+  </countryzones>
diff --git a/input_data/iana/MODULE_LICENSE_PUBLIC_DOMAIN b/input_data/iana/MODULE_LICENSE_PUBLIC_DOMAIN
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input_data/iana/MODULE_LICENSE_PUBLIC_DOMAIN
diff --git a/input_data/iana/NOTICE b/input_data/iana/NOTICE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148eb23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input_data/iana/NOTICE
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+With a few exceptions, all files in the tz code and data (including
+this one) are in the public domain.  The exceptions are date.c,
+newstrftime.3, and strftime.c, which contain material derived from BSD
+and which use the BSD 3-clause license.
diff --git a/input_data/iana/tzdata2017b.tar.gz b/input_data/iana/tzdata2017b.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53a4963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input_data/iana/tzdata2017b.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tzdatautil.py b/tzdatautil.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8d3b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tzdatautil.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import sys
+"""Shared functions for use in tzdata scripts."""
+def GetIanaTarFile(dir_name):
+  matching_files = []
+  for filename in os.listdir(dir_name):
+    if filename.startswith('tzdata20') and filename.endswith('.tar.gz'):
+      matching_files.append(filename);
+  if len(matching_files) == 0:
+    return None
+  elif len(matching_files) == 1:
+    return '%s/%s' % (dir_name, matching_files[0])
+  else:
+    print 'Multiple tzdata files found unexpectedly %s' % matching_files
+    sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/update-tzdata.py b/update-tzdata.py
index bf08c2d..14a84c5 100755
--- a/update-tzdata.py
+++ b/update-tzdata.py
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
 #!/usr/bin/python -B
-"""Updates the timezone data held in bionic and ICU."""
+# Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Generates the timezone data files used by Android."""
 import ftplib
 import glob
@@ -15,6 +29,7 @@
 import i18nutil
+import tzdatautil
 import updateicudata
 regions = ['africa', 'antarctica', 'asia', 'australasia',
@@ -25,19 +40,21 @@
 # Calculate the paths that are referred to by multiple functions.
 android_build_top = i18nutil.GetAndroidRootOrDie()
-bionic_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/bionic' % android_build_top)
-bionic_libc_zoneinfo_dir = '%s/libc/zoneinfo' % bionic_dir
-i18nutil.CheckDirExists(bionic_libc_zoneinfo_dir, 'bionic/libc/zoneinfo')
-zone_compactor_dir = '%s/system/timezone/zone_compactor' % android_build_top
-i18nutil.CheckDirExists(zone_compactor_dir, 'system/timezone/zone_compactor')
+timezone_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/system/timezone' % android_build_top)
+i18nutil.CheckDirExists(timezone_dir, 'system/timezone')
+zone_compactor_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/system/timezone/zone_compactor' % android_build_top)
+i18nutil.CheckDirExists(timezone_dir, 'system/timezone/zone_zompactor')
+timezone_input_data_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/input_data' % timezone_dir)
+# TODO(nfuller): Move to {timezone_dir}/output_data. http://b/36882778
+timezone_output_data_dir = '%s/bionic/libc/zoneinfo' % android_build_top
+i18nutil.CheckDirExists(timezone_output_data_dir, 'bionic/libc/zoneinfo')
 tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-tzdata')
-def GetCurrentTzDataVersion():
-  return open('%s/tzdata' % bionic_libc_zoneinfo_dir).read().split('\x00', 1)[0]
 def WriteSetupFile(extracted_iana_dir):
   """Writes the list of zones that ZoneCompactor should process."""
   links = []
@@ -63,20 +80,6 @@
   return zone_compactor_setup_file
-def FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, filename):
-  ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, open(filename, 'wb').write)
-def FtpRetrieveFileAndSignature(ftp, data_filename):
-  """Downloads and repackages the given data from the given FTP server."""
-  print 'Downloading data...'
-  FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, data_filename)
-  print 'Downloading signature...'
