[automerger skipped] Merge "Empty merge of sc-v2-dev-plus-aosp-without-vendor@8433047" into stage-aosp-master am: a095092266 -s ours

am skip reason: Merged-In I43d74a085134095c4006856e9fa32fa2d77b6715 with SHA-1 1d3ff6c479 is already in history

Original change: https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/system/tools/aidl/+/17805543

Change-Id: I509d36b6ae881fcd9a51e47f26f4dc624e54aae9
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>
tree: 08cda715cdc47d8bc227b00027827abc69a2d4ec
  1. aidl_api/
  2. build/
  3. metadata/
  4. tests/
  5. trace/
  6. aidl-format.sh
  7. aidl.cpp
  8. aidl.h
  9. aidl_checkapi.cpp
  10. aidl_checkapi.h
  11. aidl_const_expressions.cpp
  12. aidl_dumpapi.cpp
  13. aidl_dumpapi.h
  14. aidl_language.cpp
  15. aidl_language.h
  16. aidl_language_l.ll
  17. aidl_language_y.yy
  18. aidl_to_cpp.cpp
  19. aidl_to_cpp.h
  20. aidl_to_cpp_common.cpp
  21. aidl_to_cpp_common.h
  22. aidl_to_java.cpp
  23. aidl_to_java.h
  24. aidl_to_ndk.cpp
  25. aidl_to_ndk.h
  26. aidl_to_rust.cpp
  27. aidl_to_rust.h
  28. aidl_typenames.cpp
  29. aidl_typenames.h
  30. aidl_unittest.cpp
  31. Android.bp
  32. ast_java.cpp
  33. ast_java.h
  34. ast_java_unittest.cpp
  35. check_valid.cpp
  36. check_valid.h
  37. code_writer.cpp
  38. code_writer.h
  39. code_writer_unittest.cpp
  40. comments.cpp
  41. comments.h
  42. diagnostics.cpp
  43. diagnostics.h
  44. diagnostics.inc
  45. diagnostics_unittest.cpp
  46. generate_aidl_mappings.cpp
  47. generate_aidl_mappings.h
  48. generate_cpp.cpp
  49. generate_cpp.h
  50. generate_cpp_unittest.cpp
  51. generate_java.cpp
  52. generate_java.h
  53. generate_java_binder.cpp
  54. generate_ndk.cpp
  55. generate_ndk.h
  56. generate_rust.cpp
  57. generate_rust.h
  58. hiddenapi-greylist
  59. import_resolver.cpp
  60. import_resolver.h
  61. io_delegate.cpp
  62. io_delegate.h
  63. io_delegate_unittest.cpp
  64. location.cpp
  65. location.h
  66. logging.cpp
  67. logging.h
  68. main.cpp
  69. NOTICE
  70. options.cpp
  71. options.h
  72. options_unittest.cpp
  73. os.h
  74. OWNERS
  75. parser.cpp
  76. parser.h
  77. permission.cpp
  78. permission.h
  79. preprocess.cpp
  80. preprocess.h
  81. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  82. README.md
  83. run_integration_tests.sh

Documentation for this project is currently maintained here:
