Make it difficult to force update AIDL API signature files

We have found that people tend to ignore build errors and force update
the frozen AIDL API signature files. To better prevent it from
happening, this change

- Makes the error message more visible and explicit. The message also
explains why force updating the API signature files are not allowed.

- Put similar warning messages to the API signature files as comment
when the new signature API files are created.

Bug: 134452637
Test: add a random method to IBaz.aidl and run `m test-root-package`
"ERROR: AIDL API change detected on a released platform" is shown.

Test: `m test-root-package-freeze-api`
build/api/3/test_package/IBaz.aidl contains the warning message
(cherry picked from commit f1bc25ed27703e69ff87ecc1c59e204eac2297cf)
Merged-In: I860620daa61770a68990456fafd9e5950fde9405
Change-Id: I860620daa61770a68990456fafd9e5950fde9405
4 files changed