-  signature_filename = '%s.asc' % data_filename
-  FtpRetrieveFile(ftp, signature_filename)
 def BuildIcuData(iana_tar_file):
   icu_build_dir = '%s/icu' % tmp_dir
@@ -85,15 +88,6 @@
-def CheckSignature(data_filename):
-  signature_filename = '%s.asc' % data_filename
-  print 'Verifying signature...'
-  # If this fails for you, you probably need to import Paul Eggert's public key:
-  # gpg --recv-keys ED97E90E62AA7E34
-  subprocess.check_call(['gpg', '--trusted-key=ED97E90E62AA7E34', '--verify',
-                         signature_filename, data_filename])
 def BuildTzdata(iana_tar_file):
   iana_tar_filename = os.path.basename(iana_tar_file)
   new_version = re.search('(tzdata.+)\\.tar\\.gz', iana_tar_filename).group(1)
@@ -125,45 +119,33 @@
   zone_tab_file = '%s/zone.tab' % extracted_iana_dir
   subprocess.check_call(['java', '-cp', class_files_dir, 'ZoneCompactor',
                          zone_compactor_setup_file, zic_output_dir, zone_tab_file,
-                         bionic_libc_zoneinfo_dir, new_version])
+                         timezone_output_data_dir, new_version])
+def BuildTzlookup():
+  # We currently just copy a manually-maintained xml file.
+  tzlookup_source_file = '%s/android/tzlookup.xml' % timezone_input_data_dir
+  tzlookup_dest_file = '%s/tzlookup.xml' % timezone_output_data_dir
+  shutil.copyfile(tzlookup_source_file, tzlookup_dest_file)
 # Run with no arguments from any directory, with no special setup required.
 # See http://www.iana.org/time-zones/ for more about the source of this data.
 def main():
-  print 'Found bionic in %s ...' % bionic_dir
+  print 'Found source data file structure in %s ...' % timezone_input_data_dir
+  iana_data_dir = '%s/iana' % timezone_input_data_dir
+  iana_tar_file = tzdatautil.GetIanaTarFile(iana_data_dir)
+  print 'Found IANA time zone data %s ...' % iana_tar_file
+  print 'Found android output dir in %s ...' % timezone_output_data_dir
   print 'Found icu in %s ...' % updateicudata.icuDir()
-  print 'Looking for new tzdata...'
-  tzdata_filenames = []
-  ftp = ftplib.FTP('ftp.iana.org')
-  ftp.login()
-  ftp.cwd('tz/releases')
-  for filename in ftp.nlst():
-    if filename.startswith('tzdata20') and filename.endswith('.tar.gz'):
-      tzdata_filenames.append(filename)
-  tzdata_filenames.sort()
-  # If you're several releases behind, we'll walk you through the upgrades
-  # one by one.
-  current_version = GetCurrentTzDataVersion()
-  current_filename = '%s.tar.gz' % current_version
-  for filename in tzdata_filenames:
-    if filename > current_filename:
-      print 'Found new tzdata: %s' % filename
-      i18nutil.SwitchToNewTemporaryDirectory()
-      FtpRetrieveFileAndSignature(ftp, filename)
-      CheckSignature(filename)
-      iana_tar_file = '%s/%s' % ( os.getcwd(), filename)
-      BuildIcuData(iana_tar_file)
-      BuildTzdata(iana_tar_file)
-      print 'Look in %s and %s for new data files' % (bionic_dir, updateicudata.icuDir())
-      sys.exit(0)
-  print 'You already have the latest tzdata in bionic (%s)!' % current_version
+  BuildIcuData(iana_tar_file)
+  BuildTzdata(iana_tar_file)
+  BuildTzlookup()
+  print 'Look in %s and %s for new data files' % (timezone_output_data_dir, updateicudata.icuDir())
diff --git a/zone_compactor/main/java/ZoneCompactor.java b/zone_compactor/main/java/ZoneCompactor.java
index 2d598fe..c3c1089 100644
--- a/zone_compactor/main/java/ZoneCompactor.java
+++ b/zone_compactor/main/java/ZoneCompactor.java
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
 import java.io.*;
 import java.util.*;